Chapter 330 Tony’s Great Clean Campaign

The process of devouring refining is always long.

As for the person involved, Ino felt that the devouring this time was actually very easy.

After all, this is not the first time I have swallowed it. The feeling that Ultron Heart gives Ino is… a mechanical feeling. Although the energy in it is not weak, it is not very much compared with some things in the past. powerful.

In the past, when Ino absorbed the power of infinite gems, it was able to fully feel the cosmic energy contained in it.

The power of infinite gems comes from the original power of the universe, no matter what kind of power it is, it has the effect of dominating the power of the universe.

As for the current Ultron Heart, it certainly cannot be compared with Infinite Gems.

In the process of devouring Ultron’s Heart, Ino’s sense of time in the outside world is rather vague, and it is unknown how much time has passed.

As for Helen and Angela who stayed in the laboratory, they can also enter and leave the laboratory freely, there is no need…to stay here all the time.

About late at night, Ino could already feel that the heart of Ultron in front of him had begun to change.

A strange energy radiated from it, and the heart of Ultron began to decompose.

Ino can clearly feel that a kind of mechanical and electronic energy is flowing out of the heart of Ultron, and then enters his body! The absorption has officially begun.

However, Ino was not in a hurry, and didn’t want to take a sudden increase in strength last time.

An unobvious feature of the phagocytic system is the energy that it continuously absorbs.

This method of using slow fire to absorb, compared with the explosive method, has a greater potential for improvement.This is also the result of Ino’s so many swallowing absorptions.

Time passed by, and as time passed, the power of Ultron’s Heart continued to enter Ino’s body.

If Helen and Angela were in the laboratory at this time, they would be able to clearly see that a thin energy line seemed to have received Ino’s guidance, pulling it towards Ino’s heart.

And as this thin line of energy continues to flow in, Ino’s entire body is covered in the holy light, and the power in it is constantly strengthening! Of course, this process cannot be completed so quickly, according to Ino’s own estimate will not be completed until at least the next morning.

…Just as Ino was retreating, the Stark Group was also busy.

After Tony left the umbrella, he went straight to the headquarters of Stark Industries.

Ino is right, the economic war has already begun, and he must hurry up and be fully prepared before Krauss Technology launches the next offensive.

As for the shots left after the explosion of the Ultron incident, to be honest, Tony himself didn’t have the confidence to get it done in a short time.(Read more @

According to the original plan, it will take at least a while, but at this time, Claus Technology has already used the media to launch a raid.At this time, Tony can’t keep his hands.

All the steel army must be dispatched to solve the pollution incident as quickly as possible.

“Execute the plan, Steel Corps, ninety-nine percent of it!”

The order was issued, and the warehouse in front of Tony immediately started operating.

“Sir, are you sure you want to activate so many Iron Legions at once”

Jarvis’s projection fell through the monitor and asked Tony.

As Tony’s old butler, it was the first time Jarvis saw Tony let go so much and sent so many Iron Legions at once.As for the usefulness, Tony didn’t say, but this scale is not… just kidding.

“Of course I am sure. You have seen the media situation outside. I can’t just sit back and watch…

, I must suppress the fishing vessels of the media.”

Seeing Tony’s obsession, Jarvis was not asking, and immediately started the warehouse.

Suddenly, a large number of Iron Legion armors leaped out of it.

Mark Twenty, Mark Twenty One…There are hundreds of Iron Legions, and they leap out of the warehouse at once. If this scene is replaced by other Avengers members here, it is estimated that the teeth will be scared. Lost.

Of course, Tony’s purpose this time is not to fight or use violence, but to clean up honestly! “buckle”

Not much to say, Tony put on his helmet directly.

In an instant, the control of all the Iron Legions came to Tony’s hands.

“Go to the explosion site, the cleaning campaign will begin tonight!”

After all, Tony took the lead and flew directly in the direction of western Manhattan.Behind him, hundreds of Iron Legions followed.

To be honest, Tony himself hasn’t used such a huge lineup for a long time.

Even in the battle of Ultron, Tony only sent about 80% of the Stark Industry: the Iron Army.

Of course, this is also a factor with different functions. When dealing with the battle of Ultron, Stark Industry must leave a part of the steel army to garrison. After all, Ultron’s artificial intelligence energy is not… a child, one does not pay attention The Iron Legion may be controlled.

And this time, after Ultron was dealt with, Tony’s Iron Legion had no restrictions and threats anymore, even… dispatched the lair, and Tony had no worries.

As for the total number of dispatches this time, it is 99%%.As for the remaining 1%%, it is a special armor left by Tony and is not suitable for the expedition.

From the place where the explosion occurred in the west of Stark Industries, it was only two hundred kilometers away, and Tony quickly arrived and landed.

And what came into my eyes was a somewhat barren place.

“Wow, here… it’s more tragic than I thought.”

This is the no-man’s land west of Manhattan near the Central Desert! The explosion site of the Ultron Battle! Before Tony actually didn’t actually enter this area personally, just let Jarvis take some of the Iron Army to come and clean it.

But when Tony saw the mirror image here with his own eyes, it still made him a little shocked.

Originally, this place should be just a desert or the next door, but after the impact of the explosion, it was all turned into flat ground.

Tony remembers clearly that, under Ino’s control, the explosion was transferred to a high altitude.

But I didn’t expect that this impact could still have such a big impact on the ground.

“Jarvis, check the pollution data.”

After a moment of silence, Tony spoke.

After that, he took a deep breath, as if he was preparing for it.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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