Chapter 350 Generous and rich


With just a sound, Darren Krauss, together with his suit, turned into a pool of sticky flesh.

Hope even couldn’t bear to look at the muddy flesh, but there was more than a hundred catties of human flesh condensed in it! “Successful, we succeeded.”

The sudden success surprised Dr. Hank a little.

Everyone sitting together burst into continuous applause.

When Dr. Hank learned of the situation, a drop of tears kept falling from his face.

He has maintained the technology for decades and finally got the best guard.

“Mr. Tenjin, our bomb will explode in the last fifteen seconds!”

“Are the surrounding security personnel evacuated?”

“Only you and Ant-Man are left in the entire building!”

“Well, let’s go now!”

Ino in Krauss Technology, feeling the shocking phenotype of Hope under the mask, smiled slightly.

Behind him, a blue portal quietly opened.

On the other side of the portal, the umbrella company’s office, everyone showed shocked expressions on their faces.

The strength of the gods is still outrageous! “Hope, let’s go, it’s going to explode here!”


Hope murmured in response to Ino’s words, followed behind him, and entered Ino’s portal together.

Although this portal has extremely high requirements for physique, because of the existence of the Ant-Man battle suit, this portal does not have such high requirements for Hope! The two can easily return through the portal. Umbrella company.

At the moment the portal closed, there was a deafening explosion from the inside of Klaus Technology.

On the big screen of the office, there was also a terrifying heat wave flashing, and then, there was a burst of snowflakes, Songsongrongrong.

“has it ended”

“Dr. Hank, everything is over! Your battle clothes have been properly protected!”

“That’s good, that’s good.”

Dr. Hank smiled slightly, and Hope walked out from behind Ino.

The father and daughter suddenly hugged each other tightly.

That kind of warmth always gives people a very moving feeling.

No one noticed that a few seconds before the explosion, many ants-like things flew from the top of the Claus Technology Building to the other side of the skyline…” Kay, Fitz, thank you for your help.”(Read more @

“Mr. Tenjin, with all due respect, your mission is much more interesting than our previous mission!”

“Hehe, we will cooperate again! I will send you back…”

“No need, Mr. Tianshen! Our base, Qian is still in a state of confidentiality! Our fighter plane has arrived!”

“Hehe, that’s good, then, I wish you peace!”

Ino chuckled, looking at the kind faces of Skye and Fitz that day, he couldn’t help but throb.

These two guys will affect the world sooner or later.

It’s just that that day is far from coming.

“Ino, since Claus Technology has been completely destroyed, then I think I should go back and study my new uniform!”

“Tony, don’t push yourself too hard, cheer up with Pepper!”

“Ino! Why do you have such an idea, oh annoying.

Tony smiled, with a wretched expression on his face, walked out of the umbrella company, and returned to the building of Stark Industries by plane.

At this moment, only Dr. Hank, Ant-Man Hope, and Ms. Biomechanics Gaia are by Ino’s side.

The atmosphere in the room is very subtle.

“Hope, on behalf of Shadow Watch, I invite you to join our big family! The safety of the world needs your protection!”


Hope took off his helmet and looked at Ino in shock.

She couldn’t believe that Ino would actually send her such an invitation.

Shadow Watch, the most mysterious superhero gathering place in the world today.

Anyone has countless auras and has saved many creatures.

And her Ant-Man is just a newbie.

It is definitely her honor to be able to join Shadow Watch! “Hope, Mr. Ino is a good person, and he also has the ability to protect you! Just follow Mr. Ino!”

“This…Do I really have the ability”

“Hope, believe in yourself, your strength is absolutely possible!”

Dr. Hank looked at the expression on Hope’s face and smiled.

From the first generation who beat fascism by one person, to the second generation Ant-Man guarding the world, this kind of inheritance exists between the father and daughter, and it is absolutely legendary.

Shadow Watch, if Hope joins, it can really be said to be even more powerful, in general! All kinds of difficult tasks can be undertaken by Ant-Man and her ant army.

The battle of the big scene is left to Ino, Stark, or still: Wanda in training.

Teamwork is always the basis of victory.

“I…I would like to add Shadow Watch.

Mr. Ino, thank you for your invitation!”

“Hahaha, it’s so polite! Since you are all willing to join Shadowwatch, Dr. Hank, would you like to serve as a technical consultant for the umbrella company?”

Hope’s promise made Ino seem to have opened the door to a new world.

His gaze slowly turned to Dr. Hank’s body.

If Dr. Hope can also join his company, then the scientific research capabilities of the umbrella will directly rise to the next level! “Hehe, since Hope has become a member of Shadow Watch, why should I not join your company? Woolen cloth!”

“Hahaha, welcome two! Welcome to the two! Gaia, let me know! Tonight, we will hold a celebration party!”

Dr. Hank’s and Hope’s quick response caused Ino to laugh.

The absorption of two powerful members seems to be more refreshing than he has absorbed the genes of some powerful people.

At Ino’s instructions, Gaia also began preparations very resolutely.

There are only so few places that can afford these… heavyweights in the entire Manhattan Peninsula.

In the end, the venue for the celebration was set at the top of the Continental Hotel under Stark Industries.

Continental Hotel, and even one of the most luxurious hotels in the entire city.

The table opening fee alone has reached five figures.

There is not a worth of tens of millions of billions, and there is absolutely no guts to spend in a mainland hotel! The sponsor of the celebration is of course the lavish and rich Tony Stark.

To start a celebration in his hotel, what money do I need Ino to pay to read the underlined version of the novel, please download

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