Chapter 137 . Fierce battle, the disintegration of Mark’s armor [1]

Ino just ran out of the field with three of three.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Heavy footsteps came.

Ino took the time to look back, it was all the sea, and Lu’s steel troops chased to the outskirts of the field.

At this time, the entire expo venue was in a mess.

The frightened crowd screamed and fled.

That does not work.

This group of Hai, Lu steel troops are chasing Tony and Mark’s armor on himself.

Pepper was the second kill target.

Pepper must be sent away first and then lead them away.

Ino looked at Angela and Helen and said, “Take my elbow.”

The two understood at once.

At this time, Ino had to hug Pepper and let Angela and Helen take his elbow and finally fly away together.

Bring 3 at once.

Because Angela and Pepper have extraordinary physiques, there is no need to worry about them being unable to hold on.

Ino is still watching: Pepper is shocked.

Just hug her up.


Pepper was surprised.

“I want to send you away first, otherwise Tony won’t play well.”

Ino briefly explained.

Then he waited until Angela and Helen took their elbows.

Boom! Energy erupts under the feet.

Ino took 3 people directly.

At this time, Tony’s communication ran into a voice.

“Ino! Be careful, there are two Air Force suits flying towards you!”

Tony just finished speaking.

Weekend break: “Sir, it is detected that there are two battle armors approaching in the rear, and it is expected to enter combat distance in one and a half minutes.”

Even if Ino took Pepper with him a long time in advance.

But because of holding Pepper, he didn’t fly fast at all.

These two Air Force suits will be able to fly over soon.

Ino simply said to Angela: “After 1 minute, I will send you to the ground, you take Pepper with you, and I will lead the back away.”

Angela nodded, there is nothing wrong with these…

After 1 point.

Ino put the dazed Pepper on the ground, and Angela and Helen also came down.

After taking a look at them, Ino looked back and saw two flame jets approaching quickly in the night sky.

“I’m leaving, you take Pepper back to the umbrella company.”

Angela and Helen nodded.(Read more @

Ino flew away with his hands and feet down.

Weekends: “Sir, I suggest you give it to the smart combat mode. If there are only two enemies, the armor will only be slightly damaged.”

Jarvis’ system is blessed with Tony’s remote computer computing power.

But not on weekends.

So in the case of the same smart hosting, Jarvis is more than a little different.

Ino nodded: “Enter the smart battle hosting mode.”

Weekends: “Smart battle hosting mode is now.”

For a moment.

The eyes of the Mark’s armor that Ino originally wore turned red.

Using its mobility, it rushed to high altitude over the heads of the two Air Force armors behind.

Then rush down in the form of a dive.

At the moment of approach.

Ino raised his two-handed energy cannon and aimed it at the two Air Force armors.

Boom! One hit directly destroyed, and the other was evaded by Vanke’s emergency control.

I didn’t see it, Vanke is still a master at playing games.

The current Battle Armor is controlled by Vanke within Hanmer.

At this time, Natasha had also forced out Justin Hammer where Vanke was.

She is rushing to Hanmer Company.

But after a battle armor on this side was destroyed.

There is another…The Air Force armor took time to directly raise the machine gun on the arm and shoot Ino’s steel armor.

Ding Ding! The steel armor was shot twice in the abdomen, but the subsequent bullets were evaded by the intelligent stress.

Weekend: “Sorry, sir, the curling function of the armor is damaged. I have done my best, but you can’t bend down now.”

Ino:…At this time, Tony shouted in the voice channel again: “You guys are fighting, be careful! Just hold on as much as possible, I will solve them,”

But suddenly Tony shouted again: “Three more full-featured armors are flying towards you! You are flying to the military base!”

“There will be the military’s air defense system! My steel armor can dodge the flexibility! They can’t!”

“Okay, wait until I get rid of this one in front of me, it knows Pepper’s location.”

After Ino finished speaking, he directly asked Mark’s armor to rush over to solve the armor that knew Pepper’s location.

Less than 1 point.

Beep! 1 No doubt.

In the case of Mark Battle Armor taking the initiative to strike first.

The battle armor was destroyed without damage.

Ino stood in the air, looking at the full-featured armor that flew from a distance.

On weekends, he reminded: “Sir, I suggest you fly to a military base, where I can evade the air defense system intelligently, but they can’t.”

“Do not.”

Ino shook his head and said, “That would be tantamount to invading military bases and confronting the government. Now you should dismantle them without remembering the damage.”

Weekends: “However, the armor may be completely damaged, and you may also be in danger.”

Ino: “Do as I say.”

Weekends: “Yes, sir.”

If Ino doesn’t do this, how bad the battle armor is, how can the gods come out and wait for a while to be lashed out, and Tony’s Mark battle armor will have a disadvantage.

The gods who don’t have Ino go to help Tony alone are likely to overturn the car.

At this point, Ino wore the Mark armor to travel with the same flexibility to travel the three full-featured armors.

Boom! Boom! After a fierce exchange of fire in the air.

Ino’s battle armor intelligent combat system relies on flexible maneuverability to destroy two full-featured battle armors.

Weekends: “Sir, it seems to be very easy this time. The level of their battle armor controllers has dropped.”

Although the controlled double break system says so.

But Ino felt something was wrong.

Why the level of these armors suddenly dropped, but just when the last armor was attacked.

A 15 micro missile was ejected from the shoulder of the fully functional armor.

Hugh, boom, boom, the intelligent combat system raised its right hand and attacked the missile in an emergency.

But it also caused the battle armor to be destroyed by a direct explosion.

The Mark’s battle armor, which was already close to the attack, was also affected.


One of the two battle armors in the air turned into sparks and spread out.

But the other red and yellow armor suddenly lost its power and fell towards the sea at an altitude of hundreds of meters.

Weekends: “Sir! An emergency report has been sent to Mr. Stark, and the Ark reactor of War A is damaged.. A.

Energy supply…off…go…”

The speech is closed, and the energy delivery is interrupted.

At the same time, the steel armor automatically disintegrated in the air.

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