Chapter 106 .Tony who feels the gap again [5]


Ino unceremoniously accepted Tony’s admiration.

“I also had the foresight to put Angela and Zhao Hailun by my side in advance, before they will surely become famous in the future.”

Speaking of this, Ino looked at Tony deeply: “Tony, you need to know.”

“It is always the fewest group of people who prop up this world, and speak in the larger direction.”

“There will only be one in charge of this universe.”

Tony nodded in agreement no matter what, and he was thinking about Ino’s words at the same time.

To be honest, no matter how Tony is, he is also a mortal.

Although he is called: a mortal body, comparable to a god.

But… this will always change.

You can’t let him suddenly rise from a mortal thought to a higher level of thought.

It is difficult to change thinking.

If in the original plot, Tony desperately puts on the steel armor of Blue Star.

Then there will be no subsequent plot.


Tony raised his head: “Are you going to the 1st car in Monaco? You haven’t given me an answer yet.”

Ino: “…Go.”

Tony: “When”

Ino: “The day after tomorrow.”

“Why the day after tomorrow”

Tony asked impatiently: “Should this be a walk-and-go trip? We arrived at night on a private jet.”

Ino held his head helplessly: “The vice president will come to see me tomorrow. He estimates that he will have to customize a prosthesis. It would not be nice to let him dove like this.”

“Then we will leave tomorrow evening. We will find a pilot from the Great Bear Nation, and we will be able to arrive at night.”

Tony thought about finding a middle way.


Now that the time is set, then go.

After all, Ino hasn’t seen the car with his own eyes. After all, he has no interest in the car, and so is Angela.

So the two have not been to the car for so many years.

“When you come tomorrow, take away the special medicine and thinner by the way.”

At the speed of Helen and Angela, it would take less than three days to strengthen these two things.

Tony was taken aback: “So fast”

“Then you don’t have to wait for two days to learn from the confrontation between Party A and Party B in society”

It’s the first time I heard such a cheap one.(Read more @

Tony reacted immediately: “Forget it, my life is more important.”

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the lounge.

“Tony, I bought milk tea and pizza.

Outside the door, I’m not sure if they have…good talk, so knock on the door first.

Tony looked at Ino, and Ino nodded.

This is the meaning of nothing important.

Then Tony said, “Come in, we are all very hungry.”

Hearing Tony’s words, Pepper opened the door and walked in.

After she put milk tea and pizza here, she was about to leave.

Ino watched her leave and reminded: “Help me contact Angela to pick me up.”

“Why don’t you go to see other places in Stark, why are you going back so quickly?”

Tony also wants to take Ino to see his laboratory.Although there is nothing important in it, some ideas can still be discussed.

“Leave Angela and Helen in my house not to look at them, chatting with you for a long time with a man about me is something wrong or you have something wrong”

Tony looked at Pepper suddenly, his eyes were…Look at him, he hugs right and left like that.

Pepper knew Tony’s eyes, she said to Tony: “Just two.”

Tony: What is meant by two women now are so easy to understand? Then why can’t I be two, how can you be so double-labeled! Ino lightly picked up a cup of milk tea and sucked it, and the other hand also picked up a piece with a tissue Pizza.

You can’t learn this operation.

Tony looked at Ino, then looked back at Pepper, he once again felt that it was men why we thought differently.

In the end, Tony was discouraged and picked up a cup of milk tea.

Then catching a piece of pizza is… a meal: gnaw.

It seems that he wants to use all his qi on pizza.

After Pepper saw that it was all right, she said as she left, “I’ll contact Angela to pick you up.”

Seeing Pepper go.

Tony immediately threw down the pizza that was like a dog in his hand, looked at Ino and asked, “How did you do it?”

“How to do it”

Ino asked rhetorically.

“Angela Ziegler and Zhao Hailun.”

Tony looks like you don’t give me sloppy eyes.


Ino thought for a while, motioned to himself with his hand in front of him and said, “Charm.”

“What superpower”

Tony immediately followed up with interest.

Ino: “What kind of superpowers are personality charms!”

Tony didn’t dare to say: “What! Then I have no charm?”

“You have a hammer.”

Ino is so angry.

Tony began to fall into deep thought, he held the milk tea in his hand, and the pizza didn’t eat anymore.

Just when Ino felt whether he was sick.

Tony raised his head instantly: “I’m done.”

“From now on, not only will Stark Industries learn from the umbrella, I will also follow you.”

“You have done it, then it means the road ahead is okay, and I have to try it too.”

Ino:…He looked at the iron man like an iron man, he really didn’t know what kind of paste he had in his mind.

Ino put down the pizza in his right hand, patted Tony on the shoulder, and said, “I tell you, it’s better for people to be focused, don’t always think about this…sao operation. ”

“I think anyone can talk about me but you alone can’t talk about me like that.”

Tony looked at Ino like a fisheye: “And did you touch me with your hand holding the pizza.”

“I wrapped it in tissues.”

Ino picked up the pizza that had just been put down: “Furthermore, anyway…you have to take a shower when you’re all sweaty.”

Jingling Bell Speaking of this, Ino’s personal phone rang.

Ino saw Angela’s call.

This shows that she has arrived downstairs.

Ino’s left-handed milk tea and right-handed pizza stood up: “I’ll go back first, see you tomorrow night.”

Tony took off his gloves, and after sending Ino out, he waved his hand and said, “See you tomorrow night! Damn current guy!”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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