It's another day after school.

Inside the campus daily newspaper office.

Dense piles of newspapers and papers were piled all over the room.

Chloe clicked on the keyboard and stared at the screen:

"Interesting, I found some interesting things about Byron."

Since their separation last night, Lana has asked Chloe to help investigate matters related to Byron.

And Chloe is indeed a talented reporter. In just a few minutes, she found information about Byron.

"What is it?"

Lana moved closer behind Chloe, and Chloe pointed at the computer.

"Eight years ago, Byron participated in a medical experiment in the Metron region."

"And the owner of Metron, the company behind this experiment, is none other than Lionel."

"The Luther Group is a large capital company, so it shouldn't be unusual to be involved in medicine?"

Clark, who was sitting on the sofa, bit the apple in his hand and shrugged: "So, Byron is also involved?"

"That's right." Chloe manipulated the mouse to close the computer: "Those children have anti-social behavior."

Lana looked at Chloe in surprise: "But that doesn't make sense. Byron seems quite polite."

The group of people walked out of the newspaper office. Chloe smiled and teased Lana: "Wow, it seems that our Juliet has been disturbed by Romeo."

"After going through so much, you should also understand that you cannot judge a person's character from his appearance."

"No, it's just that he seems sincere." Lana hesitated: "Maybe we have to go to his house and have a look?"

The eastern part of the town of Smallville.

Different from the prosperity in the central location, this place is vast and sparsely populated. As far as the eye can see, there are only a few huts standing on the vast plain.

"Hello, is anyone here?" Clark and Chloe walked towards the lonely cabin.

The hut built of wooden boards with white paint on the outside looks very shabby, and many of the wooden boards are old and decayed. It seems that they will collapse with just a slight push.

"Da da~" Lana walked forward and knocked politely.

But the room was completely silent, without any sound, as if the owner of this room might have left without a trace.

"let me."

Clark pursed his lips and took out a piece of wire from his pocket.

As the wire was inserted into the keyhole, Clark just tinkered with it for a moment.


The originally closed wooden door opened, and a quiet and dark room came into view.

There was a sour smell floating in the air, as if it had become moldy since it had not been cleaned for a long time.

But the presence of leftover food on the dining table indicated that the room was occupied.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Lana put her hands in front of her mouth and shouted like a trumpet.

Still no one responded.

Chloe shrugged: "Maybe we should leave. There is no one here. Byron shouldn't be here."

"No, I think there are still places I haven't checked." Clark shook his head, his eyes scanning the floor.

The advantage of Kryptonians lies in this. The ability to see through the surface of objects allows them to easily see some details that others have not discovered.

He stared at the floor under his feet and said with a strange expression: "Byron is at our feet."

As he spoke, Clark lifted up the dirty carpet on the floor, and an iron door buckled on the floor suddenly appeared.

"Oh my God." Lana immediately reached out to cover her mouth. She had a bad guess in her heart: "Is Byron locked in this cellar by his parents?"

Clark didn't talk nonsense.

The entrance bound by the iron rope was only a slight tug for him.

The terrifying force tore apart the chains.


Clark opened the cellar, and the dust kicked up made everyone cover their mouths and noses.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, a wooden ladder was quietly placed under the cellar, but it was pitch black inside.

"Byron, are you in there?"

Lana knelt down and called to the entrance of the cave, and this time, Byron's voice sounded inside.

"Leave me alone, get out of here!"

His voice sounded anxious and panicked.

However, this sentence fell into Lana's ears and became ironclad evidence that Byron's parents abused their children.

"It is unbelievable that Byron's parents imprisoned their son."

Lana was shaking with rage, and she couldn't help but be the first to climb down the stairs to see poor Byron.

"Let's go down and have a look."

Clark was also a little angry.

Several people climbed down the stairs.

And when they stepped on the wine cellar floor, they discovered that the environment here was far worse than they imagined.

There were several kerosene lamps placed in the small space, surrounded by densely packed books, and except for a small bed, there was nothing else.

What is even more infuriating is that in such a dark space, how can it be a place for people to survive?

Everyone's eyes fell on the naked figure lying on the bed.

Byron was covering his cheeks with his hands, and the black iron handcuffs on his wrists attracted attention.

"Oh my God, Byron, what are they doing to you?"

Clark walked quickly towards Byron and looked at the shackles on Byron's hands with a look of shock on his face: "This is a kind of imprisonment."

"No, this is not what you see." Byron shook his head and couldn't help but retreat.

There was an ominous premonition in his heart. These new friends may harm you.

But Byron's reaction seemed unreasonable to Lana and others. The poor guy might have been persecuted by his parents for a long time and was already unconscious.

Lana and Clark looked at each other and shouted in unison: "No, we have to get you out!"

Without even giving Byron a chance to explain, Clark pulled open the chains imprisoning Byron with a gentle tug.

Then without any explanation, he grabbed the boy's shoulders and dragged him upstairs.

"No, don't do this. I broke my dad's heart when I went out last time." Byron swung his body wildly and tried to struggle, but he couldn't get out of the Kryptonian's arms.

The poor guy was carried up the stairs by Clark and walked out of the house. Although Byron struggled hard, Clark's strength was like a bull's and Byron couldn't resist at all.

Lana followed the two of them and comforted Byron: "We are doing this for your own good. Everything your parents told you are lies."

Seeing himself getting closer and closer to the sunlight at the exit, Byron let out a heartbreaking cry.

"No, don't do this!"


The gentle sunshine fell on Byron like the radiance of a goddess that illuminates all things.

The extremely warm light fell on Byron's naked upper body.

However, the sunshine, which seemed very warm to everyone, hit Byron like deadly poison.


Byron opened his mouth and wailed, then fell to the floor as if he had lost all strength. His hands and limbs were twitching wildly, as if he had been clicked.

"He, what happened to him?" Lana's eyes widened, not understanding what happened.

Chloe looked at the boy's symptoms and made an inference: "Is he allergic to the sun?"

Clark crouched down with some worry. Just as he was about to check on Byron, he heard Byron roaring: "Come on, I can't control myself anymore!"

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