Chapter 295 .The government is sober and ready to acquire Zhenjin again [3]


The President deliberately coughed twice.

The whole office stopped to look at him.

After all, in the world of ordinary people, the president is the top existence.

Looking at the quiet office.

Mr. President said in a weak tone: “Aren’t there few biomechanical ladies of Ino, if that’s the case, then we promise him to use Nuno as a test area.”

“Let Ms. Mecha and the police perform the task together, so that the problem will be delayed first, and then we will think of a solution.”

“But… Mr. President.”

The internal affairs officer next to him said: “If we opened this for the first time, then next time it might be… the military power.”

“If you are a police officer, it’s actually not a big deal, but as long as you have this first time.”

“Then all of our rights in succession will be slowly eroded, and we will have nothing in the end.”

Mr. President nodded calmly: “I know.”


Everyone in the child looks at me, and I look at yours.

They couldn’t imagine why the president did this for the first time since he knew this problem.

Think about it again, and drag it for a while. What if there is a solution… But Mr. President sighed and said: “The gods are giving us the steps. Do you want to understand?

Speaking of this, he took off his eyes and put them on the table.

Then he pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers and relaxed and explained: “Our position is just that he doesn’t want to replace it. You take your position too seriously and ignore the existence of the gods.”

“Is he a man? He is a god.”

“If he wanted the US government, then the US would have been dissolved long ago, and we would not have waited to consider this issue.”

“So his “unintentional action” this time

, I just want our answer.”

I can understand all the answers before, but the people in the house looked at it and didn’t seem to understand what the last sentence meant.

Mr. President looked at them, and it was so and I still said in the best way: “The god wants to tell us that the rights of a country are also at his fingertips for him, but he doesn’t want it.”

“So he also wants to get one of our answers, what to answer”

“We are fruits, he picks as he pleases, it depends on his mood.”

This… through Mr. President’s explanation.

They thoroughly understand what the answer is.

Ino’s desire for power is simply at your fingertips.

And the reason why he didn’t take the initiative to take it like this was…not rare: just to ask for an answer to a step.

The U.S. government can only answer one answer.

Power you want to take, and we want to pick the fruit.

Ino doesn’t want it, but it doesn’t mean he can have none.(Read more @

There is a must, even if I fall in the dust, I still have this power.

After figuring it out.

The internal affairs officer swallowed and hesitated and said, “That…then how do we answer?”

The middle-aged man sitting on the only big desk replied: “I will announce the answer on my personal Facebook account three days later, and it is definitely good news.”

“I personally invite God Ino to make a video call to talk about the details.”

“Since we know he doesn’t want actual status but we can’t live without it.”

“Then let’s let a small matter first tell him that it’s okay.”

“Take it if you want.”

In the end, this answer was unanimously approved by the officials.

After a while, Mr. President announced the exact implementation plan three days later on his personal Facebook page.

And it’s definitely a good thing.

The screen returns to Ino’s side.

After Gaia reminded, Ino also saw this Facebook message.

In reality, people cheered happily after seeing the news.

This is their victory.

This is the first time that official concessions have been made through the power of speech and solidarity.

Ino leaned on the cushion of the boss’s chair with his hands resting on the back of his head and said with a smile: “It seems that they understand a little bit and recognize their current status.”

Gaia nodded.

“In fact, only the President of the United States understood this meaning, and then he told everyone.”

“Finally, these talents suddenly woke up to their current position and strength.”

“That’s why it’s now such a good-speaking look.”

Squeezing his fingers, Ino said with some regret: “I thought I needed to move my muscles and bones to understand my meaning.”

The last time the Thunderbolt swept through this underground base in Kilian.

The tone and bones of the U.S. government have indeed been smoothed a lot.

He thought he was bent again just now.

In the end, he broke it right.

At this moment.

Gaia began to say again: “Jason sent a message through the echo: the last time… the man who was waiting for the metal seller called over, and he said that there is another batch of metal to be sold.”


Ino was in a good mood and said, “I see, let Jason go back to work.”

Since the dissolution of the Red Umbrella Department.

Jason, as a talent, Ino still stayed as the head of the logistics department.

Basically except for…Echo management.

All other personnel affairs are given to Jason.

Although it is the highest at level 1, and the lowest at level 10.

But the position of 4 is low.

In general.

As the creator of all this, Ino is not under the control of authority, because he is…authority.

So Angela, Zhao Hailun, and Gaia are all Level 1 permissions.

That is the top of the pyramid.

Echo is in the second level of authority, second only to them.

Shadow Watch and Lady Biomechanics are in Level 3 clearance.

It can be said to be the mainstay.

Immediately after that, umbrella ministers like Jason had 4 jurisdictions.

It is the limit level of a mortal.

It is basically impossible to rise.

The topic returned to Crowe, who was about to make a move again.

Ino turned his head to Gaia and said, “Cut the display position of the light screen to the top of Crow’s head.”

He is going to have a one-way conversation, which is a conversation like surveillance.

Gaia’s heart moved.

A light screen appeared in front of Ino, and it happened to be rebroadcasting Crowe’s state in real time.

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