Chapter 252 .Go to the moon, parasitize the moon, experiment ability [2][Space Gems: Space Teleport] Blink your eyes.

Ino4 came to this gray-white moon.

The first thing everyone saw was…the endless impact crater.

Helen looked at these…the pits thought for a while and said, “It seems to be…the ones bombed by countless mortars.”

Ino smiled and said, “Then the mortar might be a bit big.”

He snapped his fingers again.

Ino took them to the Bailey impact crater.

This impact crater has a diameter of nearly 300 kilometers and can fit an entire Hainan Island into it.

That’s why Ino said that this mortar might be a bit big.

See Helen and Angela looking at the surroundings.

Ino said to them first: “Look at it first, I will try my abilities.”


Angela and Helen nodded.

After using the space teleport again.

Ino came to a piece of flat ground a little far away.

Since I want to experiment with Thor’s power.

Then do your best.

[Power of Thor] Boom!!! At the moment when Ino releases the thunder.

There was a sudden explosion of thunder.

Angela and Helen, who were watching the scenery in the distance, turned their heads and looked at Ino’s direction at the same time.

But because it is too far away.

They only saw a piece of thunder bombarding the earth in the distance.

Not only that, but the bombarded dust on the surface of the moon flew into the sky because of gravity.

This caused the Thunder to keep venting like a smoke bomb.

I do not know how long it has been.

But when Ino was about to end.

Helen and Angela are still watching.

Helen looked at Angela dumbly and asked: “Does the moon have such a natural environment?”

“Are you dumb”

Angela knocked Helen’s forehead after hearing this, “Didn’t Ino say he is going to experiment with abilities.”


Helen pressed her forehead and reacted.

At this moment.

Seeing here, Helen suddenly asked Gaia next to him: “Can you be able to do this like this?”

Gaia shook his head and said softly: “Ino’s lightning is very powerful, and the voltage volts can even electrolyze the target.”

“The lightning I summoned is just a natural phenomenon, so no matter its duration, voltage, accuracy, magnitude, or power, it is not comparable.”

Speaking of which.

Helen understood this gap.

In simple terms.

Gaia’s electricity is equal to the natural level.

Ino’s lightning is… God’s level.

The former charges, the latter kills the gods.

The screen returns to Ino’s side.

But Ino from “smoke bombs”

When coming out.

He also felt how much his ability had improved.

The first is the power of Thor, which can be released at least for several hours now.

And relative to the improvement of strength and physical fitness, etc…

This is not easy to explain.(Read more @

After all, he couldn’t find a powerful weapon to stab himself.

Throw the tissue differentiated by parasitic ability into the moon.

Ino went back to Angela and Helen.

Ino looked at them and said, “Does it feel boring? The moon is just like this, there is no earth anywhere.”

Helen nodded.

Angela said, “As long as you follow you, you can go anywhere.”

This statement came out.

Helen instantly turned to look at Angela.

Is this the gap.

Angela smiled and blinked at Helen.

That’s right.

Looking at the secret words of her two.

Ino’s ability to activate gems again went back.

at the same time.

In an unknown planet.

The dark elf had already awakened the moment Jane got the gem of reality.

After confirming.

They have already rushed towards the earth at this time.

At the same time, they created the cursed warrior.

So the only difference here is…

This time the dark elf’s goal was directed at the earth.

Then wait for the nine worlds to return to one, so that the world will return to darkness.

But maybe.

Their goal this time will instead become their cemetery.

The screen returns to Ino.

From time to night.

After going back to the rest meeting, I was in the living room of the sea view villa.

Ino is arranging Ava’s mission.

Now she can’t fully follow Ino.

So temporarily, I still need to go back to perform the task.

Ino said to her: “From the current situation of Fury, S.H.I.E.L.D..


…. There will be incidents in a few days at most, so you just have to go back and wait a while and don’t be caught by Hydra’s vision.”

Ava nodded.

Stealth went straight away.

Wait until Ava is gone.

Ino turned his head and saw a scene of laughter.

Because he saw Helen take a plate out of the storage room and put it on the table.

Then she reached out and took a dip into her lab coat.

Take out a handful of things that seem to be accompanied by stone ash.

Wait until it is cleaned.

She reached into another pocket again.

Take out a few palm-sized stones.

Angela saw this operation and said, “Helen, when did you get it?”

“When Ino left.”

After Helen explained.

She also made the pockets of her lab coat empty.

Until the last thing is shaken.

She closed the bottom of her pocket again.

This showed Ino rubbed his forehead and said helplessly: “What do you want this thing for, you want me to use the space to bring you to sit on the mountain.”

“That won’t work.”

Helen picked up the plate and found a place to put it away: “I dug this by myself. Then I will find something and seal it up as a memorial of my visit to the moon.”

Ino pursed his lips, and looked at each other with Angela, unable to speak.

That’s it, otherwise what else can be done.

The next morning.

But when Ino took Helen and Angela to the Umbrella Secret Crystal Building.

It didn’t take long for them to do research.

Fury called.

Fury: “S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D. yesterday.


…. An intelligence central ship was hijacked by terrorists.”

“Then the intelligence ship was recovered under the rescue of Natasha, Coulson and Steve.”

Ino put the phone on the desk while driving the hands-free, looking at the computer, and said faintly, “And then.”

“Hydra has already started.”

Fury said deeply: “Most of the information on the intelligence ship has been deliberately reproduced and transmitted away, and Natasha just kept the source.”

“Then did you tell them?”

Ino said.

They are…referring to the few people Fury trusts the most.


Fury explained: “I thought about it, but at the last critical moment, I might have accidents if I said it.”

“So Steve just watched my insight into the helicopter carrier. I explained a little bit while concealing it, but it seems that he still doesn’t understand.”

Hearing Fury said this, Ino felt something was wrong.

Sure enough, Fury went on to say: “Then I will let him go to you, remember to keep hiding, Steve can’t act, he will mess it up.”


Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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