On the cave wall.

All kinds of strange paintings are sketched.

Jino's voice echoed in the cave.

"It has something to do with me?"

Clark rubbed his cheek with surprise on his face.

"Look there." Jino walked towards the center of the wall.

The top of the wall is imprinted with a series of meteor flames sliding down from the sky.

Then there was a mysterious flying machine that looked like a circular Frisbee.

The next picture shows the spaceship hatch wide open, and a man who is slightly larger than the other figures walks out of the hatch.

Clark looked at the pattern visually and told his reasoning: "A man in a spaceship fell from the sky?"

"It's not just that."

Jino stretched out his hand and pressed on a colorful painting: "This pattern means that this alien visitor can hunt wild beasts with his bare hands."

Clark looked at the painting that Gino was pressing, which was engraved with a picture of a strong little man fighting a tiger with his bare hands.

"So, what kind of person can hunt a tiger with his bare hands?"

Jino raised his eyebrows and looked at the groove in the center of the stone wall.

"Does this thing look familiar?"

The prismatic eight-sided cubic groove seems to reveal some secrets as long as something is embedded in it.

This reminded Gino of the prismatic fragment in Lex's hand.

"I seem to have seen this fragment before?" Clark frowned and said, "My spaceship also has this groove."


Clark felt as if a big stone was weighing on his heart and he couldn't breathe.

"My ancestors, no, we should say our ancestors." Clark looked up at Jino: "He once visited the planet!"

Clark was so excited that he clenched his fists and felt his breathing quicken.

Clark brainstormed: "Then what is their purpose of coming to Earth?"

The big boy looked at Jino, hoping that the young man could give him an answer.

However, Jino just shrugged and replied like a bachelor: "I don't know."

The atmosphere was somewhat silent for a while, until a bright light hit the two of them through the corner.

"Who?" Clark frowned and looked around the corner, his face serious.

"Who are you?"

A female voice sounded slowly, and then, a pair of straight long legs walked towards the two of them with brisk steps.

The slim figure is paired with denim sports shorts, purple short-sleeved upper body, and healthy skin on her arms, which proves that this girl exercises regularly.

This is undoubtedly a very beautiful girl, with a high nose and delicate facial features. A pair of violet eyes are slightly focused, staring at Gino and Clark with a slightly serious expression.

"What are you two doing here?"

"Well, we're here to investigate the werewolf incident." Clark explained nervously, seeming to see the girl's wariness. He waved his hand and said, "We don't mean any harm."

The girl glanced at Clark suspiciously, then her eyes fell on Gino again. She folded her hands and said, "I recognize you, the young master of the Luther family."

The girl put down her hands, feeling relieved in her heart.

The Ziben family and the Ziben family are not monolithic. As long as they are people, there will be conflicts. According to the information the girl learned, Wayne Enterprises and the Luther family are in a competitive relationship.

"So, do you know the meaning of the murals here?" Jino saw the wolf teeth hanging from the girl's earlobes.

Just like Nico likes to hang a gold chain around his neck, the wolf teeth hanging in the girl's ears prove her identity: Indian.

However, based on the girl's appearance, Gino speculated that she might be of mixed race.

“I didn’t expect you to find these murals.”

The girl stepped towards the two of them, her eyes fell on the exquisite murals on the wall, and she sighed and said, "These are the stories of Naama."

"Naamah? What is that?"

The girl looked at the strong little man on the mural:

"In our legends, Naamah rains fire from the sky."

"He is so powerful that the strength of one person can be equal to the strength of ten people."

"The eyes can shoot out hot rays and melt everything."

Listening to the girl's description, Clark glanced at Gino with a shocked expression.

Just like what Jino said, the murals on this cave are indeed related to his life experience.

"Okay, this is the story. My grandfather knows more about legends than I do." Keira rubbed her shoulders and looked at the two of them: "So, do you want to leave here?"

"I can take you out."

Clark pursed his lips and looked at Gino. He planned to listen to his friend's choice.

Gino winked at Clark, suggesting he take care of it.

"Okay, let's leave with you." Geno said to Keira, while extending his right hand: "Nice to meet you, I am Geno Luther."

"My name is Keira." The girl stroked her long hair.

"Clark Kent."

After leaving the cave, the two parted ways with Keira.

When the girl walked away, Clark couldn't wait to put his hands on Jino's shoulders: "Did you hear that? Jino is so powerful that he can shoot flames from his eyes."

"The events recorded on the stone wall are our ancestors."

"Well, judging from the current situation, that is indeed the case."

Clark shook his friend's body: "So what should we do?"

Gino narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking about the prismatic stone he got from Lex, and then looked at Clark. Gino sighed: "Maybe there is something I need to tell you."

Patting his friend's shoulder, Jino said quietly:

"I have seen the prismatic stones on the stone wall."

"Ever since I saw the green stone, I have been asking people to collect stones in the town."

"And a few months ago, someone found the prismatic stone in the quagmire east of the town."

He looked into Clark's eyes, which were full of shock, and in addition, there was a hint of fear.

Clark seems to be very much looking forward to but also afraid of getting close to the truth about his life experience. This is a contradictory mentality.

"So, so?" The big boy's face tightened and he swallowed.

"If you really want to know the truth, come to the cave to find me early tonight."

The young man let go of Clark's arm and said quietly: "Of course, you can also choose to give up exploring your true identity."

"Choose to live as Clark Kent."

Gino waved to Clark, smiled and turned away, leaving a sentence before leaving: "Sometimes knowing too much is a kind of torture for yourself."

"The choice is yours, Clark."

Watching Gino's figure disappear on the hillside, Clark slumped to the ground with a depressed look on his face.

Looking at the setting sun, Clark was filled with tangles in his heart.

Just like the meaning implied in Keno's words.

Clark also had some vague guesses.

The truth behind his own arrival on Earth may not be simple.

The reason is also very simple. Just like the law of the jungle, higher civilizations will only exploit and plunder lower civilizations. How can an elephant reason with a monkey?

Clark looked down at the watch on his wrist.

There is still some time before dawn arrives, and now, you should think about whether to choose to contact the truth.

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