Chapter 374 The winning weapon of a scientific think tank!

Soon, Ino put on his armor and came to the meeting room of the Shadow Watch base.

Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Hope, and even Wanda, who has been training, are already concentrated here.

Banner, Dr. Hank, Fitz, Simmons, and Skye joined the team of strategic seminars as scientific think tanks.

“AIM is different from other organizations. The main members in it are all highly qualified scientists and experts in various fields. This time, our battle is aimed at Zhaoan, not to wipe them out!

“But this group of guys, most of them are a group of bad guys! How can they be willing to become good guys and work for a prosperous and beautiful cause on earth?”

Rogers, who has always disliked unprovoked killings, also put forward a different view this time.

“Nine Zero Three” has always been soft-hearted in the face of enemies that can be saved.

But the group of scientists at AIM are more horrible.

The super soldier’s serum injected on him back then was also copied by AIM and hit Red Skull’s body.

AIM can be said to be the carnival of evil scientists.

There is no scientist there who does not hold the idea of ​​destroying the world.

“In this world, no one is not afraid of death! As long as they are afraid of death! They can be used by us!”

“Boss, let’s use life and death to force them, is it really good?”

“Hehe, they have made so many movements all over the world, they are really embarrassed? Anyway, I will save the lives of these scientists at that time! I will meet these guys in person!”

“Okay, listen to you!

Natasha Romanoff curled her lips in disdain. Although she was the top agent of Shadow Watch, she was not as important as Ino’s words.

“There is another question, what should we do with the current group of mechanical monsters? Biomechanical ladies, shouldn’t it be too much?”

“This matter, just leave it to our scientific think tank! They seem to have figured out a way, right?”

Ino smiled and turned his head to the direction where Dr. Hank and the others were sitting.

They have been immersed in the world of science all day, and they have already done a good job of responding to the heart of the machine.

“This is our newly made electromagnetic bomb! As long as we make it bigger according to our requirements and put it in the world, it can destroy all mechanical hearts!”

“So awesome? Let me be Kangkang.”

Ino said with a little astonishment, and then grabbed the electromagnetic bomb from Fitz’s hand with one hand.

Small and exquisite bombs have good abilities.

“Is there any difference between this and ordinary electromagnetic bomb? What if it is destroyed together with the local power grid facilities?”

“No! We have done electrophoresis locking for the high-precision core of the Mechanical Heart! Only when the precision is equal to the Mechanical Heart, will it be affected!”

“Oh, I see, those ordinary things are not qualified to be bombed by him?”

“That’s what I mean!”

Dr. Hank nodded very satisfied. Although Ino is not a scientist, his understanding of these things is still quite fast.

“Well, the task of making big bombs is left to us! Tony, your satellite, can I use it?”

“Ah? My satellite, isn’t it the satellite of our Shadow Watch! Just use it!”

“Hehe, OK, then use your satellite to drop bombs to solve the global mechanical crisis!”

“no problem!”

Tony in the armor patted his chest proudly.

For the first time, he felt that he had shouldered such an important task.

The brilliance that was taken away by the god Ino in the past seemed to shine on his land again.

“Boss, we still have a good thing for you!”

“Huh? What good stuff?”

Skye’s triumphant smile immediately caught Ino’s attention.

Under the gaze of everyone, on a large screen not far away, a fighter plane with a domineering and leaky appearance slowly appeared.

It is said to be a fighter, but it has a body size more than ten times larger than an ordinary fighter, and it looks quite cool.

“This is the “Hefeng” spacecraft that we have developed for a long time. It has a certain amount of firepower, but it is more of a large spacecraft that acts as an air command.

“Hefeng? Haha, good name, what function does it have, don’t tell me now, you’ll know when you go up and feel it!”

Looking at the domineering appearance of the spaceship, Ino chuckled. For the future of Shadow Watch, he was full of endless expectations.

Such a cool spaceship already exists. Can a spaceship that can rush out of the earth be far away?

Under the leadership of the scientific think tank, Ino and others passed through the layers of the Shadow Watch base and successfully arrived in the hangar underground.

The huge amounts of Hefeng spacecraft has been parked on the lifting platform, and the final preparations are in progress.

“Hefeng has the Ability of Low Earth Orbit Flight. We can reach any corner of the earth in 20 minutes.”

“Twenty minutes, hehe, that’s enough, it’s already fast.

Ino looked at the black-gray outer armor of Hefeng not far away, and imagined all kinds of novel equipment and powerful functions inside.

Shadow Watch is growing rapidly at a speed that he can’t even predict.

He didn’t even know how long such a large spacecraft had been built in this underground hangar.

Soon, the preparations for Hefeng were completely completed.

Everyone boarded Hefeng and quickly visited most of the area, and they were all shocked by this powerful spacecraft.

“Okay, okay, don’t be surprised! This combat mission is to eliminate those guys in AIM who would rather die than surrender, who want to survive, bring them back, and lead them to the right path in 4.3!”

“Boss, I’d rather die than surrender, and shoot to death on the spot, right?,

“Nonsense, do you have to ask me! But those who are willing to survive must not hurt their hair!”

“no problem!”

Natasha Romanoff smiled, a one-piece close-fitting suit, directly revealing her proud figure in front of everyone.

Fitz, who has not seen Natasha Romanoff many times, even ran out of nosebleeds and ran to the medical cabin with embarrassment.

“Natasha Romanoff, you won’t be allowed to wear it like this in the future.. It looks good! Otherwise, our soldiers, each one can’t hold it!”

“No problem! Next time, I will dress conservatively~”

“Okay! Today is the end of AIM! Everyone cheer me up! One go! Destroy them!”

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