Chapter 121 .The desire brought by higher levels of genes [5]

Puff! One sound.

This is not another voice.

This is the sound of Ava kneeling on the ground.

She can no longer accept this fact.

If your life is less than ten years or something, you know you also collapse.

What’s more, it is Ava who has been working hard for more than ten years to extend her life.

Ava knelt on the ground, and the direction was just… the front of Ino.

She covered her eyes with her hands, buried her head in her knees, her shoulders trembling crazily.

Just a few hours.

Ino and Angela’s dozens of sentences made Ava’s mental breakdown.

This is the power of language.

Angela saw Ava’s state at this time, she looked back at Ino and nodded to indicate that it was time for the final stage.

Ino nodded, understanding God’s heart.

He looked at Ava who was kneeling on the ground and slowly said, “Do you want to be alive?”

Ava, who knelt on the ground, was shocked.

She teleported suddenly to Ino’s table and stared at him with wide eyes.

“You can save me!”

After she finished speaking, she didn’t wait: Ino replied and continued to mutter to herself: “Yes, yes, you are a biological company, and there is no one of the world’s top biological companies. You can definitely save me!”

“No, no, no.”

Ino shook his head slightly and said, “The umbrella company can’t save you, but I can save you. Can you understand this sentence?”

What! Ava stared at Ino with wide eyes.

This sentence is not difficult to understand.

The company can’t save itself but Ino can save itself, which means that Ino has the ability to save itself.

Ava nodded quickly.

“It’s good if you can understand.”

Ino finished speaking and stared into Ava’s eyes and said, “Yes, I can save you, this is true.”

“But, why do I want to save you”

Ino gave Ava a deep impression and finished the sentence word by word.

Yes, I can save you, but I can’t save you for nothing.

Ava immediately understood Ino’s meaning.

She said without hesitation: “I can betray SHIELD.


…. I can follow you and do anything for you.”

“As long as you can save me, kill, assassinate, or perform missions.”

“I have been professionally trained and I can do everything.”



…. Promise me that they can save me, but they have been: lying to me.”

“You can leave any insurance on me, even if you put a bomb around my neck.”

“As long as you can save me, I am willing to do anything!”

Ava emphasized in a few words that she can do everything countless times.(Read more @

This all represents her determination.

Even if Ino knows about it, he will tell the SHIELD-like SHIELD.


…She doesn’t want to go back anymore, so she can express her loyalty directly.Although the words are nice, Yi will choose the safest way to control her.

Ino smiled and asked faintly.

“I’ll give you some sweetness first, do you want to drink some blood”


Ava was taken aback, and she thought she had misheard.

Ino didn’t explain any more, but put his right hand to the side and said, “Come here.”

Ava looked at the direction of Ino’s right hand and walked over without hesitation.

She has reached this point and can’t look back.

Walk to Ino’s right hand.

Ava looks at Ino’s right hand.

Ino makes her drink blood.

Then, because Ino was sitting in the boss chair, she had to kneel down if she wanted to drink blood.

After understanding the meaning of this layer.

Ava knelt under Ino’s wrist, opening her rosy mouth as much as possible.

Ino nodded in satisfaction.

The left index finger of the knife gently stroked the right wrist.

The blood on the right wrist that deliberately did not exert his control ability immediately dripped like a stream.

Then it drips into Ava’s little mouth.

At the moment of contact, Ava’s eyes widened suddenly.

Because of her inability to move her head, her eyes rolled up to look at Ino.

There was disbelief and more desire in those eyes.

Ino explained with a smile: “The blood of higher-level creatures than you has more powerful nutrients and energy.”

“It can not only strengthen your body, but also restore your physical health.”

“As it is now, the genetic instincts in your body are desperately eager for my blood.”

“It’s not bad for you to endure this after drinking it.”

Ino just finished.

Ava stood up abruptly, she held Ino’s arms with both hands, put her lips directly on Ino’s wrists, and started drinking.

Although it seemed impolite, Ino allowed her to cheer up this time.

The desire from the genetic level here can make anyone lose their sanity.

Angela looked at Ava’s appearance and nodded.

It succeeded.

Just this blood Ava can’t do without Ino.

Not to mention that after Ava’s efforts, Ino may give her more.

At this moment, Zhao Hailun also walked out of the elevator in the underground laboratory.

As soon as she came out, she saw Ava kneeling on the ground and sucking Ino’s wrist sitting in the boss chair.

Helen reached out and covered her delicate lips with her little hand.

She looked at Angela.

Angela nodded.

After Helen understood, she put her little hand down.

The screen returns to Ino’s side.

After watching Ava have been drinking for a few minutes, Ino used her ability to instantly heal the wound.

Ava, who was sucking her head down, trembled fiercely.

Then her hands holding Ino’s arms slammed hard.

And the strength in her mouth is also greater, she desperately wants to push Ino’s wrist with her tongue.

But obviously except…wetting has no effect.

Ino looked at her crazy appearance and said lightly: “Ava.”

Ava shook suddenly.

Slowly let go… Ino’s right hand.

After Ino retracted his right hand, Angela came forward with a wet wipe to wipe his wrist clean.

And Ava was still kneeling on the ground.

She propped her hands on the floor, panting heavily.

I do not know how long it has been.

Ava raised her head again, looked at Ino with moist eyes, and then pulled herself up on the desk with her hands.

Finally, Ava propped her hands on the desk.

After swallowing once.

Take a big breath.

Spit out again suddenly.

After changing the air in the lungs, Ava felt that she had recovered.

She wiped her lips.

“At that moment I seemed to have gone to heaven, my mind was blank, I don’t know what I was thinking, I don’t know what I was doing.”

“But I only know that I seem to have turned into a Beast, desperately and desperately pursuing something…”

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