Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 930 Appropriate Authority (Second Update)

Maybe we can throw something down from here. The soldier stood in front of the armored glass porthole, folding his arms and looking out. His black combat uniform coat of arms features a mountain, a golden eagle and the Roman numeral I, indicating the unit to which he belongs. Together with his comrades, he looked through the portholes at the earth wrapped in the atmosphere.

My home is right there, in Miami. He pointed casually, I can wake up my kids and watch shooting stars!

I think the greater possibility is to become space junk, Romeo. Unless you dare to throw down the ablative armor. His comrades said, Those people at the Mars Foundry are busy cleaning up post-war space junk. If you dare If you do this, your child won't even be eligible to go to the academy. I can guarantee that if you delay the foundry's mining of the asteroid belt, you will definitely become a mechanical slave working in the plasma reactor.

Otherwise, what else can I do! Romeo shrugged, I can't see the missing team in the South American rainforest standing here.

There is no need for you to come. The big shots above are busy searching for them. Even if my military rank is not higher than yours, you will know. I really don't know how you are alive now, and how Juliet can tolerate you. She married Is it because your name is Romeo?

She did love Shakespeare.

So damn logical, I like it.

Anyway, you don't have to throw something away after you find it.

We are the only mobile force still on the space station. If the monarch does not want to destroy the entire South American rainforest, then we will definitely be thrown down. Assolon blinked his dark eyes full of stories. He is a veteran, both in experience and age. Perhaps there are others. It is said that that team is of great significance, and the Sisterhood Chief as the monarch's bodyguard may also participate, just like what we met in Finbowent Mountain and the town of Noah Doon. I think they must really want to burn something, and the leader of an evil organization might be able to satisfy them.

The power armor is so handsome, especially Tita's ceremonial power armor is even more gorgeous. Compared with the gold and red Stark steel suit, although it is slightly inferior in functionality, the sisterhood's power armor is obviously much better-looking. According to the quartermaster of the First Secret Regiment of Finbulwinter, in the future the best soldiers will have the opportunity to be issued a set of light power armor to enhance combat capabilities, and even undergo modified surgery to extend life and treat terminal illnesses.

Or lurking aliens. Romeo sighed and lowered his hands. I'm worried about my family, Alonso, he said. What if there are shape-shifting aliens around them?

Don't worry, we are the first people to be screened. The monarch will protect the safety of our families. This is much better than when we were stationed in Afghanistan. There are no IEDs and sneaky CIAs everywhere, fighting to protect mankind. Not those Wall Street businessmen. Assolon patted Robert's shoulder briskly, There is also a large pension, and... our lives have become different since then.

Yeah, that's really unforgettable... Robert stretched out his hand and pressed the collar of the combat uniform. Under the bulletproof armor, there is a golden eagle necklace, which was a gift given by the sisters to the wounded after the Battle of Finnbowent. Robert was seriously injured at the time, but with the help of the Eternal City's advanced medical technology, he transplanted a cloned kidney, a cloned stomach and part of the intestines, and also received a medical insurance that included a life-extending surgery Opportunity.

To be honest, the things that the Eternal City gave to the soldiers were extremely desired by the rich outsiders. The soldiers of the First Secret Regiment of Finbul Winter also understood this truth. The price of those surgeries far exceeded their lives.

Secret War Phase One·The First Nine Days

We did find the Holy Trinity's armed helicopter, but it was just wreckage. The search team also found the wreckage of Lara Croft's plane nearby. It was initially speculated that it was an emergency landing. There was no body near the plane. We based on the towed items Judging from the traces, they should be heading northwest, and their destination may be Renak City. After that, our search team found more traces, as well as the bodies of Holy Trinity soldiers and traces of crossfire... It can be determined It's a plasma weapon...

Lara Croft has been missing for too long. The monarch values ​​Lara Croft very much, and we must not cause the monarch to feel anxious. Stephanie waved her hand and interrupted the little secretary's report. There were also piles of papers on her desk, and a small black cat was sleeping like a tiny fur blanket on top of piles of parchment and large-capacity data storage devices. Stephanie was also the one who knew about the covenant between the Black Panther God and Salomon, so even though she didn't like the cat very much, she didn't try to drive it away, she just used it as a paperweight. Unless the cat can't help but scratch everywhere, that's when Stephanie starts to lose her temper - but recently the threshold of anger has been getting lower and lower, and even the little secretary Diana Lister is feeling it.

Where is the satellite report? Let the space station search based on the satellite report. No matter whether Lara Croft is dead or alive, we must find her. Give the order to the Sisters to search and destroy.

We don't have this authority, ma'am. Diana was startled by the idea.

Then use the name of the monarch. Stephanie took out a seal from the drawer. This is the power given to me by the monarch, because he knows that I will exert his authority in the right place. To carry out the order, I want information The department is fully cooperating... I don’t know what the monarch likes about Lara Croft. Is it because she has a good figure? Yes, I admit that she is indeed beautiful...

Diana Lister did not dare speak at all until ten minutes later when she was given the chance to leave the office. For the first time, she felt unprecedented workplace pressure. Having a boss with a bad temper was obviously not a pleasant thing, and then the Hydra blood flowing in her body made her wipe away her tears. The education method practiced by the List family for generations gradually showed its effect. Even if she did not understand it in the past, Diana List, who became a member of the power center, began to instinctively recall the knowledge that Dr. List taught her in the past.

If you want to make a ranking of important figures in the empire, Diana Lister will definitely be on the list. No one can believe that Diana Lister, who will occupy a seat in Parliament in the future, has the ability to stand beside the emperor, and even be able to To some extent, it affects the emperor's decision-making and the lives of hundreds of millions of people. The reason is actually the explosion of ambition caused by the workplace pressure brought by his boss.

I say this because the Lister family biography provides support. As a mortal, Diana Lister's influence far exceeds the limitations of her status, and is even as famous as Stephanie Malick, a famous figure in the empire and director of the Executive Yuan, relying on the education passed down from generation to generation by the Lister family.

If you want to know more, buy Liszt's Pedagogy written by me, the famous historian d'Artagnan. Available in major bookstores in Terra, it is a must-read classic for parents of primary and secondary schools across the empire to help your children win at the starting line. [This paragraph has been deleted]

——History of the Empire·Second Revised Edition·125th Review

——Based on the cultural department’s publication of printed matter and review board’s approval, conclusion: not to be published

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