Chapter 104 .Natasha of Stark Tower [3]

In the end, Zhao Hailun’s debate won Angela’s consent.

They turned their heads and looked at Ino together.

After all, they all agreed, and in the end they still have to agree with Ino.

Ino thought for a while.

It seems that there is no need to take body strengthening medicines. The people just need to be healthy. Why do they want to be strong to protest, march, and rob to create beautiful scenery? And like Helen’s supplementary body function and health medicine, this is… …. It is in line with the method of regulating human body functions that I said at the beginning.

Finally, Ino determined: “You can use Helen’s method. Just do it. Angela is more experienced in primary biology. She will assist you in observing human body functions.”

Ye Zhao Hailun happily raised his hands and ran to Ino.

“Sneak Attack”

After Ino, she went back happily like the wind, pulling Angela and ran into the elevator of the underground laboratory.

Before the customs, she blushed slightly to give Ino a steady flight.

…The next day.

The main gate of the umbrella building is a few kilometers away.

A strange thing happened in Stark Industrial Zone.

Sister Pepper, the new president, is actually waiting at the gate for who is this who can make the newcomer come out to greet, but just when the crowds come and go are suspicious.

Angela drove a red supercar to the door of Stark and was about to drive back to the umbrella building.

Because she has been busy recently, and she has to assist Zhao Hailun in completing sub-health drugs.

Pepper greeted Ino at the door, looking at Angela who was about to leave, and asked, “Won’t Angela come in and sit down, haven’t you been to Stark Industrial Park.”

“I still have things to do.”

Angela declined gently.

“That’s a shame, come back when I have time.”

Pepper waved to Angela.

“Come back when I have time.”

Angela nodded and looked at Ino: “I’m leaving now, call me and then pick you up.”

Ino nodded, and Angela drove away.

Pepper turned to look at Ino and the people coming and going around: “There are a lot of people here, let’s go to the top floor.”

Suddenly, a familiar voice came.

“Hi Ino! You are finally here.”

Ino turned his head, and Tony walked over with a pair of boxing gloves in a black coat and short pants.

He kept his sweat and came to Ino, trying to hold his shoulders: “Why are you here now? Didn’t you say that you are today?”

“Sweat all over and go to the side.”

Ino quickly avoided the smelly body: “Also, it is also today. I will come later to prevent you from getting up.(Read more @

Tony looks “sad”

Nodded: “Good idea.”

With Tony, he entered the Stark Industrial Building.

His office is on the top floor, and the place where he exercises is on the penultimate floor of the top floor.

After the trio 3 came to the lounge on the penultimate floor, Tony’s bodyguard Hogan was also here.

He wears thick armor.

There is also a layer of sweat on the neckline of the shirt.

It seems that Tony just… was practicing with him.

After the two were on separate sofas, Pepper turned and left to prepare something.

Tony picked up the water on the table between Ino and opened the lid and said, “After my thoughts, I think it’s better to replenish the body or exercise.”

I think you think taking medicine is humiliating.


Ino leaned on the sofa: “The best way to supplement calcium is to bask in the sun, and it’s best to exercise more for health. It’s best to drink water with plain water. This is the way it is.”

“Medicines are nothing more than things that people can recover after not paying attention.”

“That’s it.”

After listening to Tony, he became meditative, not knowing what he was thinking about.

At this time, Pepper came over with the prepared coffee and desserts.

“Slow use.”


After putting these on the table, she walked to the sofa next to Tony and sat down.

Suddenly, Tony raised his head suddenly and looked at Ino: “Would you like to watch the 1st car race in Monaco where the sun is just right? We can still travel by the way.”


For a long time, you were thinking that Tony saw Ino not talking.He turned his back to Pepper and raised his hands towards Ino in a gesture of holding the steering wheel.

Well, he didn’t want to watch the car, he wanted to drag the car.

But before Tony’s action was finished, Pepper asked incredible behind him: “Why do you still have time to travel when the company is so busy?”

Tony turned his head to look at Pepper: “Aren’t the Stark shares have a limit of several editions? Why can’t the stocks not fall.”

Pepper held his forehead in distress: “This is not a stock issue, this is a management issue.”

Tony turned back to look at Ino: “What do you think”

Seeing that even Pepper came to ask for answers, Ino shrugged and picked up a cup of coffee: “I’ll come again after I finish my official business.”


Tony turned back again and looked at Pepper affectionately: “I forgot, you are now the president, these…………you should do it.”

At this time, Pepper wanted to kill Tony.

Well, cut it off.

Tony is going to Monaco, and Pepper is sure to go too.

So whoever handles the affairs has a relationship. Ino looks at Hogan who is resting in the ring. Tony notices and says, “Would you like to see how I am connected recently?”

Ino drank coffee and nodded: “What did you practice?”

“Mixed martial arts.”

Tony stood up and walked towards the ring.

Bang Bang Bang! Bang Bang Bang! Then it was obvious Hogan that made Tony’s blow sound.

Pepper said with a little embarrassment: “Except for that suit of armor, he has been hot for three minutes. This one will be thrown away after playing for a few days at most.”


Just as Tony was performing on the ring, suddenly a figure came over.

She is dressed in the standard dress of an urban female white-collar worker, with light makeup, and a…big red wavy hair.

This is Natasha.

She walked to Pepper, opened a black folder and said: “Here you need to sign the initials.”

Pepper glanced at it and signed his name.

After finishing the matter, Natasha glanced at Ino secretly, and Ino had already noticed her.

Pepper asked curiously after seeing it: “You know”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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