Chapter 123 .Natasha’s hand-made spirits [2]


There are so many amazing things to hear.

Helen couldn’t wait for herself to have the technique of multiple shadow clones.

This is really the feeling that there are too many treasures to dig.

Angela smoothed Helen’s hair, and she looked at Helen now as she looked at herself back then.

There are too many treasures, although I can’t dig them away.

But I got used to it later.

With Ino, the treasures will only increase.

…Noon of the day.

Tony’s birthday party is…today.

He will invite some celebrities in the industry or friends who have worked with him at home.

Tony would happily hold banquets in his previous life.

But this time may be different.

Ino 3 drove to Tony’s ocean view mansion.

Angela and Helen went to Pepper to prepare things first, and went to talk to each other.

And Ino and Tony came to the lounge of the mansion.

At this time Tony is wearing a black suit, trousers, and a dark red shirt over it.

The two each sat on the sofa in the lounge.

Ino asked: “Did Nick Fury contact you?”

“spiced corned egg”

Tony immediately replied: “What did he do with me?”

“Then he will contact you in a few days.”

Ino said.

“Oh no, you can’t just talk half way, it makes me very uncomfortable.”

Tony complained.

“How about palladium poisoning”

Ino just changed the subject.

Tony temporarily took the tester out of his pocket.

Then press your thumb up.

7% “Not too bad.”

Tony put a bloody thumb into his mouth: “It’s lower than I expected.”

Ino nodded, it was indeed relatively low.

Because his medicine worked, Tony is now a little better than before.

“Look at you…”

Ino looked at Tony and said, “You don’t seem to want to open this.”

Tony shrugged in agreement with Ino’s words.

“It’s a little bit, now I want to take a little chili to where to play.”(Read more @

“Take her to Europe first, then take her to North America or something.”

“But I don’t want to let her know that I am going to heaven soon.”

Ino leaned on the sofa, resting his head on the cushions and looking at the crystal chandelier on the ceiling.

A few days ago, I just gave a misstep…Bah, I just gave Ava a whole new life and future.

As a result, there is another world in front of me saying goodbye in a short time.

At this moment.

The door of the lounge was opened sideways by a woman with a hot figure and big red wavy hair.

She is wearing a gray long skirt and holding a tray with a few famous watches in the tray.

Natasha glanced at Ino without leaving a trace.

Then she went to the wine counter and put down the tray.

Reached out and took out two goblets, and then started to mix Ino and Tony.

During the bartending, Natasha asked Tony, “Which watch do you want to wear tonight?”

Tony leaned on the sofa like Ino: “I’ll look at it later.”

Ino leaned on the sofa and looked straight at Natasha’s back figure and curiously said: “You can also mix drinks”

“Hobbies at the time.”

Natasha shook the cup in her hand and said, “And I like to drink too.”

Ino looked at her as interesting as Angela’s figure and said, “Is the wine you mix now as spicy as your figure?”

The man sees what’s wrong with the woman’s figure.

Isn’t this normal? Although Ino is not on, it’s okay to look seductive.

Sneak look is the dick silk.

Natasha took the cocktail glass and shook it for the last time, then opened it and poured it into two goblets: “It’s all set now, how can I taste it once in person to get a clear taste”

Ino smiled, I really don’t want to try it with you.

“Hey, it’s not good to communicate like this in front of the boss.”

This is the voice of Tony who is lying on the sofa in protest.

Natasha is holding two goblets.

She first walked up to Ino and gave him a glass.

Then walk to Tony and give Tony a glass.

Ino took a bite, it tasted good, it was really spicy, but it was not spicy enough.

After Tony took a sip, his brows trembled.

Natasha looked at Tony and then at Ino.

Ino said relaxedly to Natasha: “It doesn’t seem to be spicy, is you not in good shape”

My wine is not made from figure.

Natasha complained in her heart.

But she still smiled at Ino.

Tony looked at Ino, and he suddenly asked Natasha with interest: “If this is your last birthday, what would you do?”

Natasha turned around and looked at Tony.

She also knew that Tony had been poisoned by palladium, and she would not have his second birthday.

She looked into Tony’s eyes and said softly: “I will do whatever I want.”

Yes, this Natasha is also a troublemaker.

Now Ino is sure.

Ferry just said that day to try to stabilize Tony.

As a result, Natasha said to the side that you can do whatever you want.

This is called steady Tony “A good opinion, I will consider it.”

Tony said something.

But after seeing that Ino had finished drinking, she frowned and drank the wine in one sip.

Then he said stiffly: “It’s really not too spicy.”

Natasha smiled slightly and put Tony’s cup away.

Then I walked to Ino and put away Ino’s cup.

After washing the cup and returning, she said at the door: “The dial is on the table. I will go out first. The birthday party will start in 15 minutes.”

After speaking, she took the door and walked out.

After watching her go, Tony walked to the floor mirror and unbuttoned his crimson shirt.

It is visible to the naked eye.

The blood vessels next to the Ark reactor in Tony’s chest all burst and glowed black.

He reached out his hand and felt it and asked.

“Can your thinner be used once every 3 days? I kind of miss that feeling.”

“screw you.”

Ino laughed angrily: “You treat it as an addictive thing, I’ll say it first, thinners and special medicines don’t have this thing.”

“I just like that feeling better.”

Tony smiled and tied his shirt to his basement: “I’m going to wear Mark’s armor first, and I will come over later.”

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