Chapter 315 .Acquired again 10,000 meters of gold and one gram of Zhenjin [2]

Angela’s words suddenly reminded Ino of something.

It’s like Antarctica: There is a kind of vibration that specifically restrains the Wakanda vibration.

It can make Wakanda’s solid vibrating gold break down into liquid, which means that Wakanda’s vibrating gold has no effect and no defense in front of it.

Thinking of this, Ino is ready to let Gaia command several biomechanical ladies to search.

Looking at Ino who was thinking.

Angela and Helen blinked at each other, with surprises in their eyes.

Usually when Ino falls into this state.

There must be some good news.

After a while, Ino raised his head and said: “Vibration does have the value of in-depth research, and not only that, I also think of a Zhenjin that completely restrains vibrations.”

“Restrain the vibrating gold”

Angela and Helen looked at each other.

Zhenjin is such a strong metal that has specifically restrained its existence.

That definitely has research value.

Ino nodded and said, “Wakanda Zhenjin, I will save you a little, and wait until I find the South Pole: Zhenjin, you can study this and try.”

Antarctica: Zhenjin Angela and Helen looked at each other again.

This is the vibrator who restrained Wakanda.Wakanda Zhenjin, they all know, and Ino told them this evening.

But Antarctica: Zhenjin doesn’t know at all, and this is what Ino just came up with.

Following Angela and Helen nodded.

Happiness… Ino clapped his hands and said, “Okay, that’s it for today. Let’s go home and rest.”

Angela, Helen: …Angela looked at her watch.

1: I have to go home to rest just after three o’clock in the afternoon.

Then why go home…Looking at the two people with pitiful eyes.

Ino turned his head without looking at anything and said, “No discussion. Go back now and it will be over at night. Go back at night and it will be over tomorrow morning. You choose.”

!!! Angela and Helen looked at them with eyes wide open.

I still choose to go back now.

After seeing the result, Ino snapped his fingers and everyone went back.

…A few days later.

The biological combat uniform of the umbrella is about to be completed.

The island will soon be expanded.

But today is the time to buy Zhenjin.


Today, Ino was in the training room and mentioned the acquisition of Zhenjin.

Wanda suddenly begged: “Can I follow along, I’m kind of good…”

Listening to Wanda’s increasingly confident voice.

She might suddenly think that Yi’s is the real thing, would it be bad to bring herself.

But this is just a very simple process.

So Ino didn’t even open his mouth, and shook his head sideways, just follow along.(Read more @

See the representation of Ino.

Wanda trot happily over and followed Ino out of the training room slowly.

Then Ino snapped his fingers.

The two of them were gone in the next moment.

From start to finish, the 3-ring magic device next to Wanda has been following her.

Seeing the two disappear.

Everyone in the training room looked at each other, and then nodded tacitly as everyone knew.

Wanda, who was originally a little fan, plus this look.

Idiots know what this means.


The screen turns to Ino’s side.

Still that…abandoned ship.

“Over there! Hurry up, take that bucket of dirty water away!”

Crowe and Eric stood on the top of the crane, and the dirty things under the commander hurry away and tidy up.

The vanadium metal has already been moved and placed in a clean warehouse.

Crowe just finished scolding.

He looked at his watch again.

8:3 a.m. If this were in the past, he still doesn’t know where to sleep.

But this time Ino is coming.

So I immediately changed my work and rest for a few days to try my best.

He also wears a suit, shirt and vest, neatly.

Even the head is waxed.

Eric looked at Crow inexplicably while wearing a vest and said, “You do this…what’s the use of fancy and fancy. Gods will not favor you just because you are well-dressed.”

“That’s because you are too young.”

Crow looked at the small mirror and touched his hair, then shook his head in a way that you didn’t understand: “When I was doing business with your father back then, what I paid attention to was… the first impression.”

“Although he won’t let the gods care about me more, but let the gods look at me at least…I don’t hate it, that’s enough.”

Eric thought for a while, then suddenly stretched out his hand to snatch Crow’s small mirror and looked at his hair and body.

If the gods feel that they don’t value this relationship because of their messy hair.

It was only because of this little incident that Eric was able to regret his intestines.

But these…Ino, who knows them all, doesn’t care about these…

If Ino is, it is the result.

So the process is not important.

The screen turns back.

Just after Eric finished looking at his appearance.

A blue door suddenly appeared before their eyes.

Then as the blue door disappeared, the figures of Ino and Wanda appeared.

Crowe and Eric stood up right away.

But after watching Ino.

They looked at Wanda who was following Ino again.

If everything else is fine.

According to their knowledge, Wanda is surrounded by the satellites that revolve around her, what is it! At this time, Ino said in a light tone: “Vanadium metal.”

Crowe reacted.

Immediately led Ino to the warehouse under the stairs.

It can be said to be the cleanest place in the entire ship.

As we walked to the old place.

Wanda walked behind Ino and looked around curiously.

This is quite new to her.


Come to the warehouse.

As Crow opened, Ino saw that vanadium metal, which was indeed half less than the last time, was neatly placed here.

Ino stretched out his hand.

A can of vanadium metal flies to Ino.

He tossed it in his hand, and then handed it to Wanda behind him.

“This is currently the most precious metal on earth. Its defense and energy storage conductivity are very effective.”

Hear Ino’s words.

Wanda was very curious and took the vanadium metal can.

Look at the vanadium metal inside.

Crow next to him couldn’t help but said: “The reason why it is the most expensive metal in the world, because it needs 10,000 meters of gold for one gram.”

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