Chapter 111 .Tony’s “jealousy” towards the male protagonist [5]


Ino smiled happily when Tony said: “How can there be so many things, I just love to watch it, although there is indeed a lot of inner contemplation.”

“That means this report is a bit correct, doesn’t it”

Tony took a sip of wine.

“That’s it.”

In the end, Tony was drunk and fell asleep in a chair.

And Ino still only used his power to control his blush.

“Oh my god, you drink too much.”

Pepper exclaimed when he came to pack Tony.

“Well, not bad.”

After Ino finished speaking, Angela also came to support him.

Then there will be a quiet rest time, after all, there is still a while.

A few hours later.

1:00 AM: The private jet finally arrived in Monaco.

Angela and Pepper drove everyone to the back of the International Hotel.

Pepper delivered Tony, who was so drunk, to Hogan and went to the front desk to pick up the two rooms that had already been booked.

Then it was Angela’s turn.

She walked to the front desk and looked at Zhao Hailun behind her while taking care of Ino, who pretended to be sitting in a chair to rest.

She showed the electronic message to the front desk and said, “A big room, which was booked before.”

The lady at the front desk saw that she took out the room card and gave it to Angela.

Then she went back and helped Helen to help Ino, who was pretending to be drunk, into the room.

When passing by Pepper, Angela still said, “Bye, see you tomorrow morning.”

Pepper was stunned at Angela who had only booked one room.

She turned to look at Hogan, who was carrying Tony, and said, “Look at Tony, he doesn’t have such a charm.”

Hogan nodded honestly.

During the hangover, Tony seemed to have heard someone say those two words that had just become his most annoying and moved unfaithfully.

After returning to the big room.

Ino let go… and embraced Angela and Zhao Hailun’s hands.

He glanced at the decoration of this international hotel and nodded: “Not bad.”

“It’s almost 100,000 meters per night, which is of course not bad.”

Angela said as she unbuttoned her coat.

She just wants to relax, don’t think too much.

Angela was on the soft sofa at once, and would go to the bubble bath according to her habit.

But she didn’t have this habit outside.

Angela put her hands on the sofa and looked at Zhao Hailun, who was a little restrained, teasing: “Now there are three beds. Ino will sleep the largest in the middle. I will decide later, Helen, which one you want to choose.”

This room has three 3 bedrooms, a hall, the middle bedroom is the largest and the bed is also the largest.

But Angela first clearly pointed out which Ino should sleep.

Then he pointed out that he would wait for Helen to make a decision before deciding.

This will force Helen onto it all at once.”(Read more @

“I…I…. I sleep that one!”

Helen was anxious and moved to the smallest bedroom.

Angela sadly spread her hands out: “You decide by yourself”

It means I gave you a chance.

But you are not useful.

Suddenly, Helen had the idea of ​​going back.

The next day.

Angela came out of Ino’s room first, and happened to meet Helen who was getting up to wash.

Angela raised her hand and shook her hello, “Good morning.”

“Morning…good morning.

Helen blushed back.

Last night, Helen waited for a long time at night and did not hear Angela’s special voice.

In the end, after waiting for a long time, Helen fell asleep unconsciously.

But actually Angela and Ino didn’t do anything last night.

It’s just a habit of sleeping together every day.

After all, outside, it is still a hotel.Although it is international, it still has no such thoughts.

After all washing up.

Everyone came to the breakfast room of the hotel for breakfast.

If you want a hotel of this level, you can choose to have the waiter order and deliver food or go to a better special restaurant for dinner.

After seeing Ino coming, Tony called Hache and asked: “Why are you so energetic after staying up late yesterday?”

Ino patted Tony’s shoulder comfortingly: “I am young and vigorous, and you are old.”

Well, Tony, who just got up, was hit.

After a little bit of breakfast.

Everyone dare to go to the five-star hotel in Paris that is cooperating with this competition schedule.

Last night it was because I found it nearby.

And this is a banquet hotel cooperating with the event.

With two special vehicles drove to the Paris Banquet Hall Hotel.

6 bikes drove in front of the vehicles to lead the way and evacuate the way.

Tony has already greeted the people here.

And as a recent hot umbrella and Stark.

The organizer here can be said to have waited in advance.

With reaching the destination.

Tony and Ino opened the car door and came out at the same time.

Wow!!!!! After getting off the car, the crowds on both sides of the track cheered loudly for the two people they saw.

Because the recognition of these two people is too high.

Entering the banquet hall, Angela and Zhao Hailun followed Ino.

Hogan followed Tony with his suitcase.

After a few people went in, they found a specially reserved table and sat down:.

In a short while, a waiter will come over to arrange the desserts and drinks.

“Hello Mr. Stark, Hello Mr. Ino.”

As soon as they sat down, a voice came from behind the two.

After Tony turned his head, Ino also saw this person, but it was a bit embarrassing.

He doesn’t know what this person is called.

So I can only wait for Tony to speak.

Tony shook hands to the man: “Hi, Musk, Merlin is stuck with the engine:.”

“Thanks, it just so happens that I still want to use the electric jet.”

“real or fake”


“Then we can work together.”

Tony dismissed the man after three times, five and two.

He introduced to Ino: “He is in the aerospace industry.”

“I have worked with him before, but he does not yet have the ability to launch satellites.”

Ino is eating dessert, which has nothing to do with herself.

After Tony saw it: “We are here to see the car, how come you make it like a honeymoon”

“You are jealous.”

Ino said silently.


Suspended for a while.

The amount on my fashion cover is no less than yours, although the quality is not good.

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