Chapter 317 .The second generation of biomechanical lady, concentrated energy laser【1】

When Wanda saw the two women walking out, she seemed a little unsure of how to say hello.

How long have Angela and Helen been with Ino.

It is well known in the world.

Helen alone has been behind Ino for a few years.

And Angela.

Look at the information mining on the Internet.

Ino knew each other before he went to college, that is, when he was in high school.

At that time, Angela was still two levels higher than Ino’s school sister.

In other words.

Ino and Angela have known each other longer.

So facing these two women, Wanda said as someone who just… joined Shadow Watch.

Still a little at a loss.

After all, Angela and Helen are also well-known figures outside.

But after Helen and Angela walked out, they inadvertently looked at each other after seeing Wanda.

Then I went to the refrigerator in the rest area and took out a few bottles of milk tea.

They handed it to Ino first.

Then hand it to Wanda at the same time.

In this way, Wanda can alleviate the situation of being overwhelmed.

Of course, Helen didn’t have this status because she knew Angela.

Let Wanda not have this condition.

At this time, Wanda looked at everyone who was talking with milk tea, and took a sip of milk tea by herself.

At this moment.

If you want to keep the space from embarrassing.

Then you need to stir up the topic.

But this is not Ino’s strong suit.

So Ino stood up, then walked to Angela and Helen and said jokingly: “How to make our new member: It’s up to you to be cheerful.”

“Except for her…I was basically training when I was there, so let her relax and you can chat and meet.”

Hear Ino’s words.

Wanda opened his mouth and didn’t know how to refute it.

Because everything he said was right.


Ino looked back at Wanda and said, “I went to the underground base. You guys will talk for a while.”

Knowing that Ino is going to build the biomechanical lady, Wanda nodded.

Then Ino went to the basement.

If you leave it to Helen to enlighten Wanda alone, you can’t worry about it.

That Angela took Helen is different.

With Angela’s…big sister temperament.

It didn’t take long for Helen to become Angela’s close friend.

then.(Read more @

Ino comes to the underground base.

There is half the amount of vibrating on the shelf in the warehouse here.

Ino took a look at these… Zhenjin finally recognized it.

[Realistic gems: Re-enact these vibrato models according to the biomechanical template, and optimize the body from diamond to streamlined] This generation of vibrating biomechanical lady Ino is built in a style between the normal version and the echo.

This way, it doesn’t seem to be quiet but it is definitely a level higher than the normal version.


With Ino’s thoughts.

Five transparent light balls appeared.

And Zhenjin was also sucked into the jar one by one.

Then the jar disappeared.

Then it was exactly the same as before.

With ultra-high temperature and ultra-high pressure.

The vibrating gold in the 5 balls began to change like the previous few times.

After a while.

It began to transform to the biomechanical lady.

The difference from the first generation is.

The second generation is the same as Ino said, their bodies have become humanoid abdomens and bodies like Pepper’s Reunion Armor.

But the legs are still diamond-shaped.

In this way, it seems that there is a sense of sight of Qing Gang Ying.


With the evacuation of the light ball.

Ino uses the system to simulate opening their data panel.

[Second Generation Biomechanical Lady] [Defensive Ability: Physical Defense, Energy Defense, Magic Defense] [Attack Ability: Energy Shooting, Focused Laser] [Adaptability: No replenishment, space flight, all aspects] [Condensed Laser : Use the same ability as Echo for a short time] Yes.

After reading it.

Ino nodded.

These five biomachines are more than a star and a half stronger than the first generation.

For example, adaptability, the first-generation system is too lazy to talk about it.

And the second generation also has space flight capabilities.

It also means that she has the full speed of sprinting out of gravity.

And the most important thing is…

Compared to the first generation’s offensive capabilities.

Because of the improvement of body materials in the second generation, they can actually use the focused laser for a short time! This ability is terribly powerful.

It was before Tony developed the Nano Warframe.

Concentrated lasers can instantly cut all materials known on the earth.

Of course…not including vibrating gold itself.

So with the second generation of biomechanical ladies, this is the real legion.

The first generation can only be used by civilians.

The second generation is only for military use.

Snap Ino’s fingers.

Echo immediately came out of a blue door.

Look at these brand new five second-generation biomechanical ladies.

Ino said to the echo: “They are the second-generation biomechanical ladies. You command them to perform a special mission, but you don’t need to go, just command.”

Echo nodded.

Then Ino turned his head to look at the five second-generation ladies and said: “Connect to Gaia’s system host.”

As the words fall.

The five biomechanical ladies were instantly full of energy.

Then they opened their eyes.

The countless data is beating in their eyes.

This is the data package prepared by Gaia for the fixed model.

There are battle data packs.

There are daily logic data packages.

Of course there are other miscellaneous things etc…

Seeing this, Ino said to the echo without waiting: “Antarctica: There is a kind of Zhenjin on the bottom of the sea called Antarctica: Zhenjin.”

“You control these five ladies to go to the Antarctic: seabed search, remember not to get too close when the search is found, and then report it to me immediately.”

Echo nodded, folded her hands in front of her lower abdomen and said, “Echo knows.”

Ino nodded in satisfaction.

Teleported away directly.

Next, he got news again.

Shadow Watch’s special combat uniforms are all made.

He was going to take a look.

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