Chapter 352 New crisis! Hand-in-hand material transportation!

After the celebration banquet.

No serious crisis has occurred in the world.

Shadow Watch is silently dealing with unknown hidden dangers, while Stark Industries and Umbrella Company are intensively conducting research and development on many new technologies.

As the latest technical consultant of the umbrella company, Dr. Hank has brought an unprecedented new scientific research direction to the research and development department of the umbrella company.

Their focus has extended from simple technology products to more avant-garde future equipment directions.

And Tony is also constantly improving his Mark suit.

Wanda is still familiar with his chaos magic with the help of the magic device.

The biomechanical lady police force led by Gaia patrols the sky over the city all day, reducing the global crime rate to a freezing point.

The bad guys are all huddled in the dark corners, secretly planning something.

“Mr. Ino, Max please see you!”

“This fellow Max is definitely not a good thing! Tell him to come in!”

Ino, who was meditating, was awakened by Angela’s reminder.

Without a good gene to swallow him, he can only temporarily use this method to steadily improve his strength.

Suits and leather shoes, sunglasses, and Max’s appearance are so handsome every time.

“Max, what brought you to me?”

“Mr. Ino, may I ask Dr. Hank, are you here?”

“With me, what’s wrong”

Ino raised his eyebrows, and suddenly he had a bad feeling in his heart.

“Dr. Hank is a matter of the previous generation of Ant-Man, I believe you also know it.”

“Max, stop talking nonsense! If you have anything, just talk about it!”

“Mr. Ino, the hands-on association is in action.”

Seeing Ino getting serious, Max was not polite, and said the matter directly.

“The Shouhehuihui has recently mastered a batch of suits that can be retracted at will, and is seeking cooperation, and wants to completely crack the technology of that suit!”

“You are talking about Ant-Man’s suit”

“No, of course I’m talking about Darren Kraus’s Hornet suit! But what’s the difference?”

Max chuckled, and Ino couldn’t see any anxiety on his face.

This man who has worked for the Umbrella Three Company all his life always has a damn calmness on his body.

“However, Claus Technology has been blown up.”

“Yeah, but because of this, the hands-on ensemble can get those battle suits without spending a penny! Although they didn’t get many Pim particles!”

“Why do you know everything”

“Sir! Isn’t this our job! We are…doing this! Our surveillance is everywhere!”

“Okay! They have mastered the battle clothes, but also need to solve the particle technology, right?”

“Exactly.”(Read more @

Max smiled slightly and took out a scribbled tissue from his suitcase.

The tissue is still stained with blood.

It is difficult to read the writing above.

There is only one location that Ino can barely recognize.

It is a small island located in the place where the Pacific Ocean meets the Arctic Ocean, an island that hardly anyone will go to, even without state management! Indeed, only such a place can become a hiding place for the bad guys.

“How many team members can we participate in the action”

“Report Captain, Rogers, Natasha, all can participate in the action! Wanda is in the training period, maybe…”

“Hehe, Wanda is the key candidate for this operation! Okay, call them together and get ready to go!”

Ino chuckled, shook his head, and denied Max’s words.

The Shouhehui is composed of a group of ninjas who control powerful magical powers.Whether it is individual strength or magical power, they are quite sturdy.

This mission, if Ino doesn’t take action, it will be difficult to complete with Rogers and Natasha alone.

Wanda, happens to master the most powerful chaos magic in the entire universe.

Letting her participate in this mission happens to be the best exercise for Wanda.

“That’s right! Call Hope too! If the hands are going to be traded, they should also have the Hornet suit! Without Hope, we have no chance of winning!”

“Understood sir!”

Ino’s order was quickly conveyed to the interior of the Shadow Watch base.

As S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.


….After that, another earth protection organization, the forces of Shadow Watch, has gradually penetrated all corners of the world with the support of Ino’s huge funds.

Before S.H.I.E.L.D..


….Many of the agents who have innocent backgrounds and have nothing to do with Hydra have also been recruited by Ino into the Shadow Watch.

With the help of these agents, the forces of Shadow Watch spread more and more… swift and violent.

As the head of the Shadow Watch, Ino’s words can be said to be of utmost importance.

All the superheroes who have no missions mentioned earlier have followed Ino on the fighter planes, and are always ready for a desperate fight with the guys.

“God, I have something to tell you!”

“whats the matter”

As soon as he got on the plane, Max pulled Ino aside with a mysterious look.

“The tissues were exchanged by Agent Colson for his life…”


Hearing what Max said, Ino was shocked.

Coleson, dead again, is said to be dead again, because during the reunion one, Coleson was stabbed to death by Rocky a scepter once.

But because of S.H.I.E.L.D. at the time.


…. Mastering an unknown alien technology, Coleson was taken by S.H.I.E.L.D.



This time, it should be regarded as Coleson’s second death! “What about the corpse”

“We are stored in a base in China, absolutely frozen, without any organizational damage!”

“This matter, go back and talk about it! The top priority is to wipe out the battle clothes in the hands!”


Max nodded slightly, looked at the serious expression on Ino’s face, and felt a little panic in his heart.

Even the current Shadow Guardian, Agent Colson is an indispensable member of them.

As S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.


…. As a senior agent, Coleson’s importance can even be comparable to that of Director Laden.

You know, Coulson’s team has repeatedly made great achievements.

The former Fitz and Skye were…a member of the Colson team.

Those who came to Shadow Watch also made a lot of contributions to Shadow Watch.

Agent Coulson, absolutely can’t die! This is what Ino said personally! Even if it is digging three feet, the previous S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau must be destroyed.


…. Find out the device to resurrect Agent Colson! At all costs! Feilu reminds you: Three things to read

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