Chapter 366 Something that doesn’t exist at all!

Ino grinned and raised his right hand slightly.

The red light condensed directly on the undead army behind Yamamoto Musashi.

The countless army of undead became sluggish and dull at the moment this red light appeared.

“You… what did you do to them…”

Yamamoto Musashi watched his undead army fall into deathly silence, and suddenly began to panic in his heart.

He had never seen such a sight.

He has never experienced how powerful Ino is.

There are so many undead army, just come when you say it, you are stupid when you say it is stupid.

Such strength, even if he has been immersed in magic for many years, it is impossible to match.

“How can such a thing appear in the world of the undead army”

Ino smiled, the palm of his right hand slowly turned into a fist, and he kept clenching toward the center.

Those…the undead army shrouded in red light immediately began to shrink and collapse strangely.

Their bodies, as if compressed into a mass by some force, began to disappear quickly one by one.

However, within a few seconds, a large number of undead creatures disappeared.

The remaining… undead creatures are also facing the same situation.

This is… the power of reality gems.

Ino can use the power of reality gems to slightly change reality.

The degree of changing reality is also determined by the development of Ino’s power.

Such a bunch of undead creatures in front of him are completely within the power of Ino.

He wanted to complete the rewriting of the reality of the entire universe like Purple Sweet Potatoes, he still didn’t have that ability.

The changes in the battle situation also surprised the Shadow Watch fighters a bit.

They knew that the gods were strong, but they never thought that the strength of the gods could be so strong.

Such a group of undead creatures, Ino said no, no.

It’s really like a god who can change everything.

“No…no!!! God! I’m going to kill you! Revenge for the predecessors of Shouhehui!!!”

, His last trump card just disappeared, and Yamamoto Musashi’s emotions have completely collapsed.

He rushed towards Ino frantically, but was slapped to the ground with a light palm by Ino.

His strength is simply not comparable to Ino.

Even Wanda, who has just gained a certain understanding of magic, can fight him five or five times.

Let alone Ino.

Under the eyes of everyone, the army of hundreds of thousands of undead really disappeared out of thin air.

It’s as if they really never existed.

Yamamoto Musashi, who is the chairman of the hand-knit society, can’t feel the unique magical aura of the undead army in the slightest.(Read more @

“My army of undead… my army of undead…”

, “What undead army, you are afraid that it is not Shi Le, it is something that does not exist at all!”

Yamamoto Musashi, who was stunned, made Ino amused.

He came to Yamamoto Musashi in an instant and patted his shoulder gently.

Losing everything is the only feeling in Musashi’s heart at this moment.

“Eh, yes, those… war clothes, where are they, if you hand them over, I can still consider keeping you alive.”

“God! I killed you!!!”

Yamamoto Musashi yelled, and terrifying black energy rushed out of him, enveloping Ino in it.

The sudden vision shocked everyone.

Just when everyone rushed towards Ino frantically, a golden light shone in front of them again.

The black magic energy completely dissipated the moment it encountered these golden lights.

Yamamoto Musashi’s eyes, from the confidence before, to the hatred later, to the empty indifference now.

Such a change is only a matter of a few minutes.

His undead army appeared and disappeared, but it lasted only a few minutes.

From having everything to nothing.

The ups and downs of Yamamoto Musashi’s life can be said to be as exciting as a roller coaster.

“How about Yamamoto Musashi, isn’t it exciting?”


“Give you another chance! As long as you confess the location of the suit, I can consider leaving your life.”

“Hahahaha, God, I have nothing left, but I still have the power to make you worry!”

Suddenly, a strange smile appeared on Yamamoto’s face.

Ino frowned and watched the former king kneel on the ground with a twisted smile on his face.

“The battle suit, right there…”

Yamamoto Musashi smiled, his right hand had already condensed a black energy blade.

Ino’s hand is also always ready to resist his final resistance.

Who would have thought that the black energy blade was actually inserted into his chest by him.

Ino’s pupils shrank at that moment! “Damn! This is your ability to worry me!”

Ino yelled angrily, his mind moved slightly, and the…black sharp blade disappeared in an instant.

“Wanda! Wanda! Come here!”

Wanda, who masters Chaos Magic, also possesses certain spiritual abilities.

With the help of two biomechanical ladies, Wanda hurried to the scene.

“Quick! Search his memory! Look at those………Where are the remaining suits!”


Wanda nodded repeatedly, and the crimson chaotic magic ability appeared at her fingertips again.

Under everyone’s comments, Wanda closed his eyes tightly, and gently touched Yamamoto Musashi’s head with his ten fingers.

Her consciousness instantly entered Yamamoto Musashi’s mind.

In countless memories, frantically searching for information about the suit.

People will die, and the brain will soon stop functioning.

Even Wanda’s fast search can’t keep up with the speed of this guy’s memory disappearing.

Standing on the side, Ino also clenched his fists, wishing to beat Yamamoto Musashi’s body 10,000 times.

His last act of suicide was indeed enough for Ino to worry about.

Those…If the whereabouts of the battle clothes remain unknown, Ino will never feel at ease.

Now everyone’s hopes are pinned on Wanda.


Finally, Yamamoto Musashi’s last breath completely disappeared.

With a mouthful of blood, he fell to the ground with a puff.

Wanda, who lost the touch of his brain with his hands, was also stripped out of his mind in an instant.


, Watching this guy’s memory of Wanda for several lifetimes for dozens of seconds, his brain is also a little confused, and he quickly processes the information Ino wants.

After a long time, she finally integrated all the useful information.

“All the battle suits should be in a safe under the ruins! It’s just that those… safes seem to be protected by magical power…”

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