“Zhajiang noodles~”

In American Chinese food, a bowl of sweet and greasy pasta is served to the table.

Constantine held a fork in his hand and took a large swipe of noodles into his mouth without any image.

Most of the diners around are locals from the metropolitan area.

Entering the United States, a country dominated by sweets, even the broad and profound Chinese food has to make relative changes. Do you know about General Tso's Chicken?

Zatanna sat in the corner holding a magic book and flipping through it. She did not intend to participate in the conversation between the two men.

"So, can you lead us to find the psychic body?"

Gino took a sip of tea and stared at Constantine with a playful expression.

After eating a large bowl of fried noodles, Constantine wiped the sweet juice from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, and skillfully took out a cigarette from his pocket.

He glanced at the corner of the young man's eyebrows.

"Is there a fire?"

Jino chuckled, put his fingers close to the cigarette butt, and then snapped his fingers.


A cluster of flames dancing on the fingertips lit the cigarette, and the pungent smell of smoke filled the air.

Constantine was a little surprised by Gino's performance. How did he do that just now?

magic? But he didn't feel any trace of magic from Gino.

But obviously Constantine is a smart man, and he has no intention of exploring the other party's secrets.

"Let's get back to business."

Constantine knocked on the table.

There was ridicule in his eyes: "Yes, the damn psychic body."

"I know two."

"One is me."

The man pointed his finger at his chest without hesitation and said with a self-deprecating tone: "I could see those things when I was young."

“Things that humans can’t see and shouldn’t be able to see.”

"My family can't see it, and they're like most parents."

"They thought I was crazy, so they sent me to a mental hospital, and the doctors there used unique treatments to break my spirit."

"In the end I chose to commit suicide, and then I was revived."

"There I saw a vision of hell, and..."

"I'm not here to hear about your miserable childhood, John." Gino interrupted Constantine.

Constantine's experience was indeed tragic, but Gino was not interested in it. He stared at the man: "You try your best to help me, and when it is done, I will give you a reward."

Gino glanced at both sides of the man's chest. Through the skin, fat and blood vessels, Gino could see that there were already many black shadows inside Constantine's two lungs.

"Maybe it can also cure your lung cancer."

Constantine sneered and exhaled a breath of foul air from his nose.

"You know what disease I have, and there is no possibility of recovery."

"That's not necessarily the case. The world is so big and full of wonders, Constantine."

Jino said as he took out a bottle of amber gold from his pocket: "Never judge things you don't understand,"

The liquid sparkling with the crystal light of the Milky Way made the mocking smile on Constantine's face freeze.

As a liar, a master of lies, and a magician, he was naturally able to tell that the galactic light flashing in the liquid was not a magic trick.

"Whoosh, whoosh."

Constantine felt his breathing quicken. He subconsciously reached out to touch the vial, but a big hand grabbed his wrist.

"I'm talking about after it's done, Constantine." Gino smiled, but his tone was unquestionable.

"I understand." Constantine retracted his palm with a smile, but what Gino took out evoked a glimmer of hope in his originally frustrated heart.

He will indeed go to hell after his death, but if he can buy time, he may be able to change the outcome of going to hell.

"Tell me about another psychic body."

Jino waved lightly at the table, and the vial originally placed on the table disappeared as if out of thin air.

"That's right."

Constantine did not hesitate and told Kino the information he knew.

"Yesterday, a woman came to me and said that her sister had jumped from the building, and she called my name while jumping."

"I don't want to be a part of this, though."

"I discovered that the woman was being followed by a group of demons."

Jino nodded: "Continue."

"After that, I speculated that she was probably involved in some conspiracy between demons, and I helped her expel those demons."


Constantine sneered: "What kind of person can be favored by the devil?"

"For psychics like me, demons like to scare us and then drag people like us with special abilities into hell."

"The female police officer?"

Jino squinted and recalled the face of the woman in his mind. She was a policewoman with short burgundy hair. She had a police badge in her backpack, and hidden under her short shirt was a pistol.

An apartment in the Metropolitan East End.

Angela looked at the tall buildings of the Luther Group in the distance. She held her hands on the railings and opened her mouth to sigh: "Isabella."

A look of reminiscence flashed in the woman's eyes, Isabella, Angela's sister.

Just a week ago, her sister, a devout believer in God, committed suicide by jumping off a building without warning. This fact made the woman simply unable to accept this fact.

Her sister is a devout Christian, and suicide is an unforgivable sin in Christianity that leads to hell.

So Angela took advantage of the police to view the surveillance from that night.

Later, she got the name "Constantine" from her sister's mouth shape before jumping off the building.

"What does that mean exactly?"

Angela frowned, and after that, she found Constantine.

But the other party's image disappointed her.

A liar, a smoker, and a profanity-speaker.


The incandescent lights in the apartment flickered for no reason, and the surrounding electrical appliances also flickered erratically.

Angela came back to her senses and looked at the flashing electrical appliances around her.

Even the air in the room seemed a bit colder.

"what happened?"

Her body was tense.

After these recent events, women have begun to believe in doctrines such as devils and angels.


A voice that seemed to come from the abyss sounded in her ears from far to near.


As if the twisted voltage melted the filament, the flickering circuit suddenly went out after reaching a critical point.

The next moment.


A horrifying scream suddenly rang through the small apartment building.


When the lights came on again, all that was left in the house was a wooden chair that had fallen to the ground and a dark hole in the wall.

"Da da da~"

The hands of the clock are beating, and time is passing through space minute by minute.

Thirty minutes later,

"Dong dong~"

There was a knock on the door but no one answered. A male voice sounded faintly: "There is no one in the house."


The solid wooden door was cut like paper by the blazing sight.


As a large hole was cut out of the wooden door, a figure slowly stepped into the house.

Kino looked at the bachelor apartment.

The open wardrobe contained several sets of women's brooches, overturned chairs, and broken water glasses.

A light scent of women's perfume lingered on the tip of my nose.

The most eye-catching thing is the huge hole blasted in the wall.

"Looks like we're late."

Jino didn't look back and told the two people behind him.

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