Chapter 213 .Superheroes are giving way to the gods [2]

Just like on this forum.

Someone sorted and analyzed the photos taken by the store manager.

Then it confirmed that: these…All the alliances that save the earth are actually sitting with Ino as the center.

This is impossible.

This is what everyone thinks in their hearts.


Tony had all participated in the Great War in New York.

Also sitting are familiar Captain America and Sol.

They all sit with Ino as the center.

Why don’t you be kidding with an umbrella company?

Then there is analysis.

Why Ino might be a god.

There is only the umbrella building in Harmanton, New York.

Because there is no explanation to explain the problem.

But besides… the reason that Ino is a god.


Someone pointed out that…signature.

This signature is a proof of invincibility.

And you don’t even have to ask why.

Because one-third of the signature position in the center of Temo was given by Ino’s name.

And the signature next to Ino is what Tony Stark.

Steve Rogers.

Thor Odinson.

This Nima is a big boss.

And netizens also passed analysis.

Ino’s signature was not signed first, but signed last.

What does this mean? This means that these superheroes take the initiative to stay in position.


Gaia said to the side: “Ino, Stark bought a sticky post on this forum. I have blocked it. The content is:”

“Tony: Give you a surprise. Guess whether Ino is a god or not, this answer will be announced at his press conference.”

“Tony: I will also attend his press conference then to witness this great moment together.”

“Tony: Kang busy, come to the press conference!”

Ino rubbed his forehead helplessly.

Tony, this is not too big a problem.

Although I have mentioned my identity and may not be able to hide it, it is better to say it directly.(Read more @

But what Tony meant was…to blow up the exposed identity a bit.

At least the world needs to know.

After thinking about it, Ino shook his hand and said, “Let it go, let him post.”

Gaia nodded, using consciousness to explain the intercepted news.

Tony’s house a few seconds ago.

Tony kept refreshing the forum and asked: “Jarvis, is my system stuck or its website system stuck with the sticky post I just bought”

Jarvis: “Sir, it’s not clear, but the message has indeed been sent, but suddenly it disappears. I don’t know what happened.”

Tony frowned and brushed.

Still no message appeared.

But just when he was about to buy another one, the news came out suddenly.

Tony Stark: Kang busy, come to the press conference! Seeing this news, Tony nodded.

“It turned out to be the website’s system card.”

……..The screen returns to Ino’s side.

After letting go of Tony’s message.

Ino turned his head and looked at Gaia: “Analyze, what percentage of the entire network thinks Ino is a god.”

The starlight flashed in Gaia’s eyes.

Then he said: “Thinking that the gods are… Ino accounts for about 42%.”

“About 26% think that Tenjin is not Ino.”

“Thinking that it may or may not account for about 32%.”

I rely on.

This data is a bit surprised in Ino’s mind.

There are so many people on the whole network who think they are gods.

And the second largest proportion is still neutral.

In the end, the one with the least proportion is negative.


“and many more….”

Gaia went on to say: “Since Stark published that… sticky post, I feel that Ino is… the proportion of gods has risen sharply.”

“Then go through the body immediately.

The spread of reports and forums is now 3%, %.”

“It is expected that it will reach 50% at the press conference in a few hours.”

Ino:…….. “As expected.”

Ino said faintly: “After all, Tony’s operation just said it was an ear-snatcher, it’s not an exaggeration.”

“As far as Tony’s…speaking is, I almost put my finger on my forehead and said: Ino is…the god.”

Hear Ino’s words.

The stars in Gaia’s eyes continued to flicker.

After a while, Gaia looked at Ino and said: “After analysis, after the identity of your god is exposed, the sub-health drugs for the umbrella will be permanently sold out.”

“The sales of other products have increased by at least 500%, that is, at least 5 times.”

“And driving the gods effect will make people all over the world buy only umbrella company products among similar products.”

“Conclusion: Generally speaking, there are only benefits and no disadvantages.”

Hear Gaia’s thoughtful analysis.

Ino smiled and rubbed her head.

Then she explained while blinking in her eyes, “No, there are disadvantages, but in our lives.”

Galen tilted his head cutely to the right.

She didn’t understand that the data analysis was all right. Why did Ino say that it’s bad? Ino explained with a smile: “Although this is the case, the key is, what will happen after our identity is exposed”

“Now, I am only chased by reporters for interviews and taken pictures by individual fans when I go outside.”

“But when my identity was exposed, I think you already knew the consequences in your consciousness investigation.”

Gaia thought for a while.

Netizen 1: Ah! God! I want to give birth to a monkey with you! Netizen 2: No matter if I see the god next time, I must rush to kiss him! Netizen 3: I already called it, anyway… see you next time God, I must take a photo with him.

Wait, there are a lot of news similar to these.

Even more than these…There are even more terrifying speeches.

Thinking of this, Gaia hesitated and asked: “Can I use armed force to prevent them from approaching?”

Ino: … Ino sighed and said: “It can’t be like this. If the three views of them who fan me are not right, then I will be like this, but most of them are okay, so I can’t stop them with arms.”

“After all, I don’t need the three wrong views. After all, I don’t need fans.”

Gaia nodded and noted these…

But Ino looked at her and continued, “It’s more than that.”

“Let’s think about it again. If you go out and countless people are staring at you deeply, how would you feel?”

“And you can’t go in public, otherwise it will cause chaos.”

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