Chapter 312 .Ultron who wants to destroy the earth by the equivalent amount [2]

After a while.

Tony came down from the roof of the building on Umbrella Island wearing Mark’s armor.

He opened the mask and looked around and asked, “Where is the new man”

“On the training test, come with me.”

After Ino finished speaking, he took Tony to the island training room.

At this time, everyone is still following the biomechanical lady test.

But only Wanda is still there: Manipulating energy controls the paper floating in the air.

After seeing Ino coming.

Wanda stood up holding the paper in the air and walked over slightly happily and said, “I’m practicing using energy to origami in the air, and now I can only fold it in half by 50%.”

Ino nodded: “Nice training method.”

After Ino finished speaking, Wanda officially looked at the person next to Ino.

Wanda: “Mr. Stark”


Tony shook his eyebrows and asked, “Am I just so unnoticeable?”

Ino patted Tony on the shoulder and quickly said in his ear: “Her parents died because of the weapon, although she doesn’t care about it now.”

Hear Ino’s words.

Tony’s face changed, and his smile closed.

Then he walked out of the armor with a click.

Tony in casual clothes leaned forward to Wanda’s body and said, “Sorry, I’m very sorry for the mistakes I made at that time.”

Coming out of the armor is to express his formal mood at the moment.

After Wanda confirmed, he stood next to Ino and said in a normal tone: “I don’t care anymore, you do more good things with Ino.”

Tony nodded solemnly.

It is not difficult to guess that Wanda is…one of the new members of Shadow Watch.

So Ino directly introduced: “She is… the new member, Wanda Maximov.”

Tony nodded seriously: “Hello, my name is Tony Stark.”

“I know.”

Ava nodded: “Rich man and playboy, the only good thing is…knowing to follow Ino to save the world.”

Hear Wanda’s words.

Tony’s serious face immediately became uncomfortable.

He tried to correct Wanda: “First of all, if you are a rich man, I have no money than Ino. His drugs sell well all over the world, and he monopolizes 70% of the world’s sales.

After speaking, he pointed to himself and said: “And the playboy is not even more important.”

“Since the whiplash incident, I have loved my Pepper very much.”

“And at the same time I no longer date those…cover girls.”(Read more @

“Is it right? So you have become like this.”

I folded the paper and didn’t even look at it. “But it has nothing to do with me.”

I… Tony opened his mouth.

His hands also raised helplessly.

Finally, he chose to go back silently and sit on the sofa.


After the test, everyone returned to the sofa in the rest area to rest.

Steve looked at Tony in surprise and said, “It’s been a long time since I saw Tony. What have you been doing recently, let alone dating.”

“Oh no.”

Tony covered his head and said helplessly: “I am also making serious progress, okay, upgrading the armor, increasing the number, and I also shot a satellite on it.”


Coleson came over from the side with a few bottles of water and said, “Then maybe I will use you in a while.”

Hear business.

Tony took the water that Coleson handed over and asked: “What are you going to do next?”

After Tony asked these words, everyone looked back at Ino.

Ino clapped his hands.

The echo flew in and showed everyone on the screen: “His name is Ultron, this is his own name.”

“The robots we destroyed last time are strictly one of his clones.”

“He has only one goal, and that is to destroy mankind and make the earth biologically extinct.”

“Then use this to create the completely reasonable world of his dreams.”

…Wait until after the introduction of Echo.

Everyone understands the general causes and consequences of Ultron.

Tony asked suspiciously: “Then it now controls a group of robots to escape, and then how he plans to destroy the world”

There are many ways to destroy the world, but for Ultron nowadays, it is very limited.

At this moment.

Ava spoke next to him and said, “I remember, I heard a little news when he was talking to himself in the underground base.”

“He said he needs a big thing, a big thing, and it needs enough equivalent.”


When Tony heard this word, he immediately said it in surprise.

Everyone knows the meaning of this word.

What he converted in the weapon is…: The greater the equivalent, the greater the power.

That combined.

Ultron just wants to build a bomb.

He wants to build a nuclear bomb or even a hydrogen bomb.

And, of course, it has swept the world’s knowledge that it knows how to make a nuclear bomb.

And there may be more after fusion.

Tony scratched his head in annoyance.

Now Ultron not only didn’t know where it was, they also knew that Ultron was building a nuclear bomb in the ground.

At this time, Hill said: “Don’t worry, there are many essential elements in nuclear bombs that are strictly controlled.”

“Now we only need to pay close attention to the flow of major mines and important material elements.”

“Moreover, there are some element materials that are not sold in countries, so we pay attention to these…

After hearing what Hill said.

Tony’s distressed expression did not improve.

Instead, he said distressedly: “The point is, if it is not completely building a nuclear bomb, he can panic the world by just finding something like missiles.”

“Then he takes advantage of the mess to get the important material materials and elements, and then he can fully stack the equivalent.”

Hear Tony’s explanation.

Everyone tightened their lips.

This is indeed a problem, and the materials of nuclear bombs can be strictly controlled.

But the material of the missile can be completely missed.

“Actually, instead of… passively waiting, we might as well take the initiative to find it out.”

At this moment, Ino said next to him: “I have an idea.”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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