Chapter 385 Invite Spider-man

Ino saw Steve leave the office, and he didn’t say anything to him.

Captain America really needs a rest, he can be said to be a symbol of the tip of rice, a flag.

With him, he will naturally get the support of a large number of rice-grain citizens.

Therefore, Ino would kill Winter Soldier without authorization.

He put down the game controller in his hand and secretly recalled the story of Captain America III.

Since he has modified a certain plot, it would be better for him to supplement the follow-up plot.

Ino contacted Tony, and the young and familiar face in the picture made him feel very interesting.

“Tony, how do you feel young?”

Tony is sitting on the sofa with Pei Bo. Since he became younger, he has set aside a little time every day to cultivate his feelings.

“Ino, really. It feels great to be young. I didn’t expect my energy to be so energetic.

“Oh, energetic. So surely we should have considered our personnel supplement, right?

Tony looked at Ino in surprise, “How do you know? I’m about to invite some young people to join our Watchers recently.”


“Peter Parker, I’ll call him over now.” Tony hugged Pebo, then immediately got up and put on the Iron Man battle suit, then took his hands and small gifts and set off.

The Queen

Peter Parker, carrying a schoolbag, took the computer out of the elevator and came to his Aunt May’s house.

This is a high-rise building in Queens. The area of ​​the room is more than one hundred and dozens of square meters, which is very spacious for only two of them to live in.

But now Peter Parker does not know what kind of gift he will get next.

Some people can be seen in the corridor, and it is obvious that there are many households on each floor of this composite floor.

Peter has long been accustomed to this environment. This is an ordinary city with a grain of rice. If their family’s economic conditions are to live in New York, even renting a house may not last long.

Here, at least they can still live in a high-rise house of more than 100 square meters.

Peter opened the ordinary chimeric lock with the key in his hand, but the figure in the living room made him stand still.


Peter actually saw Tony Stark, he was so excited that he couldn’t speak.

This is the super technology company second only to umbrellas in the world.

“Hmm, I have to say, Peter, you can swallow the elephant in one bite now, Mr. Parker.”

Peter Parker took off his earphones, and a nervous and awkward smile appeared on his unbelievable face. “Why are you? Hello, my name is Parker.”


“What are you doing here?” Peter didn’t know how to place his hands. In the end, he had to put his hands around his chest in front of him. Only in this way would he feel more at ease.

Tony turned around, placing his hands on the backrest, “We should meet, you have always received my mail.” His eyes blinked at the other party.

Peter took a peek at Aunt May and nodded quickly. “Yes, about that.”

Aunt May interrupted Peter, complaining a little. “But you never mentioned funding.”

“September Fund, haven’t you applied for it? Yes, I approved it.” Tony took a sip of his tea and continued talking. “So you can start working together.”

The surprised expression on Aunt Mei’s face could not be suppressed at all. After all, the Stark Technology Company is truly famous, and even the world’s top 500 companies can only admire the Stark Company.

History Stark Technology is one of the top 100 companies in the world.

After all, every technology product of their company is completely smashing this era.

For example, clean energy. The energy provided by this energy device can completely crush a nuclear power plant, but there is no need to worry about operators suffering from diseases caused by radiation.

“You haven’t told me about this at all. Why do you want to keep this from me?”

Peter Parker had an idea, he just smiled, spreading his palms and actually panicking. “I know you like surprises. So I want to tell you later. What did I apply for?”

Tony quickly answered, “I’m here to discuss this. I can’t believe she is already an aunt.

“Everyone’s situation is different.”

Tony pointed to the food on the table, “This walnut and candied bread is really delicious.”

Peter was a little puzzled, he felt that Tony might be soaking his aunt. Although his aunt is close to thirty years old at most, Tony is also a rich man.

But is this really appropriate? And Tony’s appearance nowadays is much younger, which also makes him a little puzzled. If it weren’t for Tony’s reputation, he might be ready to hit the opponent directly.

Tony is so familiar with Tenshin Ino, the umbrella company has a very deep research on biotechnology, so even younger products may be available.

“Excuse me, is this funding related to money?”

“Yes, I have sufficient funds. Who do you think I am.” Tony explained helplessly. He is a local tyrant who owns banknote Ability, so how could there be problems with funds.

Tony looked at Aunt May, “Can I chat with Peter alone now?””

The door of 913 was closed, and Tony quickly spit out the bread in his mouth into the trash can. “It’s not bad for walnut and candied bread.”

He scanned the equipment here in the room, and the computer on the table was still that kind of big-headed computer. “What is this? Retro technology? Where did it come from, thrift store?”

“It was picked up from the trash, and it sounds like I haven’t applied for your funding at all.”

This is a strong person, Tony likes to go straight to the topic. “Let me ask you a few questions you knowingly ask, is this you right?”

Tony raised the mobile phone in his hand, and then a high-tech air projection appeared in the air. In the picture, a person carrying a heavy backpack was in front of a certain car door and didn’t know what he was doing.

At this moment, a figure controlling cobweb passing at high speed in mid-air directly threw the person in front of the car to the ground.

Then the image of the figure wearing the simple red and blue costume is frozen in the projection.

“No, what do you mean?” Peter was a little nervous. He didn’t expect that his usual movements would be captured so clearly by the camera.

Tony pressed his finger on the phone’s button, and then the screen changed again. “Look at your skill. It’s a good catch, 1.36 tons, and a speed of 64.3 kilometers per hour. This is not easy, you are very good.”

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