Chapter 119 .The ghost deceived by S.H.I.E.L.D.: Ava [3]

Ino’s eyes moved away from the computer screen. He looked at Ava and smiled: “We can talk when we sit on the sofa.”

Ava froze for a moment, then turned and walked to sit on the sofa.

It was not the actual purpose of Ino to ask her to sit on the sofa.

His actual purpose is to let Ava know that she was sent to “protect”


Asking her to sit on the sofa is actually… a way of giving orders.

Let her know that she has a command level in it.

The next thing is… to deepen these… the impression and how to make her rebel against S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.



After Ava was on the sofa, those eyes kept staring at Ino for answers.

That means…: You said that I sat here and you just talked about it.

Looking at her small eyes, Ino smiled and asked, “What’s your name.”

“Ava Starr, mission nickname: Ghost.”

Ava said directly.

These news are not important, and there is nothing to say, and she also believes that Ino can’t investigate her information.

But what she didn’t know was that Ino knew everything.

Ino nodded, “How old…”

Ava: “1 year old and 11 months.”

“Only one year older than me”

Ino looked at Ava and asked, “Enter SHIELD.


…. How long is the special department?”

Ava thought for a while and wondered if she could answer this question.

After a while, she replied: “I have joined SHIELD since my childhood when my parents died.



Of course there are other and more detailed ones, but Ava chose not to say it because Ino didn’t let herself say more detailed ones.

After hearing Ava’s explanation, Ino remembered, no wonder he now sees why Ava is so young and only 19 years old.

It turns out this is Ava 8 years ago.

Ino nodded: “How painful is the feeling of tearing molecules throughout the body? Is there any fourth-grade pain?”

The World Health Organization divides pain levels into five levels.

Level 0: No pain. Level 1: Mild, intermittent pain, about bruises and falls.

Level 2: Moderate, persistent pain, painkillers can be used, about the pain above the toothache.

Level 3: Severe, continuous pain, no painkillers…relief, about broken bones and pieces of meat.

Grade 4: Severe, continuous pain until there are changes in blood pressure and pulse, about severe burns.

Ava stood up abruptly, and she looked at the man in front of her.(Read more @



…The information is so well investigated and I am a secret department, the information is sealed in physical files.

Ava asked in shock: “You know my physical condition!”

Ino held her left hand on the table and said, “Because of the explosion of the quantum channel experiment, the molecules in your body are fused with this ability.”

“This allows you not only to be invisible, go through walls, avoid injuries, etc…, you get unparalleled pain.”

“That’s a kind of pain that is better than death in the whole body and mind.”

Following Ino’s words, Ava shuddered.

That kind of… pain, she doesn’t want to experience it anyway, but she will experience it every once in a while.

And in the past ten years, the interval between her pains has become shorter and shorter.

But S.H.I.E.L.D..


… but there is no way.

“Does your molecular tearing interval still exist: shortening”

Ino once again tells the fact that Ava’s eyes widened.

How did he know these…Detailed facts “What else do you know!”

Ava walked quickly to Ino’s desk. She put her hands on the desk: “Tell me!”

Ava believes that since Ino knows so much, she must still know more details about herself.

And he is the world’s largest biopharmaceutical umbrella company! Ava has no reason not to believe that Ino doesn’t know other things.

Ino didn’t speak, but raised his head slightly and gestured to the sofa.

Ava looked over and thought about it for a moment.

She resisted the eagerness in her heart and walked to the sofa in two steps and sat down honestly.

Waiting for Ino to give out “rewards” like a good boy

Seeing Ava sitting down obediently, Ino nodded and continued: “The molecular structure of living things is strong, and as long as it reaches its limit, it will tear.”

“And if it is torn, I don’t need to say more about the consequences.”

“Do you know how strong your body is or how good your physical fitness is”

Ava was taken aback and reacted instantly.She immediately used her ability to leak out her wheaten abdominal muscles.

Then he raised his arm to let Ino look at her muscles.

Puff! This operation made Ino amused.

“Ha ha ha ha”

Ino laughed for a long time, then forced a smile and asked, “S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.


…. That’s how I explained to you and laughed so hard at me, why are you so stupid.”

Ava was taken aback again, and she asked eagerly: “S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.


…. As you said before, if I want to fight against the tearing of molecules in my body, I must strengthen my physical fitness.”

“So as long as there is no task, I will do high-intensity training, and then make my body stronger.”


Ava’s explanation succeeded in making Ino laugh on the table again.

He really didn’t expect SHIELD.


…. unexpectedly came up with this trick in order to strengthen Ava’s physical fitness.

The key is that Ava still believed it! At this moment, the elevator of Di suddenly sounded.

Ava quickly used her ability to become invisible again.

Angela walked out of the elevator.

She looked at Ino, who had just finished laughing, and Ava who was invisible on the sofa.

Then he looked at Ava and asked, “Is she… a ghost?”

“You can see me too!”

In an instant, Ava immediately.

Come out.

“This is intuition.”

Angela explained: “When a certain kind of creature is strong to a certain level, intuition and feeling are very sensitive.”

“Like Ino, he will feel it when you look at him with a telescope a few kilometers away.”

Ava: …this is so special that this kind of intuition can be found in the fairy magic world, but don’t say it, it really does.

He is called “Peter Yiji Ling”

After talking about Angela, don’t care…

Ava, who was still silly, turned her head to look at Ino and asked curiously: “You just laughed so happily, I haven’t seen it in a few years.”

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