Chapter 321 .Plans have changed, companies researching quantum technology

With the order given.

Echo remotely controlled the biomechanical ladies close to the cargo in the umbrella island to intercept.

Transporting this shipment to the city is inherently illegal.

So even if Ms. Biomechanics goes to Mingqiang, it doesn’t matter much…

Following a certain piece of biomechanical ladies all rushed in one direction.

People in New York City also noticed the same.

Can let the close biomechanical ladies gang fight over.

That must be no small problem.

So there are two options before the citizens.

It must be okay to leave in the opposite direction of the biomechanical lady.

But to satisfy curiosity, I followed the words of the biomechanical lady.

Injury and even death are also possible.

After thinking for a moment.

Some people in the city turned and left in the opposite direction.

Some chose to follow it and see.

And there are still many who choose to follow the past.

After a while.

The biomechanical lady arrived at the convoy of weapons and ammunition that was being transported.

The drivers of this group of convoys immediately peeed out after seeing more than a dozen biomechanical ladies flying in front of them.

Then they stopped the car immediately.

Then he walked down one by one and raised his hands above his head and finally lay on the ground.

Finally, the first driver shouted anxiously: “I don’t know what we are shipping! Our transportation driver received a huge order!”

“On the order, as long as we drive things from a production base to New York!”

“Our company can hand in all the data!”

These words came out.

The crowd slowly coming around have taken out their phones and broadcast live on social platforms.

This is really the first major event for the lady of biomechanics to protect New York in so long.

Is there a crime finally?

A biomechanical lady floating in the air floated forward and said: “Get up and go back to the cab, then go back the same way, where you got from, and where you drove back.”

“As long as it is the same as when it came, it can be as if it didn’t happen now.”

Hear what one of them said.

Originally, they were lying on the hot ground with their limbs spread out and immediately got up and returned to their car.

Then turned around.(Read more @

They quickly returned to the same place.

Although the group holding the mobile phone live broadcast did not understand it.

But they also guessed that the actual shipment was not a good thing.

And this group of drivers were intercepted by the biomechanical lady before the goods even reached the New York border.

If you look at it this way.

The biomechanical lady is too strong.

Watching the returning transportation convoy leave.

Ms. Biomechanics looked around and said, “The matter has been resolved, please leave in an orderly manner.”

After speaking.

Biomechanical ladies don’t care…

The crowd just flew away.


The screen returns to Ino’s side.

After hanging up Tony’s call.

Ino walked into the training room under everyone’s gaze and told the story again.

Steve took a bottle of mineral water and was a little bit “sad” after drinking it

Said: “In other words, the next task is no longer our turn.”

“not us.”

After interrupting Steve, Hill pointed to everyone except Ava and Wanda and said, “It’s us.”

Both Wanda and Ava can participate in this event.

However, Ava faintly existed as the captain and said, “It is not me and Wanda that can participate.”

“This time Ultron’s time is in secret, we can’t help at all.”

“So we should go abroad to deal with some small things recently.”

“We don’t need us here for the time being, and it’s safe to have Ino.”

Ava is actually right.

They can’t do much now.

Even if Ultron was discovered.

The one with the fastest mobility is also the biomechanical lady.

So… they had planned to go abroad first to deal with small matters.

Ino looked at them and asked, “If you think about it, go abroad to perform the task.”

Everyone looked at each other.

Finally nodded together.

It’s still useful outside, and it’s really useless not being outside.

After seeing that they all agreed.

Ino also nodded and said, “Okay, then you have to rest in the past two days, and the backstage will start.”

After that, Ino left the training room again to the top floor of the original largest office building.

it’s here.

Echo also flew over to report the situation.

“The second-generation biomechanical lady is still there: Antarctica: Search for Zhenjin, although there is no clue for the time being.”

“But Antarctica has been scanned: nearly half of the area.”

“According to the probability calculation, the target can be scanned as soon as tomorrow, and the slowest is the day after tomorrow.”

Hear the echo report.

Ino said directly: “Let them come back, and then do something to search for traces of Ultron.”

“Let the five biomechanical ladies drive Ultron like a sheep.”

“Just expose him if he is in a hurry, and then I will do it again.”

After hearing the echo, he nodded, and went back to remotely control those…The second generation lady is back.

At this time, Gaia also appeared from the air next to Ino and said: “The South Pole has been determined: the location of Zhenjin, should Ino directly dig it out by himself”


Ino nodded: “The second-generation ladies are made of Wakanda vibrating gold. They are close to the South Pole: when vibrating, their body will be uncomfortable and will gradually decompose.”

“So when you finally learned about the Antarctic: Zhenjin position in advance, I called them back.”

Gaia nodded: “There is currently a company researching quantum technology. They want people to wear some kind of clothing and then shrink into a “special force.”


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