"Too bad luck."

Metropolitan residential street crosswalk.

The electric lamps erected on both sides of the road late at night emitted a soft gleam and attached to the young men and women.

Zatanna tightened the white shorts around her body, regretting that she had worn so little.

From time to time, police cars and fire trucks whizzed by. Zatanna sighed: "Fortunately, I used a confusion spell on the girl before she woke up, so she couldn't remember our appearance."

“Choose wisely.”

Jino rubbed his neck with one hand and his eyes flickered: "What are you going to do next?"

Zatanna rolled her eyes: "How?"

"Of course I go home and sleep. Not to mention that the trip was in vain and a lot of my magic power was wasted."

Like other magicians, Zatanna doesn't like to meddle in other people's business, especially when it comes to messy things like the Children of Hell.

To use a folk saying from the country where the sky falls, there is a tall person to hold it up.

There are so many powerful people in the magic world, and Zatanna doesn't feel like she has to be the one.


The light flickered and the electricity groaned.

The street lights overhead seemed to be flickering as if disturbed by some strange magnetic field, and the light was as dazzling as the flashlights in a ballroom.

It seems to have reached some kind of critical point.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise, and the lampshades in the two rows from the front to the back were shattered.

A vast and dense curtain of darkness instantly enveloped the street.

"Something's wrong!"

As an expert in magic, Zatanna noticed the abnormality immediately. The girl's originally gentle eyebrows raised together and her face turned ugly: "We are being targeted."


There were dense and frequent whistling sounds from all directions, which seemed to be the flapping wings of thousands of mosquitoes.

Jino narrowed his eyes slightly and looked through the pitch-black night. Thousands of green flies were waving their wings and whizzing towards the two of them.

"Sparkling bright!" Zatanna made a "mouth" seal with her hands.

Purple magic energy surged, and in the next moment, blazing white light illuminated the entire street, hiding the figure in the darkness.

Thousands of flies were flying, they intertwined and condensed with each other, and then turned into a terrifying humanoid creature.

This squirming humanoid shape composed of countless flies outlines the cheek of a demon. It roars at Gino and Zatanna: "Magic, you are not allowed to participate in this matter!"

"Now, you're going to pay the price."

After finishing speaking, the insect human form suddenly exploded, and countless flapping insects opened their tiny mouthparts, and a green and unknown liquid flowed in the mouthparts.

Seeing the demon controlling the swarm of insects roaring towards the two of them, Zatanna looked ugly. She raised her palms to outline an invisible magic shield and explained to Geno: "This thing is the demon under Beelzebub."

"They can control insects such as flies on the earth, and attach the poison in their bodies to the flies and insects. It only takes one bite to kill a strong man."

The huge and ugly insect swarm roared towards the two of them like a tornado of insects.

The moment the insect army was about to touch the two of them, a blazing white magic light shield lit up in front of Zatanna.

Bang bang bang!

Countless bugs slammed into the magic energy shield constructed by magic. Their thin and weak bodies were shattered and exploded. The colorful insect internal organs hit the shield like a rain of insects. A thick layer of disgusting green filth had accumulated.

Zatanna struggled to resist, raising her hands to control the light shield to resist, but the insect swarm seemed endless and never stopped, constantly attacking the white light shield.

Gino looked at the flickering light shield and Zatanna's troubled expression.

It seems that the other party can't hold on much longer.

"Zatanna." Gino took a step forward and patted the girl on the shoulder: "Remove the light shield."

"you sure?"

Zatanna gritted her teeth and struggled to hold on: "I know that your eyes are very capable of emitting heat vision, but there are too many insects here, almost occupying the entire street."

"And if any bug bites us, it will kill us immediately."

The boy smiled, looked seriously into the girl's eyes and said, "Of course, I'm sure."

"Believe me."

"All right."

Zatanna gritted her teeth and put down her palm. The next moment, the unimpeded swarm of insects roared and roared towards Geno and Zatanna with a stinky wind.

The demon hidden in one of the thousands of insect swarms had a mocking smile on its face. It seemed to have seen the tragic deaths of the two exorcists.

It saw the tall male slowly step forward.

It saw the guy's blue eyes light up blue.


A grand blue light suddenly bloomed, with the ultimate cold current and air-conditioning enveloping the blue beam to illuminate the entire street.

The street lamps, roads, and even the insects flying in the air were all frozen for the moment when the frozen beam of light swept across them, and then they were wrapped in the crystal clear ice.

Thousands of miles are frozen, and everything is frozen.

Zatanna didn't know when her jaw dropped. The girl's open mouth was letting out steamy white mist.

The scene before me was like a dream.

The frozen concrete roadside is shining with crystal luster like an ice field in a fairy tale. It matches the stars in the sky above and outlines a beautiful picture together with the young man standing on the solid ice.

However, the night wind brought the air-conditioning to hit her body, causing Zatanna to sneeze.

She lowered her eyes and glanced at Jino, feeling mixed.

She found that she could not understand her playmate more and more. It seemed that the other person was a huge mystery and no one could get into his heart.

Gino looked at a large pile of flies frozen into ice.

The girl was a little dissatisfied that the damn devil had destroyed this beauty, and a flash of anger flashed in Zatanna's beautiful eyes.

These damn demons!

"Which one is the true body?"

Jino closed his eyes and opened them again, hiding the dazzling blue light.

"Let me look for it." Zatanna waved her little hand to cast magic.

A ray of purple light flew out from the palm of his hand, circled in the icy cold air, and then burrowed into one of the thousands of insects.

"This is it!"

Zatanna pointed at the fly marked by the magic thread.

His eyes caught the demon through the ice.

This fly is much larger than other flies. More importantly, this fly's compound eyes are purple-red, which makes it look unusual.

"Find a bottle." Gino stretched out his hand to hold the ice cube.

The solid and cold ice was easily broken by fingers.

Gino's right hand was like a sharp ice breaker, cutting around the frozen fly demon, and soon he held the ice cube with the demon in his hand.

Zatanna got the water cup, Gino threw it into the bottle, and then Zatanna cast the confinement and seal magic.

Zatanna shook the glass in her hand and looked at the flies on the mouth of the bottle with a melancholy expression: "We have been targeted by Mammon's subordinates. These demons will not let us go easily."

"Don't worry."

Jino stared at his fingers, holding a golden card in his hand: "Tell me, if I kill Mammon, will Lucifer come to the door?"

Since you can't get God's wool, it would be good to copy Lucifer's power that can challenge God.

"Are you crazy?"

Zatanna was in disbelief.

Jino chuckled and looked into the girl's eyes: "No, I'm serious."

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