late at night.

Located in a mountain villa in the west of the small town of Smallville.


A huge swimming pool filled with blue thermal water.

A beautiful figure swings her arms and paddles in the water. The weak orange light above her head shines on the pool, and the ripples of the pool reflect that beautiful and huge bro~.

Just like sleeping, some people like to wear underwear, while others.

All in all, Teacher Aikins obviously likes the latter, returning to the most primitive state of human beings, feeling the beauty of nature, and the wind blowing ~ it's so beautiful!


Her long and tight thighs stepped out of the water, bringing up splashes of water, and stepped out of the pool on the soles of her feet.

Aikins casually picked up the bathrobe on the ground and put it on her body, then walked towards the villa with her head raised.

Unlike the dim pool, Aikins' villa is brightly lit.

The ultimate light shines like a pilot beacon in the surrounding dark night.

It seems that she has done something wrong and killed too many people in the past, so Aikins will turn on all the lights in the villa every night, for fear that the people she once killed will come to seek her life.

Aikins picked up a towel and prepared to wipe off the water stains.

However, a playful voice suddenly sounded from the living room not far away:

"It seems a little too bright in here."

Akins was startled by the sudden sound. The woman hurriedly dropped her towel and looked around.

"Who is there!?"

look around.

She saw a silhouette sitting on the sofa through the glass.

But in the next moment, the figure originally sitting on the sofa suddenly disappeared as if the ice and snow were melting.

Aikins even doubted her own eyes.

"take it easy."

A voice sounded from behind, and a pair of arms gently wrapped around Ai Jinsi's neck.

The slightly rough hands caressed the woman's skin, making Ai Jinsi tense up, but she seemed to have heard this soft voice somewhere.

Aikins recalled it in her mind for a moment, then asked uncertainly:


"Good evening~"

Listening to Keno's voice,

Ai Jinsi's eyes widened and her brows furrowed.

She was surprised, how could this person come to her room silently?

Moreover, he disappeared out of thin air and stood behind him?

All kinds of doubts grew like weeds in Ai Jinsi's heart.

But then I thought about it, and the prey actually came to my door.

This brought a playful smile to Akins' face, like a cat seeing a mouse and she planned to play with her prey.

"Wow, I really didn't expect that my students would be so keen to ask me for advice on biology class."

The woman gently took a step forward to get rid of the arms, and slid the bathrobe down to her waist, half revealing the "full garden" spring scenery~.

Ai Jinsi turned around, with a charming smile on her face, and raised her hand to gently smooth her long wet hair.

She showed off her perfect figure to Gino so generously.

He put a hand to his lips and licked his fingertips with his tongue.

The mature woman's voice was charming and lazy: "So tell me, naughty boy, why are you here?"

Jino chuckled lightly, his face appropriately showing the evil smile of a second-generation playboy, and he said: "For what? Of course it is to finish what we didn't finish in the storage room in the morning."

The frivolous expression was no different from the wealthy second generation Tianlong people Aikins had seen in the past.

"Okay, then, how about a kiss first?"

The woman slowly approached, lightly opened her red lips and said, "Also, you can just call me Ai Jinsi in school. At other times, I prefer you to call me Dai Cerui."

She reached out and took Jino's big hand, pulling him into the living room and sitting on the sofa.

Aikins then curls up the long hair to avoid subsequent steps where the hair strands would impede saliva exchange.

She shook the pair of plump and very moist vicious weapons, and said teasingly: "To be honest, I originally planned to find you, but you are from the famous Luther family."

Gino also seemed very cheerful, smiling and joking with the woman, shrugging his shoulders: "As Luther, I'm sorry."

"No." Aikins lowered her head slightly, raised her eyes slightly, cast a charming look at Jino, and said as if pointing: "There is no need to apologize, it is precisely because you are from the Luther family that I chose you. "

Ai Jinsi's original charming smile disappeared like ice and snow, a cold light flashed in her eyes, she spread her legs and pounced on Jino, and pressed her red lips towards the boy.

She wrapped her arms around her neck and hugged Jino's neck. While breathing faster, the warm air hit Jino's cheek. She said: "Most girls like older men, but I don't. I like young and energetic ones." Yes, what they lack in experience they make up for in enthusiasm.”

"In fact, we can strengthen our relationship right now!"

Akins can't wait. When she completes her plan, she can control Gino to murder Lex, and then kill the blind Lionel. Everything in the Luthor family will be hers! Billions of wealth, countless luxury cars and mansions are all within easy reach!

The red lips were getting closer and closer, and wisps of pink breath drifted out from the corner of the woman's mouth, seeming to float towards Jino's mouth consciously.

However, if there is no accident, there will be an accident.

Just when Akins mistakenly believed that victory was about to succeed...

A pair of iron arms instantly clasped the woman's delicate neck.

The huge force came and was thrown away like discarded garbage.

Her delicate body hit the wall, causing Aikins to groan.

Jino stood up expressionlessly and stared at Aikins indifferently. He just activated the miracle of clairvoyance and scanned the inner thigh of the woman to confirm his suspicion.

Akins heard Jinuo sneer: "Sorry, I have no interest in non-university."

Jino patted the water stains on his pants in disgust, and mocked the woman: "Everything just happened was just for fun, to explore your abilities."

"Now it is basically certain that you can control males through some special smells and make them fall in love with you crazily and obsessively. Then, you can use these males' crazy love for you to control them and make them do some terrible things. thing."

"But you will pretend to be an innocent victim and get everything you want easily."


Jino clapped his hands and slowly approached Aikins. Behind him, fierce flames slowly ignited.

"That's so smart, Ms. Akins!"

Looking at the mysterious boy's behavior at this moment, Akins, no matter how stupid he was, could guess that Jino was not an ordinary person.

The other party may be the same as himself, a person with superpowers who awakened after the meteor shower.

Thinking of the possible death she might encounter next, big tears ran down her cheeks, and she kept crying without forgetting to beg for mercy: "No, no, don't kill me. I am willing to be your Bichi. Please, let me go." , I can even get the membrane repaired!”

Jino was unmoved and just raised his right hand. In the next moment, a golden flame burned from the palm of Jino's hand: "I'm sorry, I like the original one."


The young man slowly knelt down and stared at Aikins condescendingly: "Let's play a game."

"This flame comes from heaven and is called the Fire of Judgment. The souls of guilty people will be turned into ashes under the burning of this flame."

Aikins stared at the flame in horror: "Of course, what happens next?"


"When a car loses its driver, can the car still run?"

Jino shook his finger: "In the same way, when a person has no soul, he is just a breathing but unable to move corpse."

Thanks to killvxk boss for the 100 point reward, thank you boss~

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