Chapter 393 Total offense in progress

Due to Peter Parker’s cobweb network for blocking, even if the blocking time is only one or two seconds, it is enough.

Now the players on both sides of the blue team and the red team have made a big total offensive this time.

In the high altitude is the battle between the Iron Legion and the Black Kite Legion. Because the two sides’ technology is similar but the focus is different, it is still the appearance that no one can help others.

In the low air, Falcon, War Machine, and Little Spider-Man all put out their own housekeeping skills.

Even if neither side had the idea of ​​killing the other side, the situation had already been fierce enough.

The anti-Hulk armor collided with the fists of the Rhinoceros armor, setting off a circle of invisible energy fluctuations spreading towards the surroundings.

Some of the people nearby were pushed away directly. Taking advantage of this gap, Captain America used the shield to find its target, and a Vibranium shield hit the War Machine’s chest directly.

The armor that was originally excellent for defense Ability was directly wounded by the Vibranium shield, and even that huge force knocked War Machine down to the ground.

The comprehensive strength of Captain America, blessed by the Vibranium battle suit, also got a new breakthrough.

Tony’s armor, which was originally close to Black Panther, also hit an arrow. This arrow hit the gap in his anti-Hulk armor.

Although the damage was not large, it also succeeded in causing a little damage.

Tony also had to admire Hawkeye’s strength at this time. Although Hawkeye’s strength was not so good, as long as he possesses a weapon with sufficient destructive power, he can accomplish many incredible moves.

According to Ino, as long as Hawkeye’s attack can cut the target’s health bar, then the gods can kill.

Tony glanced at Hawkeye. At this time, the opponent’s weapon also changed. Since the alloy arrows had been used up, this time he started using energy arrows.

Seeing the energy beam condensed on the opponent’s arrow, Tony had to use Veronica for reinforcements.

The original space-based arsenal was directly abolished because of this, which made Tony very helpless.

I have to say that the other party’s preparations are very adequate. They are very unfamiliar with Black Panther’s support, but the information on their side is extremely familiar to each other.

In any case, Black Panther really deserves to be the prince of Wakanda, and there are so many different methods.

When Hawkeye was about to continue attacking Veronica, an enemy appeared behind him.

Natasha Romanoff’s speed was very fast, Hawkeye just felt something wrong with the airflow behind him, and he used the Vibranium bow in his hand to launch an attack.

Then I heard the sound of the weapon impact, which was the impact between Natasha Romanoff’s crutches and his Vibranium bow.

The Vibranium bow, which originally has a special material, can absorb kinetic energy, so he is in good condition, and the opponent is Natasha Romanoff, which is weaker than him.

Hawkeye took advantage of this opportunity to directly grab the opponent’s arm and threw it over the shoulder, and pressed the bow in his hand downward.

Natasha Romanoff used the crutches in his hand to block Hawkeye’s attack. “Are we still friends?”

“It depends on how hard you beat me.”

Natasha Romanoff found the opportunity to clamp the opponent’s arm with his legs, then fell the opponent to the ground, then flung out and kicked.

At this time, a white fist, File size, directly stuck to the footsteps she lifted up, and then the white sphere spread and stuck to the ground.

“Ms. Natasha Romanoff, it is my honor to be able to catch you.”

Peter Parker was very happy. After talking about using cobweb directly, he shifted. He stepped on more than a dozen cobwebs in mid-air, and then his body made an explosion of gun fire.

Then Peter Parker seemed to turn into a sniper bullet and hit the huge Wasp in the knee with a kick.

Just this one almost caused the Wasp to fall to the ground, “Miss Hope, you are too big and slow. Now you are completely a target.”

“Humph!” Hope was a little angry. She shook her wings. There was nothing peculiar when she was in a human form, but when she became bigger, a strong air current formed.

The attacks that had been directed at Hope to restrain the spider web were all lost because of these gusts.

I have to say that the combat experience of the Wasp is really exceptional.

Even though the size has become the file size of the target, he is still an outstanding comrade-in-arms.

“What should I do now?” Peter Parker knew that he was the only one who could contain the Wasp at the moment, and now he was ready to wait for the wind to stop before attacking.

0…For flowers…

He moved in the other direction using cobweb. Before Peter Parker could do anything, the cobweb in his hand was cut off by a shield, and he himself fell to the ground.

And shield returned to Captain America’s hands again after completing the mission, which made Peter a little depressed. “That thing doesn’t conform to the laws of physics. There are many things you don’t understand here, kid.”

“Mr. Tony said you would say that.” With a flick of the spider web in Peter Parker’s hand, the spider web stuck to Captain America’s shield, and then another cobweb stuck to the opponent’s foot, turning him towards Peter’s side. Pulled over.

Peter Parker followed this pulling force and kicked his feet towards the opponent.

Captain America was kicked directly by Peter and hit the car behind him, and even the shield fell off.

“He also told me to attack your legs.”

Seeing that Captain America is still preparing to pick up the shield, Peter Parker’s cobweb in both hands accurately stuck the opponent’s fists. At present, all he can do is to prevent the opponent from picking up the shield.

Steve looked behind him, he had already felt his weakness in strength through wrestling, and then he turned around, and Peter followed this inertia and flew towards Captain America.

In mid-air, War Machine, whose chest armor was damaged, only underwent temporary repairs and then chased Falcon.

As the pride of the colonel, he can’t tolerate the fact that even Falcon can’t beat him.

The solid arrows behind Falcon on the ground now condense a part. After all, as long as his quiver is placed on the ground, it can automatically absorb nearby elements to produce arrows.

“Are you ready?

At the moment, after she realized that she could only be a target, the Wasp became smaller, and she came to the top of the arrow.

Hawkeye’s arrow flew towards the War Machine that was flying in the air. He was chasing War Machine’s figure continuously, and he also noticed the flying attack.

He hurriedly used the mini-Gatling on his shoulders to cover the firepower. Hawkeye’s attacks usually hit and produce effects, so it should not be taken lightly. begging,

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