Chapter 154 . The Power of Thor and Captain America【3】

Ino took a look at the time.

1: The Destroyer’s remains have just been stored in an underground laboratory.

But the off-duty time was actually exceeded.

Finally, Angela and Helen packed up, and the three went home together.

And the Destroyer made a big fuss on the streets of New York.

Although it only caused such a big damage in just half an hour.

But the same members of the Red Umbrella, the citizens and the fire station took only a few hours to deal with the damage it caused.

Although some shops have suffered major damages, they have not had much impact now.

And the umbrella company has also gained a lot of favorability.

After arriving home.

Ino lay in the yard.

Helen and Angela are taking a shower.

And Ino just handled Thor’s blood when shaking hands with Thor in the system.

[Gene Swallowing System] [Collected Thor’s Power] [Successful Absorption] [New Ability: Thor1%] [New Effect: Celestial 5% Celestial 9%] [Thor: Control the power of thunder and lightning to strike in any mode, The degree of voltage depends on the degree of capability.

] [Existing abilities: 9% of the gods, 10% of the Thors, 85% of the gods, and the flower of the gods 000 kilometers] This…..I just said that a wide range of skills are not necessary, but in the end, a wide range of skills came up. Even the gods were boosted by the same Thor divine power by 4%%.

This… really is divine power.

This trip to New Mexico is too profitable.

But don’t get me wrong.

That is, the speed of lightning strikes is not the speed of light.

It is the propagation speed of electricity rather than the propagation speed of light.

The propagation speed of lightning varies from a few kilometers per second to hundreds to thousands of kilometers per second:

That’s why you have seen the process of lightning strikes from the clouds.

You can’t see the process just.

After a while.

Ino stretched out on the rocking chair and squeezed his fists.

This arm that couldn’t see the explosive muscles now carried the power to destroy the world.

What you see is an arm with tiny muscle lines.


It’s still pretty.

It may not be applicable, but it looks good.

Click, click, click…At this moment.

Behind Ino came the sound of Angela and Helen washing their slippers.

But the sound stopped halfway through.

Just when Ino was curious.

Angela suddenly heard from behind Xiao Xiao Nuo.

“Ino, I feel your aura, momentum, and temperament have become so strong.”

“Hmm.”(Read more @

Helen’s humming sound also came over: “Standing here and looking at the back, I dare not go over.”

Helpless Ino changed from wandering to doing it and turned to look at them helplessly: “Is it so strong? I don’t feel it at all.”


Helen Nuonuo said.

Just looking at Ino from a distance, she felt a sense of pressure.

Just as you would be scared when you see him far away.

Anyway… he lay there like an xenophobic repulsion field.

No one can stop wanting to go outside when they get close.

Hear what they said.

Ino guessed that his aura control may be incomplete because of his sudden strength.

“You guys wait.”

After speaking, Ino lay down again.

Then close your eyes and relax your body and mind.

In the end, controlling your heartbeat becomes: lower, and the brain gradually empties.

After a while.

Ino opened his eyes, but it was obvious.

Although his aura is the same as before, his… eyes have become extremely dazzling and stinging.

The black pupils actually reflected a bright feeling.

And in the deepest part, there is the starlight of the starry river.

Angela took Helen and walked over with a small move.

As Ino’s aura converged, they also relaxed a lot.

But until Ino suddenly opened his eyes.

Angela was surprised: “Your eyes suddenly look good!”


Helen suddenly asked curiously: “I want to see too.”

And now…Angela and Helen are standing beside Ino’s eyes, one on the right, and Angela and Helen are staring at Ino’s eyes.

If it weren’t for you, you didn’t blink.

Ino’s tears are afraid to shed.


Helen marveled and envied her voice: “Why?”


Why did Ino turn around and lie down for a while, his eyes became so beautiful, Angela put one hand around her waist, and lighted her chin with the other hand, thinking about it: “I just retracted the aura and my eyes became better. Is there any relationship between these two?”

“Still a little bit.”

At this time, Ino, who was seen as cool, finally gave his own testimonials.

“Like an old man with a story, or someone who has experienced many things.”

“Their eyes will naturally bring some history in it.”

“Some people are ordinary, some are vicissitudes, and some are majestic and a little frustrated.”

“This is the story in the eyes.”

Immediately both Angela and Helen looked at Ino admiringly.

As Ino said.

Both Angela and Helen think that Ino’s eyes are the ones that have never been seen before in their lives, and those who have never come after.

That’s the case.

What does the deeper meaning mean, but they won’t ask about it, and it’s boring to ask.

Treasures have to be unlocked by hand to be interesting.


Angela lay on Ino’s chest.

The two were covered with a thin blanket.

Ino looked at Angela, who was lying on her body and staring at her eyes, closed her eyes and said helplessly: “When will you be able to see enough, um…”

As soon as Ino finished talking about Angela, he took the initiative to kiss him.

Angela released it after a while… and said, “I can’t see enough at any time.”

Ino: … the next day.

Ino receives a magical call from Fury at the Umbrella Building.

Fury said: “We found a figure 70 years ago in the Arctic Ocean. He was frozen when he was found, but his vital signs are still normal.”

“According to the umbrella habit, do you want to come and have a look, and I will tell you in more detail after you come.”

Hearing this, Ino knows what Ferry’s sudden movement was the other day.

It was shipped to find Captain America.

No wonder he has been so honest and serious recently.

Ino replied: “Where is the address, wait for me to pass this afternoon.”

Fury: “Three Wings Building.”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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