Chapter 293 .Far ahead of nano-biomaterials technology [1]

Hear footsteps.

Ino hasn’t looked back.

Helen dashed over and rushed to Ino’s back with his legs sandwiching Ino’s waist.

“what happened”

Ino was interested and wanted to turn his head to look at Helen.

Helen is usually shy and she never does this.

So now she must have something fun.

But Ino just turned his head halfway through.

Helen rubbed her cheek on Ino’s face and rubbed him back.

“Nanotechnology! I suddenly thought of a special nanotechnology!”

Ino: …Hearing Helen’s words, Ino’s face went stiff.

It’s been half a month. Ino turned his head and looked at Helen with a wrinkly smile, and asked, “I just packed you guys a few days ago, and I forgot about it now.”

The moment He finished speaking, Ino felt Helen behind her body shocked.

Helen remembered the day she was cleaned up with Angela.

Really tired.

It took a long time to get up the next day.

It’s miserable.

Suddenly, Helen, who was a little anxious, suddenly thought of a reason, but explained it in his head: “I thought of this on a whim.

…Angela held her forehead silently.

You are stealing your ears, Helen.

Looking at Ino’s silent eyes.

Helen blushed with a…

This sentence is really embarrassing to my mind.


Ino sighed.

Then he supported Helen’s legs with both hands and took her to the seating area of ​​the sofa and put her down.

Angela went to cook 4 cups of ice milk tea with warm ice cubes.

Plus, everyone in Gaia has one.

Holding the ice milk tea, Ino took a sip and asked, “Let’s talk about it, think of nano technology.”

Helen, who was drinking ice milk tea quietly with her head down, heard Ino’s question.

She raised her head again with vigour: “Advanced Nano Biotechnology!”

“Advanced Nano Biotechnology.”

After Ino repeated it, he already had some guesses.

In the past, nanobiotechnology used nanobiomaterials composed of nanometers.

Finally, it evolved into biomechanical materials.(Read more @

So the advanced version has already let something.

Sure enough, Helen continued: “This time I suddenly thought that the surgery was the same as before, but this time it was completely reversed.”

“My idea is to put nanobiotechnology into the body, not to use nanotechnology to make materials.”

Speaking of this, Helen seemed to find that he hadn’t explained it clearly, and finally thought about it…

Said: “Well…Although it is all materials in general, but in summary… put this technology in the body, not outside.”

Hear Helen’s explanation.

Ino is very simple to understand.

And she said in her heart that she was damned.

The reason why Ino said this is that Helen actually thought of Tony’s Mark 50 Nano Warframe in advance.

That is to hide nanotechnology in the human body.

At this moment.

Angela also said next to him: “I have discussed this technology with Helen for a long time, and finally I think it is feasible.”

“The smallest human cell is about 10 nanometers, which means that a unit of material smaller than 10 nanometers can easily pass through the human body without hindrance.”

“We only need to shrink nanomaterials technology to this level, then nanobiotechnology can be achieved.”

“Moreover, the future prospects of this technology are great, small to civilian…”

“It will be useful for me to walk in the universe when it is so big.”

Ino continued directly.

Angela is right, this technology is indeed infinite potential.

But there is another aspect of the question: how to control it, so Ino asks: “Which aspects are you going to use first and how to control nano-biomaterials technology?”

“If they are ordinary people, they are not as strong as we are, so strong that they can be controlled by thinking.”

“And, as you know, the smaller the nanometer, the “toxic”


“Material that cannot be controlled enters the lungs and can cause lung fibrosis.”

“Into the blood, it will accelerate the aging of blood vessels.”

“Into the brain, it will quiet down and destroy.”

Nanotechnology has blessings and curses, but as long as it is handled properly, it is generally a blessing more than a curse.

Misfortune can only be said to be problems and obstacles.

And this rhetorical question is actually his knowing question.

Because the answer to this question has been laid by Ino a long time ago.

Angela smiled politely after hearing this: “Our first-generation product: Nano-Neurobiomechanical limbs have this foundation.”

“It used to be to simulate the electrical signals of the brain to generate a control plan.”

“Now, I want to create electrical signals to control these… nanomaterials.”

“I want to turn this solution from passive to active, so that we can solve the control problem of nanomaterials.”


The moment Angela finished speaking.

Ino knows it can.

The answer is… what Ino told them before: lay the foundation for future technology.

So this answer was indeed expected by Ino.

Technology ideas are ahead.

The implementation plan is practical.

The thought process is clear.

There is no problem with the development of this technology.

So Ino smiled and stretched out her hand and rubbed Angela’s blond hair and praised: “It’s good to have such a clear thinking and advanced ideas.”


Ino turned around and rubbed Helen’s long black hair and praised: “Angela used to call you just to find an assistant.”

“But you are now a scientist who can be your own.”

“In terms of your technical expertise, you and Angela complement each other and make progress together, so now you have achieved the same achievements.”

“I believe there is no better existence in the world than you.”

Helen squinted happily after hearing such a long compliment from Ino.

Those long eyelashes and jewel-like eyes are about to bend into crescent moons.

Her smile was sweet, as if she had eaten the best food.

Although Angela didn’t feel that reactionary.

But from her eyes, she can be seen that there is something mentally indescribable that satisfies her.

It might be something called Ino

Only satisfied with him.

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