Chapter 203 .Tony: Where did you eat all your meat? 【2】

If this medicine does exactly what Ino said, the gain it brings is terrifying.

Of course it is also for ordinary people.

Fury immediately asked: “All people have this effect.”

“Do not.”

Ino casually said: “This is a special medicine. It only makes special transactions and is strictly controlled. What is sold in the market is only to make it difficult for the body to get sick and to be in good condition.”

Hearing Ino’s explanation, Fury heaved a sigh of relief.

If this medicine is available to everyone.

That is really useful for people and agents of terrorist organizations or other organizations such as foreign countries.

Even they know that it is impossible for people to maintain a state of victory.

There is a huge difference between being in good condition and not in condition.

For ordinary people, it may be difficult for me to get sick and be in good condition.

But it is definitely a miraculous medicine for their agents.

none of them.

Thinking of this, Fry coughed and asked, “Then the kind of medicine you just mentioned is sold to SHIELD?


…. I want to purchase.”

“Then you can help you take the goods from the people above you by the way.”

As Ino said, he took another piece of meat and said, “They had a little bit when they talked yesterday. They are all the same, so you can bring it along.”

Fury nodded quickly.

By the way, I was thinking about how to pick up the medicine on it.

Such own S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.


…. can save more.

Eat and eat.

After a while, the old store manager brought a few more grilled meats.

Then, one after another has been there: send.

Otherwise, the two big plates just now won’t be enough for Sol alone.

Then Banner went on to ask: “You are going to build a new base, they say it is still an island.”


Ino explained: “The sea behind us will probably fill a lot, and then the current building will become a giant gate.”

Tony was stunned after listening.

He turned his head to look at Ino and said, “I thought you were going to build an island somewhere else, so you built it on the spot.”

“That’s it.”

After listening, Banner looked at Tony and said, “The most gorgeous building in New York may not be your Stark Tower. Of course, yours can’t be said to be gorgeous.”

“I can push down the heavy cover.”

Tony looks like I’m rich and willful.

“Isn’t that 15% of Pepper’s shares?”

Ino asked: “And I remember she redesigned it. Are you sure you want to remove the heavy cover”

Tony opened his mouth.(Read more @

Finally, I chose to grab a large amount of meat and stuff it in my mouth.

Ah, ah, ah, be a fool.

“But speaking of it, what will the new umbrella building look like?”

Banner asked curiously again: “I don’t think it can be the same as before, you must have some creativity.”

Banner said so.

Everyone also began to look at Ino curiously.

Ino faintly explained: “Secret Crystal Dao.”

Everyone nodded together except…Steve and Er.

See what they look like.

Tony wiped his hands and took out the phone and showed them the secret crystal.

Then the two of them nodded their heads.

Next, Ino continued: “I have allowed the computer to simulate the formation and shape of the secret crystal immediately, and then multiple and then combine them at once, and finally select the one with the best color and shape…as the building.”

Everyone: ….. Tony forgot to chew: The barbecue in his mouth asked directly: “Although I know this set of random combinations must be very powerful and the world’s first.”

“But the question is how do you make it? You can’t build it with secret crystals. The current building materials can’t reach your building standards.”

“I didn’t say to use external materials.”

Ino said lightly: “We have transformed the extension direction of nano-neurobiomechanical material technology.”

“Then a super versatile and universal material came out, but it’s not suitable for special industries.”

When Ino said this, Tony nodded suddenly.

No wonder, if it is a modified version of biomechanical materials, it is really possible.

Because up to now, none of the biomanipulators sold by the umbrella company has broken.

Ordinary car rolling back and forth can only cause the appearance of unsightly.

Unless you use a hydraulic press.

Thinking of this, Tony asked with interest: “Is the materials sold? I want to build a house and a new building.”

I heard two Shenhao discussing here.

Everyone ate the barbecue in silence.

These are too rich.

They will all be speechless.

But it’s not right.

At least…Sol is still a civilized prince.

At this moment.

The old store manager’s voice came from behind: “Can I take a photo for you?”

Tony turned his head and looked at the old man and said: “Are you sure you don’t want to take a photo”

“No, no, no.”

The old man waved his hand straight: “Plus I will ruin this photo.”

After speaking, he raised the camera he had just brought up.

Tony turned his head to look at Ino.

Ino nodded.

Tony turned his head and continued: “Then shoot, remember to shoot me handsome.”


The crowd did not pose, but continued to talk casually.


One cry.

The old store manager took important photos of this moment.

“Oh, right.”

Tony saw the old man finish the photo and reminded him: “If you want to send it out, it’s best to cover all three of them, and the signed photo is also.”

“Otherwise your Facebook may be blocked within a few seconds.”

The old man nodded to understand these things.

The trio 3 that Tony was referring to are…Ferry, Natasha, and Hill.

The three of them are agents, even if the people outside don’t know.

It can’t be taken as a photo and published.

Besides, I still took photos with a few popular people.

Isn’t that looking for exposure?

Then, after everyone slowly finished eating all the barbecue.

Sol lay on the seat, holding his stomach: “hiccup”

“Sorry, I ate a lot.”

After the hiccup, Saul apologized: “This is a bit out of control.”

Among the people present, except for…Hill and Natasha, everyone else ate a lot.

Tony also lay halfway and picked a toothpick to pick his teeth and said, “I don’t think I will eat barbecue for the next year.”

After speaking, he looked at Ino and said strangely: “Ino, you eat a lot, why don’t you support it?”

Then Tony looked at Ino’s stomach and belly: “Look, you didn’t even bulge up your clothes, where did you eat your meat?”

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