Chapter 184 .Hold Princess Hill, Ino’s true purpose [3]

She looked at Hawkeye, who was kneeling on the wall.

Silently stepped forward and re-wound the bowstring wrapped around Ino’s arm, took it down and held it.

The 2-meter-high Tenjin Yi stepped forward and directly lifted the quiver on Hawkeye’s back.

Fortunately, this quiver is of good quality.

Ino can lift Hawkeye up with his quiver: “Go to the command room.”

Natasha nodded obediently.

Then Ino lifted Hawkeye up like a chicken: turning his head and walking towards the commander.

This time it didn’t take long to walk to the command room.

Once in the command room.

Ino was in the wide-open eyes of Fury and Hill.

He snapped Hawkeye off and dropped directly to the floor.

Fury took a look and quickly asked the medical staff to come and take him away.

Then he asked Coleson to remind him: “Use a bed with a mental illness and tie your hands and feet.”

Coulson nodded: “I see.”

He then partnered with the medical staff to carry Hawkeye away.

Wait until Hawkeye is carried away.

Fury turned and looked at the command room.

At this time, all the agents in the entire hall watched that the two-meter-high god was actually on his own spacecraft.

What do you mean that the gods are actually on the air and sky aircraft carrier! This is incredible! After seeing this, Fury quickly shouted to the intelligence agents: “Hurry up to work! I asked the gods to help!”

Hear what Ferry said.

These intelligence agents hurriedly continued their work.

Ino looked down at the busy crowd restarting.

He directly sat at the conference table and asked Ferry: “How is it?”

Fury looked at Ino’s descending form.

This is a super close view.

Only a few people can watch the gods so close.

Fury began to say: “There is basically no problem, but Loki estimated that he has escaped. A lot of data connections have been interrupted. We can’t see the situation in other locations, and there is no communication signal.”

Ino nodded: “How is the maintenance of the No. 3 engine.”

Fury began to ask: “Stark, how is your side.”


Too said in the channel: “I’m boosting the turbofan. If it goes well, we can meet in less than 10 minutes.”

After hearing this, Fury nodded to Ino and said, “1 minute.”

Ino nodded.

Fury looked at the central control panel again and said, “Send my order to let everyone evacuate.”

Hill, who was on the side, nodded and stretched out his hand to greet Natasha to carry out the task.

But Hill just walked over to Ino.

A cylindrical object rolled from outside the door to between Ino and Hill.

Hill’s eyes widened instantly.


Her first reaction was… she rushed to the god Ino and wanted to throw Ino down to avoid the shrapnel damage.

But the result may be different from what she thought.

Ino hugged Hill directly with the princess.

Then he lifted his big foot and slammed on his hand!!! The deafening sound echoed in the hall.(Read more @

What followed was…a plume of flowers and black smoke spreading from the soles of the god Ino’s feet.

Until Hill and Ino are covered together.

After a while.

Fury slowly raised his head from the stage.

He looked at the god Ino who gradually emerged from the smoke and exclaimed: “Cool!”

Hill stared blankly at Ino who had picked him up.

She really didn’t expect this ending.

But she didn’t wait for her to speak.

There was another footstep outside the door of the command room.

The god Ino turned his back and put Hill in front of him without even looking.

And he clutched the back of her head and pressed her against her chest.

What followed is…

Da Da Da Da Da Da Da! Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!! All the bullets hit Ino’s back.

Fury and Natasha quickly took out their pistols and counterattacked in the audience.

Bang Bang Bang!! Bang Bang! After a brief exchange of fire.

The invading personnel were all killed.

No matter how far Ferry is the king of agents, Natasha can’t underestimate it.

Wait until the gunshot ends.

Ino released the right hand that was pressing on the back of Hill’s head.

Then don’t care…

Hill’s mysterious expression turned directly to look at the body of the invader.

Ino turned his head and said to Fury: “Let people look at other places, I will guard this intersection.”

Then don’t care…

Ferry nodded.

Ino stretched out his hand.

A gush of gold and silver liquid immediately turned into a giant sword.

Then Ino walked into the passage where he had just come to the command room.

Still: Fury and Hill in the command room, Natasha watched Ino walk into the passage entrance:.

After a while.

There was a burst of gunfire.

There was a sound of metal.

There was a scream.

Wait until the voice is quiet again.

Ino carried the giant sword and walked back in front of everyone in the command room.

It’s as if he just went to a toilet just now.

Ino looked at them inexplicably: “Look at what I do!”


Fury reacted in a daze.

But he just wanted to turn around and shout.

This group of agents has turned back one step ahead of time to continue working.

Ferry opened his mouth and turned back without saying a word.

At this time, Ino had already let go.

The great sword turned into a golden and silver liquid and flowed back into the body.

Hill walked to the side of Ino, who was sitting at the conference table, and whispered, “You saved me twice.”

Ino nodded, “But you won’t make it in your life.”

After speaking, Ino turned to look at Hill and smiled: “Because I don’t have time to be rescued.”

Hill also smiled happily: “That’s the best, you won’t be in danger.”

Ino waved his hand: “Go to work.”

Hill put a smile away when he heard it.

Then he switched to a serious and cold face at work and went back to direct the work.

At this time, Loki should have flew away with the scepter of mind.

And Ino deliberately let go of Loki’s Scepter of Good Mind for a reason.

Because Ino needs the cheers of the people, the last climax broke out in the sound of faith.

At least…it needs to raise his status among the people to an infinitely high level.

If you control this planet, you can’t control the creatures of this planet.

What’s the point of controlling the planet?

Ino’s goal is to make his cheers go beyond the national level.

Maybe… it’s time to let everyone in the world know.

Ino Tenjin next.

I just need to get Loki’s scepter back.

Then close the door personally.

Be the savior once.

Of course, the scepter can be given to SHIELD for the time being.


….Because this is also equivalent to Hydra.

But the Cube of the Universe is also a space gem.

Ino is bound to win.

At this moment Tony and Steve walked in from outside the gate.

Steve looked at the crowd here and asked, “Where are Hulk and Sol”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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