Chapter 189 . The power of Thor, chase and kill the army of Qitar [3]

And just in the Ino channel, you also heard Tony’s envious voice: “Big stars, they are cheering for your arrival, go and save them.”


Tonina also heard the sound of his energy bombardment.

He also solved a few missing Zita Swiss soldiers.

But this is compared to what was missed in total.

It’s a drop in the bucket.

The screen returns to Ino’s side.

He has also rushed to the ground of the Gate of Time and Space.

The giant sword has been put away.

Ino is suspended in the air.

Both hands and ten fingers stretched out to the door of time and space.

Several of the Zeita Swiss soldiers who were close by saw the god Ino.

Directly rushing in the aircraft.


[Power of Thor] Boom! Boom! The sound of thunder blasted from Ino’s hand instantly.

Deafening thunder was heard throughout New York City.

When lightning passed through the air, the sudden increase in heat caused the air to expand, and immediately after the lightning ended, the temperature suddenly cooled. This momentary shock wave was… the origin of the lightning roar.

But before the roar came out.

The dazzling lightning has long followed the thunder wave to the entire gate of time and space.

In an instant, there was a thunderstorm in the sky.

Countless Qitarians were pierced by lightning.

At the other end of the Gate of Time and Space, the Qitari army was in a vacuum environment.

So they couldn’t hear the roar of lightning on Ino’s side.

They came to die in batches.

In just a few seconds.

Ino electrocuted hundreds of Zita Swiss soldiers.

Tony, who was cleaning the slippery fish, turned around when he heard the thunder.

But when he saw the god Ino standing in a thunderstorm.

Tony couldn’t help but mutter in the shock: “Oh my God!!…”

Is this God? Tony not only thought of it.

It turns out that Ino still has this ability.

And Sol, who just arrived, saw the thunderstorm in the distance.

He also looked at the distant scene in shock.

If it wasn’t for knowing that Odin was not there.

He thought it was his father who was mobilizing his abilities.

But who is starting now? He doesn’t have a hammer.

Thinking of this, Saul flew there faster with a hammer.

Among the aerospace aircraft carriers.

When intelligence agents relayed the current camera in New York City to the center of the command room.

Fury, Hill, the House of Representatives, and the members here all looked shocked at Ino, the god like Thor descending on.

What Nima people can do is definitely a god at this time.(Read more @

Natasha, Hulk, and Steve in the bullock cart finally came to the accident site in New York: Harmanton.

Natasha looked at the Celestial God Ino in front of the Gate of Time and Space through the warplane glass and said in shock: “My God…”

Why is it 3 because Steve and Banner also murmured in shock.

Come back to my senses.

Natasha quickly said in the public channel: “Stark, I’m on your right.”

“Are you here as a tractor?”

Tony immediately replied: “It’s not Ino who freak out there. The city has long been messed up.”

“Now what”

Natasha asked.

“Hi Ino, uh… can you command now”

Tony asked in the channel.

And now Ino, who is struck by lightning, and his face is shining directly with the lightning, simply said: “You now get off the spaceship to help Tony clean up the Zita Swiss soldiers on the surface.”

“It’s mainly near the Third Street under the Gate of Time and Space, where the efficiency is the highest.”

“And Banner turned straight, remembering to catch the most dreadful beating, they may be the commander.”

Banner: “Good.”

After a while, Banner will not be able to wear a headset, so this is his last sentence.

Natasha hurriedly drove the fighter to the clearing after hearing it.

Ino asked them to only clean up the enemies near Three Avenues because only these three 3 core hubs have the most enemies under the Gate of Time.

And if they are going to clean up the missing soldiers from afar.

Not only the efficiency is slow, but more enemies are let go.

After Natasha stopped fighting.

Banner turned into Hulk with a roar of a fighter.

He shook his head.

Then he looked at the Qitari aircraft in the distance.


Hulk roared angrily.

Ran directly to that…aircraft.

Then smashed it down and jumped to another aircraft.

After all the people are arranged.

Ino is still standing in the air and continuously releasing thunderstorms.

But Ino knew it himself.

This thunderstorm will not last long.

My physical strength needs to be restored.

After a while.

Ino stopped releasing the thunderstorm.

And even if it was only a few minutes.

Thousands of corpses of Zeta Swiss soldiers still piled up on the road under Ino.

See Ino stop releasing thunderstorms.

The Chitari army, who had been cowering, immediately bypassed Ino and fled.

As a result, the Qitari army, which looked like a swarm of locusts, seemed to be madly circumventing a certain point as if it saw a snake and scorpion.

And this point is like a raging fire.

This group of locusts did not dare to approach at all.

Seeing the Qitari army scattered and fleeing, Ino said in the channel: “Hurry up and find Loki, this is the key to closing the gate of time and space.”

Hearing Ino’s words, everyone in the entire channel was shocked.

Tony asked directly: “Where do you say Rocky will be, how do we know where he is”

The US team said directly: “Rocky will definitely not run far, he will definitely be in New York City, but according to his character, he will not hide under the ground.”

Underground Ino thought for a while.

If he doesn’t hide under the ground, then it is impossible for him to hide in the room.

Where will Rocky hide, he will definitely hide outside.

But…Where can he hide outside?

Because of these…Zita Swiss soldiers saw the god Ino as if they saw a ghost.

So it was Ino chasing them and slashing.

Then it was almost cut and flew back to continue blocking the door.

After several round trips like this.

Ino impatiently said directly in the channel: “Tony, bring me all the Qitarui army, I will drive this side to you, and then take it away in a thunderstorm.”

“Good idea, I’ll come right away.”

Tony immediately replied in the channel.

End the conversation.

Ino looked at the Qitari army scattered around.

His wings shook and he used this tactic to deliberately guide them in the direction of Tony, just like driving a chicken.

After a while.

You can see both ends of the streets in New York.

On one side, a red and yellow figure was chased by dozens of Qitari aircraft and fled to the center of the street.

On the other side, a figure of Jinsi Yinkai chased hundreds of Qitarians toward the center.

The difference between the two is very different.

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