Chapter 376 Captain, there is a bomb in the car

Lagos is the largest city in Western Philippines, with a population of about 8 million.

Because it was a vacation, Steve naturally chose a town away from New York to relax.

The current global crime incidents are declining rapidly, and the global economy has naturally been greatly improved because of this.

Steve was sitting on a beach sofa in Lagos on vacation. Who knew that Natasha Romanoff walked over with a solemn expression.

“Steve, we’re going to get busy.”

“Is that so? I can’t wait.”

They are useless in Manhattan, but here Steve finds that even his old bones seem to shine.

Thinking of this, his eyes became piercing.

Natasha Romanoff saw the shallow dimples on her cheeks, she glared at the other side, and then spoke in detail. “According to my previous observations, there are criminals here. They have delivered some high-energy bombs.”

Steve nodded, “Then let’s act now, no matter how many methods the other party has, at least we have to be prepared. First, report the situation on our side to Ms. Mechanical, and then we will gather to discuss the course of action.”

Natasha Romanoff nodded, “I have contacted Sam with internal equipment before, let us try to stop them before the harm occurs.

After speaking, Natasha Romanoff threw an invisible headset on the table and left.

Steve pretended not to care, and squeezed it in the palm of his hand.

“Then gather now.”

“No problem, Captain.”

Natasha Romanoff and Captain America moved according to different routes of action.

They are the most elite fighters and agents themselves, and Steve’s own combat experience is far beyond that of ordinary people. Three people and two mechanical ladies, this armed squad has begun precise operations under the situation of information sharing. .

This kind of operation is completely reassuring to those who are familiar with Steve. The ideas of Falcon and Natasha Romanoff have cooperated with Steve many times, and they have been able to cooperate perfectly.

Falcon’s silent Flight in the sky, the special backpack he is carrying comes with an optical projection camouflage.

This technique can not only hide himself, but also disguise squad members within a certain range.

Due to the limited capacity of his combat backpack, the limit of the camouflage distance is a radius of ten meters.

His Flight wings were capable of silent flight. After the upgrade, speed, firepower, defense, and even agility were improved on a silent basis.

The two mechanical ladies also followed Falcon’s side at this time to protect his safety.

Natasha Romanoff was looking around under an open coffee shed at this time, and Steve’s voice came in her ears.

“What did you see~々?”

Natasha Romanoff was taking a glance around with the vanity mirror at this time, “Now it’s just some ordinary patrolmen, not many cars, small police station. It’s easy to start.”

In a civilian building not far from Natasha Romanoff, Steve is looking through the window to the surrounding area where Natasha Romanoff is.

Steve can see the sloppy look of the patrols, this is Siphy after all. The temperature is very high. In this case, the patrolman is lazy to understand.

It’s just that Steve himself is a bit uncomfortable. After all, on the main road, eating fruit during work, the two patrols don’t patrol the surroundings for safety, but chatting is really amateurish.

But Steve can’t say much, he is not their boss, there is no need to be so wide.

Steve diverted his attention, and then saw another cash machine. “There is an ATM in the South Point. It should have a camera. The two intersections are one-way streets, so it should be a little difficult for him to escape.”

“This shows that our goal is not afraid of being seen, and we will absolutely do whatever it takes to escape.”

Steve looked at the newspaper in his hand, which clearly listed the things their target person did.

‘The police station was robbed and sold weapons to terrorists. ‘The information Steve has in his hands is not only these, but also the detailed information of the leader and the specific situation of his men.

He doesn’t want to trouble Ino with everything, and if anything has happened, Ino should go out, then Ino shouldn’t rest.

There are so many things happening in the world every moment, even if his Ino is not exhausted, he will be annoyed to death.

After comparing his heart to heart, Steve still chose to deal with this guy with the power of his hand.

The sense of justice in his heart does not allow him to retire so early, but he is still the handsome guy who can fight the enemy for a day and night.

“Did you see that red Land Rover?”

“It’s pretty good-looking, and it’s bulletproof. It means there are private bodyguards, which also means there are a lot of guns.” Natasha Romanoff pretended to be talking to himself and continued:

“”It is more troublesome for some people, such as us. ”

Natasha Romanoff glanced at the phone, then adjusted it on the phone. At this time, the surveillance pictures around the street appeared on her screen.

She glanced at the screen, and at this time there was no abnormal situation around her. “I think it’s time to send Ms. Mechanic out first.”

Steve shook his head, “Not yet, Ms. Mechanical is our trump card. Now we have to believe in the power in our own hands.”

“Well, we still need to pay more attention to our surroundings now.”

Falcon walked slowly to the edge of the roof, he was already fully armed. The backpack on the back also began to shapeshifting, “Did anyone say that you are suspicious?”

Steve interrupted the conversation between the two of them, “The target has appeared. This is a good opportunity to seize this Rumlow. Don’t let him run away.”

“Don’t worry, Captain (good promise). Don’t you believe our strength?”

Falcon smiled triumphantly, “After all, that guy hates us to death, so if he sees us, he will never escape.”

Steve walked a few steps here, and came to another window to observe. He didn’t expect that just a normal glance would reveal a strange place.

This is just a hunch, but his hunch has always been very accurate, and this time he Steve is still willing to believe it.

Thinking of this, he quickly reminded Falcon. “Did you see that garbage truck? Sam?”

“Where? I saw it. This garbage truck looks no different from a normal car.”

“No, you need to scan it with a drone. I think there is a problem with this car.

“Okay, I see, Captain.” Sam quickly sent a drone to scan, “Captain, there is a bomb in the car.”

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