Chapter 378 The sorrow of Captain America

Outside the building, several people have already followed the zipline to the vehicle that has been prepared.

In the distance, Natasha Romanoff was driving toward this side with a motorcycle, holding a gun in her hand and firing a precise shot at the enemy in the distance.

She knew her firepower was insufficient, so she gave up her motorcycle directly before being hit.

Not only that, the motorcycle also knocked the distant enemy into flight under her control, and she herself jumped up from the motorcycle seat, and then threw a few electric shock tablets in the air.

This is a small high-pressure click weapon specially prepared for agents. When it hits the target, it will release enough energy to make ordinary people stunned, and it does not directly remove the skin, but has an effect through a cotton coat.

Natasha Romanoff is very fast and his movements are very agile. She was originally a female class, but only in terms of muscle strength and explosiveness, she was much higher than normal men.

A dozen militants around the entire armored vehicle were directly solved by her very easily, and the time consumed was just a few Roar’s efforts.

The soldier in the distance was preparing to attack, Natasha Romanoff straightened his arm, and a shock film popped directly from her wrist and stunned the opponent.

The man with the skull helmet pinched Natasha Romanoff’s neck with one hand, and directly lifted her.

The fist in his hand brought a strong electric spark to the opponent, and Natasha Romanoff did not give up. She also aimed at the opponent with her electric shock weapon.

At this critical moment, the skull of the skull and crossbones exploded.

A tiny figure began to become the File size of a normal person.

Ghost Ava, she didn’t take off her mask. Just threw two objects into the armored car, and then pulled Natasha Romanoff and the headless body and jumped out of the car.

“Ava, thank you.” Although Natasha Romanoff was curious about why he could see the other person at this time, it should be Ino’s meaning to come.

Since Steve has borrowed Ms. Mechanic, Ino is also clear about their actions.

It really helped a lot just now.

Ava collected all the high-energy bombs and biological weapons on the headless corpse. “Ino is worried that you are in danger, so let me be insurance.”

Natasha Romanoff nodded. During this time, the watchmen were quite familiar with each other. Although Ava’s ability was painful all the year round when she got it, she also got very Ability correspondingly.

Can switch between reality and illusion, and the overall quality of the body is far beyond ordinary people.

Natasha Romanoff also wants to have this kind of power very much, but unfortunately, there are many things that you can’t just want.

For example, Steve, only this super soldier serum, currently only he has. Most of the other soldiers who had been injected either failed or died.

Steve also received the news, and he ran up to Natasha Romanoff to confirm that the surroundings had been completely resolved before he was relieved.

“Thank you, Ava. Thank you also Ino, otherwise it is really possible that many unlucky people will die.

Steve was a little worried when he saw the bomb in Ava’s hand and the biological weapons. “These things won’t explode, will they?”

Ava shook her head, “No, I will save it carefully.” After she said Jiang, these things were put in the backpack on her back.

Immediately after the space door appeared on the ground, Ino’s figure appeared from the door, “Hey old friend, how come you start fighting criminals again while you are on vacation?”

Steve smiled helplessly, “Isn’t this serving the people?”

Ino thought it was funny when he heard this sentence, “Interesting, you even learned this sentence.”

“It’s better to go back now. If you need to perform heroic actions, I will send you over again.” Ino’s purpose is to prevent Steve from hearing the news of Winter Soldier from these militants.

In his opinion, as long as Winter Soldier disappears completely, Captain America will not break with them, and he does the same.

Directly using the power of the Space gem to send him to outer space, at the level of Winter Soldier, Ebony Maw will die directly, let alone Winter Soldier?

Steve looked at Ava, then at Ino, and finally nodded.

His Ability is limited, but this is not an excuse for him to escape.

Do as much things as possible.

Everyone returned to the headquarters of Shadow Watch, and Captain America spoke out the depression in his heart. In his opinion, everyone is a friend, except for the leader of Ino, no one is up or down.

0…For flowers…

This kind of equal communication allows him to open his heart to communicate with his friends.

Thinking of this, Captain America looked at Ino and the friends around. Tony, Falcon, Hawkeye, Natasha Romanoff and others have all arrived.

Ino sat in his seat and looked at Steve curiously. “What’s the matter, Steve. If you want to say anything, just say it.”

“Ino, you have experienced that feeling before, that is, you can’t do anything.” Steve pointed to himself, “I can feel that the current I have reached the limit, no matter how I train, my The overall quality will only remain at this level.”

Ino looked at Captain America, “Are you trying to say, do you want to go further?”


Steve nodded, “Yes, I do think so. But I don’t know how to move forward.

Ino looked at each other with some interest, “Then how do you want to progress? Absorb Hulk’s blood in a desperate way? Maybe this kind of Ability will make you the next god?”

“I am lucky enough to be able to successfully absorb the super soldier serum, so this way of betting on my life is not suitable for me. Even if it succeeds, it may become irrational hatred or directly explode.”

Steve waved his hand helplessly.

Seeing Steve’s annoyance, Tony burst out laughing. “Old man, this is your fault. Compared with us, what is your biggest advantage? That is your mind, your outstanding intelligence combat ability. This is not something that anyone can have…”

Tony said and pointed to Ino, “Ino, he has a super individual Ability, which allows him to kill the enemy leader. And I control the mechanical army to carry out large-scale fire coverage.”

“And you, Steve, what you should strengthen is your command and combat capability. Before you fall asleep, your tactical mind is very powerful.

“Really? That’s how it is.” The cloud of Steve’s brows has completely disappeared at this time. “Sure enough, each of our watchmen only needs to play to their own advantages.”

“If this is the case, then I will watch more war history and other research and study.” Begging,

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