Chapter 199 . Like a puppy Angela [3]

Senator Xin was silent for a while.

One of the congressmen asked tentatively: “Are there other options or appropriate methods, for example, we will protect each other for a period of time.”


Ino directly refused: “Choose one of the above questions.”

It’s that they shamelessly first, and directly think about things that they can’t grasp.

There was another moment of silence in the conference room.

After a while.

Another middle-aged core congressman asked: “Then what will you do if there will continue to be attacks from alien civilizations on the earth?”

Hearing what the congressmen said, Ino replied with another meaning: “If they move my three-acre land, I will kill them all.”

The meaning of his sentence.

Of course it does not include alien civilizations.

It also means the same treatment with one’s own person.

These congressmen are all old fritters, they are immediately.

Understand the meaning of Ino’s sentence.

They glanced at each other, and they often understood each other’s meaning.

One of the MPs said, “May we discuss it?”

“Please…, but hurry up, up to 5 minutes, I have something else.”

Ino replied casually.

His conditions will not change, no matter what.

With the departure of the MPs.

They will come back in a few minutes.

During the discussion at this meeting.

They also analyzed that Ino would not give them the Rubik’s Cube no matter what.

And the attitude is strong and determined.

And if they also followed the bar.

It’s definitely not worth the loss.

And the gods must have nothing.

So think about it.

Why didn’t the gods guard the Rubik’s Cube while he would have guarded the people here? Anyway… these councillors comforted themselves like this.

no way.

Can’t beat.

Celestials are far more threatening than nuclear weapons.

He couldn’t stop anyone who wanted to kill.

So one of them… the middle-aged female congressman said: “We choose 1, but we also hope that you can be mutually beneficial with us.”

“For example, the purchase price with us for biomachinery or drugs.”

“And we can also provide you with corresponding policies and special conditions.”

It turned out to be… to make a good relationship and find a reason.

When they heard these words, Ino understood.

At this time, the House of Representatives was already licking itself in reverse.

Purchasing price…How could they purchase more quantity than Ino sells itself.

Even if Ino gives them half price.

This little money is drizzle for both parties.

And what independent policies and special permissions they paid.(Read more @

These two things are things that money can be exchanged for, how is it possible.

So Ino is just… knowing that they are looking for a reason to have a relationship.

But in fact, this relationship is acceptable to Ino.

It just happens that he has this need and he doesn’t have to pay anything.

Ino nodded and waved his hand: “That’s it, I just need to approve a piece of Haiti and a new drug review.”

Hear Ino accepting this relationship.

4 Senators are weak.

It’s not very good that the relationship is deadlocked.

This kind of mutual benefit is what both parties hope.

As for Ino’s two things just now.

Can that be a thing? They can let the lives of 500 soldiers in exchange for controlling international oil prices.

They can’t exchange these two small things for Ino’s goodwill.

It really can’t be earned anymore.

After speaking, Ino walked out of the meeting room.

And Fury just happened to be waiting at the door.

He saw Ino coming out and silently led Ino to sit on the conference table in the command room.

“Not curious what we talked about”

Ino looked at Furina and smiled.

Now Fury is completely curious.

Although it can’t be seen from his expression.

But from his eyes, Ino can see it completely.

Fury shook his head and refused: “I am not qualified to know before accepting the order.”

“Very good job.”

Ino sat in the chair and said, “You were restored after being dismissed.”

Fury nodded: “After the incident, Steve reported the complete situation to it, and I was reinstated.”


Ino nodded, stood up from the chair and looked at Fury and Hill and asked: “Tomorrow Tony treats someone to Arabic barbecue, are you going?”

Fury turned his head and looked at Hill, who was holding his arms.

Then Fury looked at Ino and affirmed: “Go.”

Ino’s invitation.

Explain that you can also take you to play.

Then if this doesn’t go, they must have a problem in their brains.

And even if you are busy tomorrow, you have to go.

After hearing Fury’s reply, Ino has stood up from his chair.

Then walked in an inexplicable direction.

But just when Fury couldn’t help but wonder.

Ino walked away and disappeared.

Fury’s eyes widened.

He rubbed his eyes and looked back at Hill, who was also dumbfounded, and asked, “Is this magic, how did he leave?”

“I don’t know, sir.”

Hill replied unclearly: “But I know he seems to have come like this too.”

Fury turned his head.

He stared at the position where Ino disappeared and stayed in a daze.

The gods are really getting more and more mysterious.

Up to now, all the information on the gods they knew was provided by others themselves.

They don’t know anything else.

The screen returns to Ino.

After Ino walked back from the gate of time and space.

He opened another door and went straight to the underground laboratory.

Angela is now looking at the instrument data wholeheartedly.

But suddenly, the person opposite her slowly showed Ino’s figure.

Angela was taken aback.

Immediately, he was pleasantly surprised: “Do you have new abilities or you are still invisible”

With that said, Angela looked back at the elevator.

The elevator number at this time is still on the top floor.

In other words…the elevator didn’t come down for a moment.

Angela sniffed sharply.

But then she calmed down and asked curiously: “It’s Ino, this tastes right, your new ability is teleport”

Ino looked at Angela’s movements for a while and smiled: “Why do you recognize by smell like a puppy?”


Angela turned her head in embarrassment.

She can’t say that she is too accustomed to smelling in his arms.

Angela changed the subject and said, “Quickly, is your new ability teleporting?”

“It’s better to say than to do.”

Ino smiled mysteriously: “You will know it as soon as you see it.”

Ino just finished.

Angela felt that she couldn’t move.

This…….. Please download the ununderlined version of the novel

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