Chapter 357 Want to trade? First ask if I can answer or not

“The sciences in it all master more or less the world’s cutting-edge technology! Even your Stark Industry, my umbrella company, in some respects, may not be able to match.”

“Ino, your biomechanical lady’s technology really can’t…”

“Tony, it’s not that I don’t want to give it to you, but even if I give it to you, you can’t figure it out! Madam Biomechanics, I need to personally give them superhuman wisdom.”

“Hey, okay, it seems that the name of the world’s overlord is still your god Ino.”

Tony listened to Ino’s words and shook his head again.

He is eager to get the technology of the biomechanical lady, and it is not a day or two.

Today, seeing the pure robotic technology of Cabins, made him even more jealous.

If he can thoroughly master this technology, whether it is for him or for the whole world, there are certain benefits.

It’s a pity that if you want to make a biomechanical lady, you can’t do without Ino! “These robots may have the technology we need. Keep them here and take them back to study when you leave!”

“Hey! Ino, you are really a good friend of mine! That’s OK, this time, I will take this group of guys back and have a look!”

“Hehe, yes, I don’t lack such technology.”


Tony rolled his eyes hatefully, walked to some robots, and forcibly detained many unused weapons from them.

His weapons were basically empty just now.

If you want to continue fighting, you must have sufficient weapons reserves.

It happens that these robots still have a lot of things that Tony can use.

Within a few minutes of effort, Tony was once again from the “Wilted Man”

Become a “macho”

“Okay! Let’s speed it up! Maybe they are already trading now!”


Everyone nodded in response, and once again started the journey closer to the interior of the island.

At the same time, the transport force led by Murdoch has entered the hand union base inside the island.

Said to be a base, in fact, it is only a temporary trading place.

“Murdoch, you actually came in person.”

“I heard that it is the same technology as Dr. Hank’s Pim particle, of course I have to meet these in person…a masterpiece!”

Murdoch, with a huge head, slowly entered the cave with a grimly cold laugh.

Deep purple light, immediately.(Read more @

Become strong and illuminate the entire cave.

Behind Murdoch, many mini transport vehicles lined up to follow him in.

“Where are things”

“Murdoch, do you really remember our agreement?”

“Hmph, when I thoroughly research and understand, I will naturally provide you with everything you want! But now I don’t even have a sample, how can you study it?”

Murdoch looked at the top of his head with difficulty with his huge head.

The guys who joined hands were all squatting in the gaps in the cliff above the cave, and they were all shrouded in black and gray ninja suits.

Only their eyes are exposed.

“Murdoch, this is what you want.”

A man in a gray ninja suit spoke contemptuously, and with a big wave of his hand, a hard packing box appeared in front of Murdoch.

This is the gray-clothed elder who is able to use the energy of space magic very easily.

The magic of the hand union has its own strange factions.

Like the elders who came out to trade with Murdoch this time, they belonged to the spatial faction.

“Is there only this one?”

“Here, there are 18 suits! There are also 36 particle liquids! I hope you can develop them in reverse before the particle liquids are used up!”

“Eighteen sets…”

Murdoch looked at the box that was not very big, and it was hard to imagine that there were eighteen powerful suits in it.

Although he has no heart, Murdoch can feel it, and his brain seems to have reached a climax.

He hasn’t felt this way for a long time.

With his unusually developed brain, he also evolved the ability to telepathy.

It’s just that his power can’t play any role in front of Shouhehui.

“Murdoch, don’t forget our agreement, we will invite you to join hands, not to give you things for nothing! In the future, you guys, thank me well!”

“Hehe, don’t worry! Yamamoto Musashi and I are old acquaintances! You have given me so many benefits this time, I will never forget you!”

Murdoch chuckled, and his brain directly released a strong electric wave signal.

There are many small transport vehicles behind him, immediately.

I drove it over and loaded the box.

This alone is far from enough.

I saw that…the transport vehicles that were all in one gradually attached to the metal box, they directly extended a strange metal chain to each other, and the whole box was firmly wrapped. Got up.

“You can go! The gods are still outside.”

“Hehe, I have asked my people to clean them up! Don’t worry, we can definitely return to my spaceship!”

Murdoch smiled slightly, and his huge head slightly lowered towards the group of ninjas, as if to salute them.

Without any farewell, Murdoch sat directly on the transporter and galloped towards his spaceship at an extremely fast speed.

Whether his subordinates are still alive now, how can he, the boss, not know the ability of the gods, he also knows, but it is a complete abnormality.

It is easy to destroy an aerospace aircraft carrier at any one time, with a shape of a battleship, and smash him to death.

Murdoch was fleeing frantically, and Ino and others were also sprinting towards the center of the confederation.

It’s a pity that when they entered the lair of Shoujihui, only a lot of ninjas of Shoujihui were waiting for them.

Murdoch and Bumblebee’s battle suits have long since disappeared without a trace.

“Tenjin, Ino”

, “Hehe, hand-to-hand fusion or hand-to-hand fusion, there are two things on the outside barrier!”

“Jie Jie, nothing is as good as you little girl who has mastered Chaos Magic!”

The speaker was a man in a purple ninja suit.

I saw him slowly leaping down from the wall, and constantly walking in front of Ino.

His gaze is fixed on Wanda, as if he wants to take Wanda as his own! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel!,

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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