What is time like?

Like quicksand, like the night wind, like a rushing river that never returns.

When a few drops of water hit Jino's cheek, his blue eyes opened faintly.

He heard the rapid breathing of soldiers waiting outside the iron gate a hundred meters away.

They were fully armed and stood ready with M4 light assault rifles and M41 assault rifles.

The commander of the base there issued an order: "When the iron gate opens ten seconds later, everyone will fire in unison to form a suppressive fire!"

The soldiers nodded silently, and these sharp soldiers who had experienced many battles clenched the handles of their guns.

Ten seconds flew by.

The moment the iron door opened, dense bullets burst out and intertwined into a red fire net in the air. In the night, it was like a big red net, overwhelmingly hitting the figure.

"Okay, I gave you a chance." Jino sighed, looking at the bullets flying in unison and the nervous-looking soldiers, his blue eyes dimly lit up with blue light.

The next moment, the maximum output blue light stream swept across the entire dam like a strong wind carrying a cold current.

Everywhere he passed was covered in ice for thousands of miles.

Concrete stone walls, bullets, iron doors, soldiers.

Everything was swept away by the cold current in an instant~


It was like the crisp sound of water condensing into ice, and the expressions of the people who were still breathing a second ago condensed. In just a moment, everyone was condensed into the thick perfect ice by the blue light.

Lifelike expressions of horror were fixed on people's faces.

However, what is even more magnificent is the river under the dam.

The waterfall swept by the beam is also frozen. Viewed from a height, it looks like a frozen waterfall in the Ice Age. It is spectacular and beautiful.


Jino extinguished the freezing ray and turned to look at the hillside on the other side of the dam: "You can come out now."


Optimus Prime, who transformed into a humanoid form, led the other Autobots carefully onto the dam.

The slippery roadside forced the Autobots to change their weapons and swords and insert them into the roadside to move forward hard.

The frozen waterfall and the entire dam.

This grand scene, which seemed to be only possible with a Star Destroyer weapon, made many Autobots feel not only shocked but also a little scared.

"Follow me, the source of fire is inside."

Jino bypassed the group of frozen soldiers and walked straight into the underground base.

This underground base is divided into two floors, and the room where Megatron and the source of fire are stored is located on the second underground floor.

Using freezing rays to freeze the blocking base guards along the way, Bumblebee and others successfully followed Gino to the second underground floor.

As soon as they arrived at the second underground level, Optimus Prime gave instructions to his Autobots.

"Bumblebee, you and Ratchet go to the storage room to recover the source of the fire."

"Ambulance, you and Sir carefully carry the frozen humans and move them to a safe place."

Gino is not surprised by Optimus Prime's performance. This guy is a holy mother in the true sense. He has a heart for the common people and has a fearless character that will sacrifice himself to save all sentient beings if he disagrees.

Geno ignored it, but Optimus Prime looked at Geno with a serious face (well, let alone seeing a serious look on a robot's face): "I don't know your name yet, sir."

"Geno Luther."

"Okay, Mr. Gino." Optimus Prime looked at Gino and said in a low tone: "Thank you for your help to the planet Cybertron. You are our Autobots' forever friend."

"We will remember our friendship with you and engrave your name in our Cybertron history!"

As he spoke, Optimus Prime's metal prosthetic eyes even glowed with fog lights. Perhaps they were tears for humans?

"Uh, I'm honored?" Jino had a bitter look on his face. He was not used to playing the role of a good guy's savior.

But, then I thought about it, maybe the DC universe is too dark, and I was unknowingly affected by it, and I like to play the dark and deep style?

"Anyway, let's complete the deal first."

Gino changed the subject, intending not to discuss the theory of good and evil.

At this time, Bumblebee also walked towards Optimus Prime, holding an object that looked like dark black metal magic in his hand.

"This is the key to the continuation of our Cybertron life." Optimus Prime carefully caught the Rubik's Cube, then looked at Gino and nodded: "I will start building it for you right now."

"But before that, what do you want the life you created to be called?"


Gino frowned slightly. To be honest, he hadn't thought about what his Cybertronian intelligent life should be called.

Skynet? Ultron? Brainiac? Too unlucky and unlucky.

If he couldn't think of it, he just didn't want to think about it. Jino decided to let the creature decide the name by itself.

Along with Optimus Prime, press the source of fire to start the energy engine.

The crimson beam of light hit a piece of Cybertronian metal brought by the ambulance.

As the energy beam changes and extinguishes, the hot light changes its structure from deep within the metal.

The metal that was originally the size of a brick transformed and transformed into a touch-screen smartphone.

Jino stepped forward and picked up the phone, his hands slightly cold.

Optimus Prime's voice sounded behind Gino: "The intelligence of the newly born Cybertronian life needs to increase over time, but I have set the basic program."

"He will remain absolutely faithful to you."

"Moreover, I also added many powerful abilities to him." Optimus Prime blinked at Gino as if imitating humans.


Jino put away his cell phone. To be honest, it was quite convenient to have this thing with him.

"Then, now that the cooperation is complete, it's time for me to leave." Jino took out the mask from his jacket pocket.

"Wait a minute."

Just when Gino was about to put on his mask and leave, Bumblebee stopped Gino.

This yellow metal giant, who was more than ten meters tall, slowly squatted down. He clenched his right fist and struck his left chest. He looked at Jino seriously: "Friend, I will miss you!"

"Although we haven't known each other long, you are a good person, Mr. Keno."

Well, Bruce, who was far away in the DC universe, sneezed in doubt.

The other Autobots also knelt down to show their respect for Geno. Optimus Prime clenched his right fist and pressed it on the energy source of his heart, and said in a low voice: "We will miss you friend, forever friend, Geno. Luther."

"You guys" Gino was a little dumbfounded, but he was indeed moved by these simple Autobots from Cybertron.

It was a cooperation, but they thanked Jino from the bottom of their hearts. No wonder Megatron would angrily scold humans as dirty and despicable creatures.

To a certain extent, humans are indeed more insidious and cunning than Cybertronians.

"I know." Gino smiled. The young man followed their example and pressed his chest with his fist. He looked around at the Autobots with a smile on his face and said, "If I have time, I will come back to reunite with you."

After saying that, under the attention of all the Autobots, Gino put on his mask, and the blue particle beam enveloped his body.

Under the envelope of quantum energy, Jino's figure slowly dissipated, as if he had never appeared in this world.

Happy New Year, friends. In the new year, Xiao Mo will work harder to polish the plot and strive to bring a better reading experience to readers. I also wish everyone good health (funny face) and everything in the new year. All the best, your family will be happy and safe, and you will make a lot of money!

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