Chapter 303 .The underground base collapses and Ava takes Wanda away [2]

Bang! A dull explosion sounded.

Then, the space that was instantly drained of air caused all the internal organs of all the people present to lose pressure.

Because it was in an absolutely airtight basement, after a while, all the people inside died.

If Ava chooses the bomb instead of the cloud bomb.

Then in a 50-square-meter space, not everyone can be knocked out.

And the cloud bomb can be.

And there hasn’t been a huge explosion yet.

After a while.

Ava reopened the door to observe the situation inside.


After confirming, Ava closed the door and squeezed the scepter in her hand to go out and join her teammates.

But next.

Several robots suddenly walked out of the house next door.

They are gray and black, and there are a few small missiles on their arms.

If these things explode here.

It is possible for the underground base to collapse.

But it’s not right, why would these robots suddenly start invisible, Ava frowned.

She took the psychic scepter, turned her body sideways, against the wall, and then began to walk back in the direction.

When she came and passed by… first saw the twins’ laboratory.

Then… the robot room.

Then there is the research room.

So she is going to pass by these robots now.

Just need to walk in front of them.

Step by step.

Ava slowly walked to the robot holding the psychic scepter.

These robots have no senses, so Ava guessed that these robots would not be aware of themselves.

After a while.

Ava walked past them easily.

But just when Ava walked to the laboratory room and thought it could pass.

The few robots actually separated two and walked to the door of the scientific research room to open the door.

The two came towards the twin room on this side.

Ava’s face changed, and she left her mind scepter…

The two twins wanted to walk away quickly.

At this moment.

One of the robots who had just walked out and stood still said, “They are dead, how did they die? They should have died.”

“Now I need materials, these robots are useless, I need something that can boom!”

“The bigger the better, the more equivalent the better.”

After speaking, it turned to look at the twins and said, “There are still living people who are going to die!”

The moment Ultron finished these words.

These Ultron clones all raised the small missiles in their hands to face the various rooms in the basement.

Ava’s face changed.

I ignored my own footsteps and quickly ran out.

For speed.

She even went straight through the twins’ room at two o’clock.

Boom!!! At the moment when I passed the Quicksilver room and then arrived at the Wanda room.(Read more @

The burst of flames and shock waves of energy swept across this small underground space in an instant.

Cracked walls and various objects were bombed everywhere.

Ava is flying out.

Hold the scepter in his hand tightly.

If the scepter flies away or is buried in the ground, it will be a big trouble to find it.

So it must be taken out.

at the same time.

Wanda, who was resting apart from Quicksilver, was blown away by a shock wave with a dazed expression.

The wall behind her and Quicksilver turned into rubble.

And in the corner of his eyes when he flew out, a black and red voice suddenly appeared from the air holding a scepter.

She flew out with herself.

Peng Peng This is the sound of two bodies falling into the rubble ground.

Ava and Wanda fell together one by one.

Not waiting for Wanda to react.

Ava’s good physical fitness and reaction ability immediately got up from the ground.

But when Ava turned to look at Wanda, who was blown away with her.

The puzzle happened.

Wangzai is in the process of falling down with Ava.

The tip of the psychic scepter has scratched Wanda’s arm.

At this time, Wanda’s whole body was wrapped in red energy from time to time.

As long as there is red energy in her body.

Dust and stones scattered on the roof will be bounced off.

But as long as there is no red energy.

Those things will fall on Wanda.


Ava said to herself.

At present, it seems that this girl has the same characteristics as her own.

That is ability.

Ava looked at the scepter in her hand, and then at Wanda.

Finally, she looked back at Quicksilver, which had been buried in a pile of rocks.

Ava bent down and grabbed Wanda.

Then invisible and carrying Wanda on his back was… rushing all the way.


Kaka Kaka was at the moment when Ava left.

Because of the bombing, the supporting pillars of this underground base began to break.

And the entire base will begin to collapse.

Ava ran.

The underground base is collapsing faster and faster.

At the speed of Ava’s running, she can’t keep up with the speed of the collapse.

Seeing to run out of the base.

But the ceiling that collapsed with one hand continued to fall down.

Ava carries Wanda on her back.

Don’t hesitate to put her behind her as a meat pad.

After all, the reason she brought Wanda was just that Ava thought she had research value.

This red energy looks good as soon as it looks.

But choose between living alive.

Ava gave up Wanda without hesitation.

Rumble… after a moment.

The collapsed rubble did not bury herself as Ava thought.

Ava raised her head.

The red energy on Wanda formed a cover to wrap himself in.

He hesitated for a moment.

Ava called the unconscious Wanda to the police again, stared at the pile of rocks and falling rubble, and ran out.

After a while.

But the light shone on Ava’s visor.

The watchmen are already waiting for Ava at the door.

Hill stepped forward and hugged Ava and sighed, “It’s okay if you are fine, we almost thought you had an accident.”

As early as the moment those robots bombed.

They were already vigilant and immediately took out their weapons and attacked.

So the inside should be combined with the outside.

Ava solved all the commanders silently inside.

The other watchmen dealt with the little soldiers who hadn’t reacted outside.

Ava takes the lower armour.

After a breath of fresh air, he said, “I’m fine, but there are some things I have to report to Ino.”

Everyone nodded.

Natasha looked outside at Ava’s unconscious Wanda with a questioning look.

It means…: You brought up something.

What is the use.

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