Chapter 175 .Captain America with iron double standard【4】

Ino took the wine and took a look at Banner: “Send the scientist and change it to a girl. I would like to listen more.”


Ban suddenly changed his words: “They are happier than all the girls in the world.”

Ino nodded.

Pick it up with your thumb holding the wine bottle.

The cap is “Bu”

The sound flew to the trash can in the distance.


Tony admired, “Teach me back someday.”

Ino took two sips and said, “Either you put on the mark and do it again, or you can’t do it.”

It’s impossible for ordinary people to fly as soon as the thumb picks the cap of the wine bottle.

Tony shrugged regretfully.

But he sneaked around behind Banner.

Then he stabbed Banner in the waist suddenly.

“First of all I’m sorry.”

Tony raised his hands and said, “I just want to see how you do it without getting angry.”


At this moment Steve came over: “Are you crazy?”

“nothing now.”

Tony replied and continued to ask Banner: “Your self-control is very good, how did you do it”

Steve looked at Tony and said another sentence: “Are you always so scornful?”

“It depends on who.”

Tony spoke and glanced at Ino who was drinking.

Steve also looked back and said, “What you did just now may threaten everyone’s safety.”

Hearing this Tony turned his head and looked at Ino for an answer.

Ino simply said: “If you exclude me, what you did is really offensive. If the object is me, you might be lying on the ground now.”

“But if you count me, even if Banner becomes Hulk, I can manage it.”

Tony nodded.

Then turned around and apologized again: “Sorry, Dr. Banner.”

Banner smiled and said: “It’s okay, if I can’t control this little excitement, I won’t be on the boat.”

Tony looked at Steve again after he was forgiven.

It seems like you have to say something.

But Steve still said: “You should concentrate on solving the problem, Mr. Stark.”

“Am I not?”

Tony asked back: “Why did Fury call me over and why is he now hiding something from us?”

Steve nodded: “What do you think Nick Fury is hiding from us.”

He also looked at Ino after speaking.(Read more @

“Look at what I am doing”

Ino held the bottle and said inexplicably, “Just keep it from me, do you think Fry dare to tell me?”

Tony nodded and agreed, “Banna thinks the same.”


The work in hand hesitated and said: “I just want to finish my work, and then…”

“Dr. Banner.”

Steve repeated it.

The helpless Banner took off his glasses and said, “Let all mankind share the warmth. This is what Rocky said to Fury, but I think this is to Tony Stark.”

“Even if Agent Patton didn’t talk about the Stark Tower to Rocky, it did on the news.”

“Stark Tower”

Steve asked, “That…there is big and ugly…”

At this moment Tony turned his head beside Ino and gave Steve a deep look.

Steve changed his words: “That building in New York”

Banner lowered his head and squinted his eyes and said, “It is powered by the Ark reactor. The energy can be self-renewable. Tony said that… it can be used for one year on its own.”


Tony said as he put the snacks in his hand to Ino who was drinking beside him: “I am the first person in the field of clean energy, S.H.I.E.L.D..


…. Want this too.”


Banner agreed: “So, why S.H.I.E.L.D.?


…. Do you want Tony to join the Rubik’s Cube project”



…. Why do they consume the energy industry for what purpose?”

At this time, Tony sat next to Ino and took out a screen.

Then open it to watch the cracking progress and show Ino.

“It will be done soon.”

Ino glanced at it and nodded: “All I can think of when involved in energy technology is weapons. Everything in the universe is inseparable from energy. It can do too many things.”

“That’s right.”

Tony agreed: “Jarvis had been cracking the program when I boarded the ship.”

“I will know S.H.I.E.L.D. in a few hours.


…. All the secrets that can’t be told…”

“They are hiding something, I am looking forward to it.”

After speaking, Tony turned his head and looked at Ino: “Are you looking forward to it?”

Ino grabbed Tony’s snacks and said, “Some techniques can’t be researched if they want.”

“Energy technology is not what Loki said, Fury really is…it fell short.”

“He might… only found out the tip of the iceberg.”

After listening, Steve came over and asked, “So you can’t figure out why they didn’t recruit you into the Rubik’s Cube project, right”

Tony asked rhetorically: “Is it ridiculous that intelligence agencies and scientific research institutions are afraid of smart people?”

After finishing talking, Tony pointed at Banner with both hands and pointed at Ino and said: “Anyone present is not a smart person except you.”



…. Doing some secrets that do not say anything, doing some things that may be aimed at us”

“This is too embarrassing and impossible”

Steve looked at Tony seriously: “Rocky’s move is… I want us to be suspicious and start a war.”

“You and Banner should obey orders and obey orders.”

Tony nodded helplessly: “It’s not my style to follow orders.”

“And who is walking away in a gorgeous costume, and it’s useless”


Banner also looked at Steve curiously: “Don’t you think you are wearing weird clothes”

Hearing what they said, Steve looked around at Ino next to Tony a week later.

Ino ate snacks and drank his drink and said, “As long as you don’t run into my eyes, everyone will choose what to wear.”

Steve nodded and walked out without saying a word.

But he just walked out a few steps.

Steve looked at the direction of the important core warehouse.

He just turned his head and walked towards there.

This is obeying the order, and obeying the command is really the iron double standard.

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