Chapter 177 .Tony: You can’t learn the operation of Ino【1】

After Tony left.

Ino walked to the side and took out his phone and dialed Angela’s video call.

Then Ino was rarely connected after waiting for a while.

In the past, Angela took it almost in seconds.

As Angela’s face appeared in the phone.

There is an honest Helen sitting behind her.

The two of them are now in international hotels in foreign countries.

Angela and Helen both sit on the bed and talk to Ino.

“Ino, you are free”

Angela was slightly surprised.

Ino looked at Helen’s expression behind Angela, smiled at the corner of her mouth and said, “Are you okay?

Hiding from me”

Mululu Angela and Helen shook their heads at the same time.

But it was obvious that Helen’s face was even more flustered.

At this moment, Angela picked up the phone and stood up while walking to the balcony and said, “Ino, show you the scenery here.”

But the sharp-eyed Ino spotted the paper further down under the quilt where the Helen Duck was sitting.

It is a pure white hard paper report, which is generally used for laboratory data files.

And the location of the bathroom direction is mirrored to show that there is a machine inside.

That… The model Ino is a miniature printer if you guessed it right.

“and many more….”

As soon as Ino said this.

Even the steady Angela’s face froze.

But she stood still obediently.

Ino continued, “You turn your head and lift the quilt Helen is sitting on.”

Hearing Ino’s words, Helen suddenly jumped up like a rabbit and hid on another bed with a quilt, covering herself.

Angela suddenly exasperated when she saw it: “Little traitor.”

But the helpless Angela went back and lifted the quilt.

Then he took a long leg and hid in Helen’s quilt and hugged Helen.

Blessings are shared, and difficulties are shared.

When I saw that the entire bed was filled with data reports.

Ino laughed.

Now even Banner and Tony in the distance looked over curiously.

But Ino didn’t care if they continued to talk to Angela, Helen said, “I want you to travel.”

“As a result, you went to a foreign country to book a hotel to continue your research.”

“I haven’t answered my phone for so long, are you hiding these materials?”

Angela and Helen nodded simultaneously.

Even if you don’t look at the appearance, you think it is a sister flower.

Seeing that they agreed, Ino held his forehead helplessly.

“If I’m a black-hearted boss, I will wake up with a dream when I meet an employee like you.”(Read more @

“I asked you to travel, but you came out to study.”

Ino’s words are finished.

Angela and Helen stuck their heads out of the bed together.

Angela said: “There is nothing fun outside, and you are not there, then it is even more fun outside, so we thought about it and collected part of the data for processing.”


Helen nodded like a chicken pecking rice and can change directly.”

“There is no need for cosmetics or anything.”

“So it’s better to dig treasure”

Treasure Research Data Hearing what they said, Ino nodded helplessly.


They really don’t want cosmetics.

That face, there will never be any common women’s problems on the Internet.

The red lips look better than the best lipstick.

And the naturally curved long eyelashes match their eyes.

Su Yan slap everything.

Ino said: “Then it’s up to you, remember that you must rest until 8 o’clock in the evening.”

Angela and Helen nodded at the same time.

Then he glanced at each other.

Isn’t it just 8 o’clock in the evening? We wake up at 4 in the morning.

Like how powerful their system is.

Sleep at 2 o’clock is enough.

But just when Ino was about to hang up.

Ino thought about it again: “Research can only start at 8 o’clock during the day.”

“Also, you are not allowed to adjust the time of your mobile phone to hide your ears and steal the ring.”

“It must be based on the local center time.”

Angela, Helen:…I guessed everything. Ino said they wanted to adjust the phone time at 8 o’clock in the day.

The big deal is to be beaten Pippi when he is found.

Who knows that this road is also broken.

After speaking, Ino looked at their crying and tearless expressions and smiled happily: “I’ll hang up when it’s okay. I’ll call again.”

Now they buried their heads on the quilt and slowly shrugged their heads.

There is really no way now.

Ino blocked the road.

Can’t even fly.

After hanging up the phone.

Ino put a smile away, put the phone in his trouser pocket and walked back.

But Banner and Tony looked at Ino at the same time and nodded.

Tony pointed to Ino and said, “You laugh happily when you chat with your girlfriends.”

Then he pointed to himself and Banner again: “It’s…the kind of…everyday smile with us.”

What he meant was…you are so kind to your girlfriends.

Why do we do this.

Ino nodded silently after getting to know: “You guys actually want to compare with my girlfriends”


Tony covered his chest with his left hand and looked at Banner and said, “Do you have a heartache? My best friend told me that his girlfriend is more important.”

“Not heartache.”

Banner turned a pen in his palm and said, “Why do you compare with his girlfriends?”

“and many more….”

Banner stopped and finally found the key word: “Girlfriends…”

Tony took Banner’s shoulder and said, “Ino has two girlfriends, and they live together or work in a laboratory.”

Banner opened his hand and didn’t know what to say: “I thought he was talking about only one of the two.”

Tony pursed his lips and patted Banner’s shoulder and said, “If you can’t learn it, I want to learn it.”

Banner: When did I want to learn?At this time Ino has taken another bottle of wine from the refrigerator and three 3 glasses.

Tony took the initiative and opened the wine to no one to pour a glass.

Banner shook his hand and said, “Drinking this is prone to danger.”

Banner was afraid that he would get muddled after drinking this.

After all, when he is an ordinary person, Hulk will save his life.

But in daily life, Banner does not have much energy and super high physical fitness.

The daily banner is just an ordinary person.

Unlike Ino, even in daily life, he has the power of a god.

But Tony poured half a cup and pushed it in front of Banner and said: “Then control the amount of alcohol. Drink a little and you will never get drunk.”

Banner thought for a while.

I had a drink with Ino who had just taken the cup from Tony and Tony who had just raised the cup.

Ino and Tony drank.

Banner only took a sip.

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