Chapter 173 Sol, US team: What are they talking about? 【2】

“Don’t you know?”

Sol sat with his arms around and looked at the American team and Banner inexplicably.

“When I went down to earth, I knew he was a god, why don’t you see it”

Banner looked at Thor seriously: “Do you know how to use a computer?”


Sol replied: “Able to use: a little.”

“Then you can search for the gods on the Internet.”

Banner said again: “The other… the big green monster is… Uh… is my identity.”

It’s also a transformation, why the gap is so big! Benassor nodded and manipulated the computer on the conference table in front of him and said, “You are Hulk, I know it, but what happened to the gods, could Ino transform like you? ”

When Sol bowed his head.

The American team and everyone nodded at the same time.

After that, the US team suddenly looked at Natasha warmly and asked: “What’s wrong with your throat, it seems to be a bit dumb, sick.”


Natasha immediately.

He covered his lips with the back of his hand and cleared his throat with a cough.

Then she glanced at Ino without leaving a trace and explained: “It’s nothing, the voice was lower just now.”

The U.S. team nodded, then turned to look at Saul again.

Then he was saying: “The problem now is that Loki has controlled an agent, a colleague, and a doctor.”

“I don’t understand why Rocky surrendered and exposed himself, how he commanded the army here”

Then he looked at Ino and asked, “What do you think?”

Tenjin’s profile beauty team has seen it.

That kind of physical fitness and ability is to crush oneself.

But fortunately, Ino is not like Tony…bohemian.

He is the kind of…the one who goes his own way but also has some order.

Much better than Tony.

And also add the information that the U.S. team has seen the umbrella.

So the U.S. team still has a certain favor with Ino.

But Ino leaned on the chair with his hands behind his head and said casually: “You are responsible for finding the Rubik’s Cube, and I am responsible for getting the Rubik’s Cube back.”

Natasha is the only one who knows that Ino and Fury are making the Rubik’s Cube.

No one else knows now.

The U.S. team turned around and looked at Sol again after receiving no news: “According to Rocky’s habits, what will happen to him in the future.”

But Sol obviously ignored the American team.

He stretched out his hand and patted Ino’s shoulder and said, “Huh! You look so handsome in transformation!”

Seeing no one cares about Steve.

Banner expressed his opinion: “I don’t think that attention should be placed on Rocky. This guy’s thoughts are elusive. Let me say that he is… a lunatic.”

“You better be careful when you speak.”

Saul said this: “Loki is really unreasonable, but he is from God’s Domain, and we are brothers.”(Read more @

“He killed eighty in two days.

Natasha reminded silently.

Sol looked at Ino and looked at everyone: “We are cousins, he was adopted.”

…Yes, the search operation is true.

Ino opened his eyes and looked at Thor and said, “No matter…

Is he from God’s Domain, but he kills the people here, and he has to bear the laws on both sides.”

But Saul touched his chin and said, “But according to our rules, Rocky’s results seem to be similar to yours.”

“What’s the result”

The American team asked.

“Life imprisonment.”

Sol replied.

That’s pretty much the same, Loki is a prince no matter what.

So no matter where it is, the death penalty is impossible.

“I think his plan is related to machinery.”

At this time, Banner was born and suggested: “He robbed metal iridium in the country, what do they want to do with iridium?”

But this time.

Another familiar voice came: “It can be used as a stabilizer.”

Tony walked over with Coleson in a suit and tie.

After separating from Coleson.

Tony walked quickly to Ino’s side and looked at them, “I will give you a grand introduction.”

“Ino, the umbrella, the identity is…”


As everyone looked at Tony silently.

Tony suddenly put his hands in doubt and said: “I won’t be the last one to know, right”


Everyone nodded together.

“Then let’s talk about metallic iridium.”

Tony decisively changed the subject and said: “In this way, Loki’s new portal will not be like S.H.I.E.L.D.


…. It collapsed like that.”

With that said, he walked to the central control panel and adjusted the data randomly and said: “In addition, according to Loki’s needs, that… the portal can become larger and last longer.”

“And he needs more information, these… Agent Button can easily get it.”

“After that, he needs a power source with high-density energy.”

“This is used to activate the Rubik’s Cube, it should be similar.”

With that, Tony glued the cracked hardware in the view from Hill’s back under the podium.

Hill leaned against the fence with his arms in his arms and watched Tony pretend to say: “When did you become a thermonuclear astrophysicist?”

Tony found his trouser pocket with both hands: “Last night.”

Hill: Tony continued: “Colson’s report, Schilwig’s notes, an article on extraction theory.”

“It’s not just me doing my homework, right”

Tony looked at everyone.

Then I looked at Ino and asked, “Did you do it? I don’t believe you will do something you didn’t intend.”

Ino still put his hands on the back of his head, closed his eyes, and said, “I know why I do it.”

“Aren’t you making creatures?”

Hill asked suspiciously at this time.

Ino opened his eyes and looked at Hill: “I learned it yesterday too.”

Hill: …Sol blindly watched everyone talk freely and he didn’t understand anything.

Ino simply explained: “Loki only needs to heat the Rubik’s Cube to 100 million degrees before he can meet the theoretical requirements.”

“Unless Silvig can find some way to stabilize the quantum tunneling effect.”

“If he can do it…”

Banner nodded in agreement and accepted: “He can make any reactor ion on the planet change drastically.”

After speaking, Tony gestured to the two people with both hands: “Look.”

“There are people who know how to do it here, although Ino and I are new to the industry.”

Steve looked at Ino, then at Tony, and then at Banner.

Finally he looked at Saul, who also blinded him.

Suddenly, the two of them felt close to each other.

“What more did they say about what happened just now”

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