Chapter 327 . Intellectually Disabled Claus Technology

But having said that, even if there are bad reports in the media, the aftermath of the explosion still needs to be dealt with.

As one of the first consortiums in Manhattan, Umbrella Company is unquestionable in terms of economic and technological strength or reputation.

“Ino, what should we do now? Their actions really don’t take our reputation into consideration.”

Angela hesitated and asked Ino.

And Ino is also thinking about this issue at this time.From now on, Claus Technology can be said to have declared war on the umbrella.As for what kind of struggle the two sides will fight in the end, it is difficult to predict.

But as for the current situation, Krauss Technology wants to discredit the reputation of the umbrella, Ino will never sit back and watch…


“Contact Tony first, he is familiar with the media.”

After a while, Ino made a decision.

Regarding the media, Ino can be said to be completely unfamiliar, but Tony is different.

As the CEO of Stark Group, Tony often shows up in front of the media, and is considered a regular customer in front of major media, so it is more convenient to operate.

It seems that I felt the need of Ino, and Gaia opened the door of the room at this time.

“Master, are you calling me”

Gaia, as the existence created by Ino, knows the latter’s thoughts and ideas very well, and he can see Ino’s needs right away.

“Help me contact Tony, I have something to tell him.”


After receiving Ino’s instructions, Gaia immediately agreed, and then immediately turned on the communicator and connected to the headquarters of Stark Industries.

In fact, since the establishment of the umbrella, Ino has always been the person who makes the main decision.The entire big event of the umbrella requires Ino to plan.

But the entire protective umbrella is really big, not everything can be managed by Ino, and many details must be handed over to others.

Fortunately, now with the biomechanical lady, Ino’s mid laner can be said to have invited a lot.

As for the Claus Technology incident at this time, Ino does not want to spend too much time on this.(Read more @

After all, Krauss Technology is nothing more than… want to compete economically with the umbrella for status and obtain more economic resources.

These things are dispensable for Ino.

The main goal of Ino has always been to improve its strength, so that the umbrella and the people around it can have a safe environment.

As for whether to have more wealth, Ino doesn’t care, money is like dung in Ino’s eyes.

So, what Ino thinks now is…, Tony will deal with it directly.

When the notice was given, there was a knock on the door, no need to ask, it must be Tony here! “Don’t tell me what happened outside, I already know very well, there is a villain who wants to ruin our reputation, that’s right. , Is a complete villain.”

The door of the room opened, and Tony’s figure suddenly appeared.

And what followed was his frowning face, and it seemed that he had also seen the situation in the major news media today.

“Please rest assured, Mr. Stark, Mr. Ino is already here waiting for you.”

Gaia moved his palm and moved the chair to Ino’s side, motioning Tony to sit down.

And Tony was not welcome.He sat directly and picked up a drink.It was not the first time Tony was here, and there was no need to be too restrictive.

“Tell me about your situation, Tony.”

The latter glanced at Ino and said, “Early this morning, Jarvis found out that something was wrong.”

Tony took a sip of red wine and was about to come slowly.

“In the Manhattan Peninsula, a large number of news media have appeared umbrella, Stark Group, biological pollution and other words, and the target is directed at us.”

“I immediately opened the newsletter to see what was going on.”

He shrugged, looking rather impatient, “Good guy, the large media across the Manhattan Peninsula, including the New York Times, are all reporting negative news about us!”

“There is the umbrella company, Ultron. Yesterday’s explosion was fabricated into a weapon test. I don’t know who helped them write the content, but it looks really perfect.”

Tony stared, and described the incident somewhat inconceivably, “Including the cause of the experiment, the process, and the final explosion and pollution, all of this seems to have really happened.”

Tony is right, Ino also simply read the content on the media.

It can be said that it is very perfect.It is not the media that the umbrella company may be developing biological weapons, but it is very certain that while the umbrella company is exposed to the research of biological weapons, it also releases a lot of pollution due to the explosion.

To be honest, if someone else sees this kind of news, they will definitely jump up in surprise.

When the real facts are not known, the media reports are…the people’s only source of information, they believe what the media say.

“The other thing I want to say is… the media are not only targeting umbrellas, but also Stark Industries!”

Speaking of this, Tony obviously became a little excited.

“I don’t know who came up with this attention. The media said that after the umbrella company created illegal pollution, Stark Industry did not play a supervisory role. Instead, it went with the umbrella. The Stark Group helped the umbrella company deal with it. The pollution and radiation caused by illegal biological experiments are also illegal.”

“This is simply spreading rumors! I have hired the lawyers, Ino, we must get our innocence back.

Otherwise, the stock of Stark Group will plummet.”

Speaking of this, Tony stood up and rubbed his hands.It seemed that he was really starting to prepare for the lawyer.

When hearing the word group stock, Ino and Angela looked at each other.

Why did they forget about this?

As one of the largest economies that Manhattan moved to, Umbrella and Stark Group both have a very large proportion in the Wall Street economic system or the hidden stock system.

But if the umbrella company and the Stark Group are criticized in their reputations at this time, or even completely lose the support of the people, then the stocks in them will plummet! No wonder Tony looks distressed from the moment he enters the door, it turns out that there is Such a reason.

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