
The night wind blowing up from the sea mixed with the wet and salty smell hit your face.

Diana was very proud of having successfully acquired a "magic costume". The girl held her body high and held the long sword in her hand, raising her toes slightly to look at the sea in the distance.

"Let's go when you're ready." Jino walked up to the girl and gently hugged her waist.

"Of course I'm ready." Diana pursed her lips and subconsciously turned her head to look at the paradise island behind her. This was her first time leaving the island, and she felt a little more nostalgic in her heart.

"Then let's go." Gino no longer gave Diana time to miss her, and put his right arm around Diana's waist.


Manipulating the biological force field, the two people rose out of thin air, like cloud-piercing rockets launched into the sky, piercing the night sky and disappearing into the sky, leaving only a "scratch" caused by the excessive speed.

Shortly after the two left, two figures slowly walked out of a small slope not far from the beach. It was Queen Hippolyta and her general.

"Queen, Diana just left with that boy?" The female general looked at the dark night sky bitterly.

Hippolyta sighed slightly, looked at the clouds above her head with a complex expression and said: "The young eagle will always spread its wings and fly, her future is the stars and the sea."

"But the outside world is dangerous..."

"I believe that the boy who calls himself "God" will protect Diana."


"Because such a strong person would not bother to lie." Hippolyta smiled and shook her head: "Let's go."


"let's go."

It took almost thirty seconds and only a few breaths. When Diana came to her senses, the two of them were already standing outside a bar not far from the famous London Bridge in England.

As an established power, the British Empire was the leader in the world before its little brother, the United States, stood up and took charge.

As the birthplace of the first industrial revolution, the use of steam engines spread throughout the streets.

The ferries roared and blew out large amounts of smoke from their chimneys as they slowly passed under the bridge, and the air was filled with a pungent chemical smell.

There are all kinds of dirty industrial waste floating in the river.

Dirty stray cats and dogs roam the streets, and from time to time you can see drunken homeless people lying on the floor everywhere.

The war pressure brought about by World War I took a heavy hit on everyone's income, and many unemployed people chose to numb themselves with cheap alcohol.

If future generations of monsters, environmentalists, vegetarians and animal protectors saw this, they would probably be furious to death on the spot.

"This, this is human society?"

At this moment, beside the bridge, Diana looked at the surrounding scenes with a blank look on her face, including large jet boats and cars.

There were also all kinds of weird gadgets that shocked Diana.

She thought human society was beautiful, but what she saw now was comparable to Hades' hell.

"It's part of it." Gino yawned: "Remember your goal is to kill Ares. What are you going to do?"

His words brought Diana's mind back to reality, and the girl frowned slightly, as if thinking.

She frowned and held her chin with her little hand.

The little mind was thinking crazily about the next plan.

However, this appearance in Jino's eyes gave him a feeling of déjà vu.

No, Diana's expression looks like an old friend named Clark?

I sighed in my heart, don’t imitate Clark! One reckless man is enough.

But before Gino could react, Diana seemed to have given up thinking. She spread her hands and looked at Gino pitifully with her big eyes and said, "I don't know. I want to hear your opinion."

"Pa!" Gino held up his forehead. Sure enough, as he had guessed, Diana, like Clark, was a reckless type.

Speaking of which, the characters of DC heroes are quite interesting. If you are strong, then your strategy will not be enough, and vice versa.

Having truly experienced Batman's mood, Gino sighed and said, "You don't think about what I say and what you do, do you?"

"Uh, no, I will also think about it myself." Diana's averted eyes undoubtedly betrayed her.

Sighing, Gino suppressed his temper and patiently taught the girl: "If you want to fight a war, what should you do first?"

Listening to Gino's words, Diana said without thinking: "Take weapons and fight!"

Well, I can only say that he is truly an Amazon, with only one word "reckless" in his heart!

"Fight?" Gino almost laughed out loud at Diana. If he had asked Clark this question, the big boy might have said, "I listen to Gino." But when it came to Diana, he just wanted to fight no matter what.

"Forget it." Jino sighed again, patted the silly girl on the shoulder and said, "In a war, the first thing to do is to collect intelligence."

Gino raised his finger and taught Diana: "Collect intelligence, find clues, sort out the information, and formulate a plan."

"Through these four steps, a war can be supported."

Of course, what Jino said can be summarized in eight words from the Eastern Sage: "Know yourself and your enemy, and you will never be in danger in a hundred battles."

"Then where to collect information?" Diana tilted her head, but kept Gino's words firmly in her heart.

"It's very simple." Jino pointed to the tavern behind him: "The war is in full swing now, and any passerby can tell you some information."

"And the bar is a good place to get news because it's a mixed bag of people."



With their arms broken, and accompanied by screams of "Ah!", the two drunkards flew backwards and fell heavily into the muddy alley, their heads tilted and they fainted.

After cleaning up the two miscreants who coveted Diana's beauty, Gino and the girl walked side by side by the Thames River at night.

"What do you know?" Jino asked with slightly narrowed eyes.

"Well, the war was started by the Germans. A general named Ludendorff is now leading his men in an aggressive war, killing many innocent people."

Diana said with a serious face: "The only person who can do such a cruel act is Ares."

She concluded solemnly: "Ludendorff is Ares."

"As long as Ludendorff is eliminated, we can stop this war!"


"There's not much time left!"

In a dark underground laboratory.

A man wearing a gas mask screamed miserably.

In a transparent glass room, the experimenter wailed, and the skin exposed to the air was burned, boiled, and oozing blood.

"No, not enough!"

A woman with a mask on her face angrily pulled the gate to terminate the experiment.

She raised her gaze, looking in awe at the tall and burly figure standing by the window not far away.

"Dr. Maru, are you still unable to overcome the problem of gas masks?" The general with gray hair on his temples, wearing a dark green cloak, looked down at the scenery outside the window with cold eyes, and his thick fingers rubbed the firearm at his waist.

Dr. Maru was ashamed and quickly begged: "Give me some more time."

"I will definitely make poisonous gas that people will die if they inhale it!"

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