Chapter 443 The energy nucleus exploded

Peter just knows where they are after the end of the debate, but Peter is very worried that they will have an accident now.

Previously, he could only determine the specific location of Ned’s mobile phone based on the positioning function of the battle suit assistant, but there was no way to remotely control the opponent’s body to let him throw away the stone.

Moreover, the other party on his phone could not hear him for some reasons, which is very bad.

After all, the Cherita energy core will explode as long as it receives a certain amount of radiation. This explosion is estimated to produce a super explosive that is at least ten times stronger than a grenade.

He ran extremely fast on the road. Although he was wearing a Spider battlesuit, the people around him were not too surprised. Maybe they were just treating Peter as a COSER participating in the comic show.

It took Peter a few minutes to finally get to the bottom of the tower, and he saw an explosion at the top of the tower. Many rubble fell from high above-towards the ground.

He didn’t notice that there was still a reading Michelle sitting behind him, “Karen, what happened just now?”

“The Cherita energy core was detonated and caused serious structural damage to the elevator.” Through the auxiliary function of the battle suit, Peter could see that several people were trapped on the elevator inside the tower.

Michele also noticed the explosion in the tower, and she yelled to Peter very worried. Unexpectedly, Spider-man was beside him, and Michelle naturally hoped that the other party would rescue her classmates.

“Don’t worry about madam, nothing will happen.

After Peter said this, he immediately started climbing along the tower. Cobweb’s swaying didn’t help much for vertical climbing. All he can do now is to climb to the top of the tower at the fastest speed and find a way to get in for rescue.

With the help of a dive of tens of meters, he jumped four stories so high in one fell swoop, and then jumped three stories high for the second time.

But at this time his inertial speed has also disappeared, and the rest can only use the strength of his limbs to figure out a way to speed up the climb.

Peter found that the elevator temperature inside the top page of the high tower was still heating up. This phenomenon made him very uneasy.

After all, the people in the elevator are all his classmates. Peter has climbed nearly half of the height in tens of seconds.

But this didn’t make Peter feel at ease, because the countdown to the explosion provided by the battle suit assistant was too short, and he didn’t know if he could rescue everyone before the explosion.

“What? The safety system in the elevator is also malfunctioning? I know that the people in the elevator are in danger.”

Peter glanced at the countdown, and there was only more than a minute left.

He was very anxious. After all, it took him nearly a minute to reach the half of the tower, which means that even if he enters, he may only have 20 to 30 seconds left to rescue. This time is really too urgent.

“Unexpected movement caused the situation to deteriorate.”

“Help me figure out how to get in.”

“Activate the reconnaissance drone.”

The small drone on the battle suit in front of Peter appeared from the lines of the clothes. The bundled little thing was less than ten centimeters in diameter. He didn’t feel any foreign body sensation when he was wearing the Spider battlesuit before.

In front of his eyes there are more pictures taken by the smart drone, and there is an additional smart action route in the picture.

He breathed a sigh of relief and accelerated his speed of action. As long as he gritted his teeth, he could burst out even stronger power.

When Peter came to the other side of the tower according to the recommended route, most of the pedestrians on the ground followed Peter to his feet.

The people on the ground were all holding their phones and patted his figure. Peter just took a look at the ground and didn’t pay much attention to it. It was unnecessary. The most important thing now is to save people. It is the most important thing to rescue all the students in the high tower elevator.

The stamina required to climb the tower is much higher than imagined. This height can be converted to an extreme running of thirty or forty kilometers on the ground.

After all, he is running with the full burst of muscles all the time.

“What’s wrong, you have come to the southwest window. Why did you stop?”

“I have never been to such a high place.”

“You didn’t reinstall the parachute. Falling from this height is fatal. The glass under your feet is bulletproof glass ten centimeters thick.”

Peter kicked the window under his feet, but the window didn’t move. After asking the assistant of the battle suit, he learned that the windows of the tower turned out to be bulletproof glass of ten centimeters thick.

0…For flowers…

However, he thought about it and found that this was the right choice. After all, this highly used window glass table would be very dangerous if it is fragile.

Peter had to use cobweb to jump his body towards the distance, and then use cobweb’s retraction elasticity and the strength of his legs to collide.

The result was good, he finally used his own inertia to get inside the tower.

Only at this time the tower elevator had broken away from the shackles of the chains and fell towards the ground.

Peter hurriedly used cobweb to stick the elevator car, and his body was used to support the elevator frame with two feet. The weight of the elevator car plus the weight of the passengers inside is close to two thousand kilograms.

However, his own strength is enough to lift the private car, so the only tricky thing about this weight is the initial inertia and his own grip points are not easy to control.

The alumni behind them were all terrified at this time, they only dared to stay afar and watched the strange Spider-man clenched cobweb with both hands and began to exert force.

Just when he stabilized the fall of the elevator car, he was careless. The elevator frame guardrail in front of you simply cannot withstand the strong fall inertia.

He himself fell into the depths of the elevator shaft along with the falling elevator car.

The elevator car just got stuck with the emergency brake pulley, and then Peter fell from the damaged ceiling of the elevator car. This impact directly caused the elevator car that had barely stopped to fall again.

The surrounding female classmates began to scream loudly. Peter used Web Shooters to stick the ceiling of the elevator shaft, and then put his feet on the edge of the ceiling of the elevator car. The strength cobweb can bear is enough for him to look at his surrounding classmates, “Don’t worry, I can handle it.”

Peter started to use cobweb to move upwards, and his cobweb could hold on for a while.

In about tens of seconds, they came to the top of the elevator of the tower again. With the help of the surrounding firefighters, the classmates beside him began to file out.

The elevator began to sway rapidly, and Peter knew that the place under his feet was already going to be unable to hold it. However, all the students in the elevator car have not yet gone out.

The shaking elevator car made the center of gravity of the people in it unstable, and these students were panicked.

When only Liz was left, the elevator collapsed and the whole began to fall downward. begging,

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