Chapter 157 .Tony: Ino=God? 【1】

But Tony said, “But in the evidence you gave, there is suspicion and suspicion from beginning to end. There is no direct evidence and necessary conditions at all.”

“Although the report you compiled looks like Ino… the god himself, it doesn’t count at all.”

“Unless you can identify key people and say that Ino is a god, such as Miss Angela Ziegler or Miss Zhao Hailun next to her.”

“Otherwise, it won’t work for anyone to speak, or you have a video of Ino transforming into a god.”

I will come to you if there is a video.

Fury couldn’t help but vomit in his heart.

After thinking about it, Fury asked: “Can we still prove that Ino is…the key indicator of the gods, people, things, events, etc…”

“There are two.”

Tony Ran stretched out a finger and said: “One is Sol, who calls Ino a god. Sol says he comes from the realm of gods. If there is evidence, then Ino is… a god.”

“But you have no evidence that Saul is a god, so his words are temporarily invalid.”

Sol is gone, and Nick Fury can’t control it.

So the fermented bean curd said directly: “Say the second one.”


Tony stretched out two fingers and said, “That’s Ino himself.”

“Ino himself”

Fury questioned.

What is this?

What does Ino have to do with the gods?


What is the relationship between Ino and the exposure that he is a god? “Of course Ino himself can, have you never considered if Ino is a god…”

Tony paused and asked, “Then why should he hide from himself? Is he a bad guy?”

Hearing Tony’s words, Fury squeezed his chin with his right hand.

This…Although Fury didn’t expect it for the time being, he still pretended to know and asked: “What do you think.”


Tony said, “You really don’t understand Ino, SHIELD.


…. It really doesn’t work.”

Fury:…… Tony said again: “Through my understanding of Ino, he is really home or leisurely, you may not understand this word.”

“It’s… more casual or incompetent, like people who like to have a relaxed life.”

“Although the back is a bit like me, the gap between me and the front is… quite big, and…”

“Say the main point.”

Fry, who couldn’t help Tony’s screaming, said simply.

Tony’s speech stopped.

Reached out and took a sip of the wine glass and said, “I don’t like being disturbed or playing with my identity.”

Fury was lost in thought.

if it is like this.

Then they are so seeking to expose Ino’s identity.(Read more @


You can invite him to join the Avengers.

But Tony seemed to know Fury’s thoughts: “Oh, right.”

“Ino said he didn’t join any organization. He said it a long time ago.”


Ferry, helpless, pinched the bridge of his nose.

He doesn’t know what to do now.

Should I continue to observe or just let it go, or wait until Ino himself shows up.

Fury didn’t even know the significance of doing this.

But I really want to say something meaningful.



…. It is indeed an obligation to discover the requirements of the true identity of every person with extraordinary abilities.

Otherwise, it would be equivalent to putting a nuclear bomb at one’s own home.

Say last.

Tony looked at Fury and asked: “Now what do you want to do my “exercise”

The time is coming.”

Fury thought for a while: “Don’t take the initiative to pursue Ino’s true identity, no matter…

Whether he is a god, we will wait until he has evidence and doubts next time.”

Pop! Tony slapped his palm and stood up and said, “This is good attention, I’ll hang up if it’s okay.”

After speaking, Tony hung up the phone.

But after hanging up.

Tony sat on the sofa again.

He pinched his chin, tilted Erlang’s legs and thought for a while.

If Ino is really a god.

Isn’t that… awesome.

It just so happened that Tony had been looking for the gods.

Although it’s just hobbies, but the gods are…Isn’t Ino’s words combined but to Fury’s side.

He was also thinking while sitting in the office of the Tri-Wing Building.

If Ino is…the god.

Last time I invited him to SHIELD.


…. all failed.

Wouldn’t it be even more impossible now.

…The next day.

Umbrella building in the underground laboratory.

Helen took the report from Captain America that was analyzed yesterday and said next to Ino: “It seems…that is…to fully strengthen the function of physical attributes.”

“If you give an example, it is several times stronger than a normal person.”

Ino sat on the chair of the laboratory, and walked around on the rotating chair leisurely and said: “Is it useful for sub-health drugs?”

“If it is for this drug.”

Helen nodded: “Very useful.”

“But for our biotechnology and future technology, it is useless.”

Ino stopped and nodded on the table and said, “Then just use technology for sub-health drugs.”

Thinking of this, Ino laughed: “The health care drug that has the world’s largest umbrella and has no visitors is about to go on the market.”

This sentence immediately amused Helen, who was just rigorous next to him.

The back of her hand: Holding her red lips, she said: “How can it feel that it suddenly becomes a liar drug.”

Ino shrugged, “That’s because there are too many drug companies using this word to deceive people.”

“It doesn’t matter if you take their medicine, but if it works, it’s better not to go for a run.”

At this moment.

Ino sitting on the chair was suddenly hugged from behind, and the back of his head was pressed by two soft ones.

Angela encircled Ino and said: “Recently, nano-biotechnology has also made progress, and Helen has helped a lot.”


Ino looked at Helen and said with interest: “Done well, what’s the progress?”

No matter what.

As far as Helen’s efforts are concerned, he can be praised no matter what.

I heard that Angela proposed a breakthrough in new technology.

Helen walked briskly and brought a tablet to Ino and said: “It is a therapeutic technology, the product of a breakthrough in the dual fusion of biological cells and nano-biology between Angela and I.”

“Our idea is that nano can easily pass through the human body, and at the same time it can repair the human body from the inside at the same time.”

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