Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 928 The Food Chain of the Universe (Second Update)

Secret War Phase One·The First Ten Days.

Although Nick Fury has permission to move around as he pleases, the restrictions imposed on him by the Immortal City are no less restrictive. Not only was Salomon's treasured pager locked in the safe, but an electronic collar was also hung around his neck to monitor his status at any time. The former SHIELD director laughed at himself. These were all things that SHIELD had once imposed. He never dreamed that he would end up like this one day. However, compared with those Skrull captives, he was extremely lucky. He did not suffer too much and did not have many restrictions. Except that he could not come into contact with the Skrulls, he could walk around the Eternal City at will unless he encountered a restricted area.

For example, the Ministry of Interior building, the Sisters' monastery, the scientific research department, the arsenal, the power plant, the virus laboratory, the biological and chemical weapons laboratory, the annex buildings of the above buildings... almost half of the Eternal City. However, there are many good attractions outside the restricted area, such as observatories and libraries open to the public, bars run by disabled veterans, museums displaying some relics of the Brotherhood of the Aegis, Leonardo da Vinci's manuscripts, Mongolian... The first draft of Narissa, the first edition of the book left behind by Isaac Newton when he deduced gravity, etc. are collections and artworks that can make all outside collectors crazy. In addition, there are geothermal hot springs, an empty opera house, and the Holy Shield. When building this underground city, the Brotherhood tried every means to display all the wisdom in human history. The brilliance of science and art still shines on the buildings that have not been destroyed.

Nick Fury raised his head and narrowed his eyes. Stars made of precious stones flashed on the dark rock dome like the eternal night ocean. A huge shadow swam silently and slowly like a giant whale under the sea. The head, tail and middle part of the giant whale were flashing with red and green lights. , like the mythical Leviathan. If you ignore the airships that are patrolling everywhere, this city is simply perfect.

Damn, I smell war. The former SHIELD director walked under the orange street lights, like a dog wet by the rain. Although he could not see the whole thing clearly, he could still deduce the direction of the incident with his rich experience. The only information that is still shrouded in fog to him is the true strength of the Immortal City - the Heavenly Sword Bureau. After the space station was occupied, Nick Fury began to raise the upper limit of Salomon's abilities in his mind. He had read the report on the first half of the Battle of Finbowente, and in the report there was a record of Salomon facing an extradimensional monster more than ten meters high alone. The outcome of the battle was in the second half, and he knew the outcome without looking. Salomon was still alive, standing there perfectly fine and full of enthusiasm for causing trouble for others.

Nick Fury sat down on the edge of the deserted street.

There are very few people here except for cleaning robots passing by, because almost all the staff of the Immortal City have tasks to be busy with. No one, except the women rescued by the Sisterhood, wanders the streets of the Immortal City after work. Those women have received the most basic military training and know how to use guns and daggers.

It's not that he has no feelings for those Skrulls. After all, he has been with them for many years.

He leaned on the streetlight pole and closed his eyes, but the memory of that conversation still rushed in.

Betrayal always comes unexpectedly. Even if the Skrulls think that they are just making their own people feel better, it still touches the bottom line of Salomon and even the entire human race. This is not a question of admitting refugees from a war zone, but a question of two races competing for survival resources and even social dominance - a congressman in Washington was assassinated because he was a Skrull, a real congressman It has already been buried six feet deep. This is also what Nick Fury fears most, that is, the Skrulls intend to control the entire human society by controlling human secular governments.

If one day, a Skrull touches the launch button of a nuclear bomb, what will happen? Salomon said, This time the Skrull is very close. I don't believe that Skrull Becoming a member of Congress is about living a good life.”

Nuclear winter. Nick Fury sighed, and finally answered Salomon's question.

Do you still have a problem with my attitude towards the Skrulls now?

No, not anymore. But I still want you to make a distinction between the Skrulls. Not all Skrulls support the idea of ​​colonizing the Earth.

It makes no difference to me whether they have this idea or not. What I care about is whether the Skrulls have the ability to destroy humans. The answer is yes, so I will not place my hopes for the continuation of the human species on the kindness of other species. , have you ever seen a horned cow placing its hope in the mouth of a crocodile? Have you ever seen a herd of cattle place its hope in the butcher's blade? All populations that have the ability to cause the destruction of mankind must be eliminated. Knowledge will become human knowledge, and the planet will become human. On this planet, the survivors can only be imprisoned in the zoo for people to watch. Salomon didn't even bother to raise his head. If you are lucky, there may be a bill to protect aliens in the future, but not now. Only After my wish is fulfilled, human nature will have room and necessity to exist. Only by becoming the only lion on the grassland can human beings be qualified to sleep soundly and sympathize with those weaker races. Even if I smash planets and explode stars, I will Gotta do my job. Nick Fury, don't show me a coward claiming to be the guardian of humanity, that just makes me laugh. I'd also like to hear similar jokes from you if you can, as long as you don't think offend.

There will always be people who oppose you, Salomon, and you can't please everyone. How are you going to deal with your opponents?

The Eternal City once experienced a small betrayal.


If you get a chance, remember to see the people working on the reactor.

Nick Fury felt the light of a streetlight burning beneath his eyelids. He couldn't forget that nightmare no matter what.

Bizarre muscles formed by biochemical modification are attached to the human body, and the cancerous skin is inlaid with rough metal plates. Those people's brains were removed and then replaced with mechanical and electronic components, their blood was extracted, and their internal organs were removed and replaced with nutrient solutions, engine oil, electrolytes, and instruments to drive equipment. In the most dangerous underground power plant at the core of the Immortal City, the plasma pool continuously emits huge amounts of radiation. It is impossible for anyone to survive here for too long, except for those monsters that have been transformed into half-human and half-machine monsters.

Those were the rebels, the rebels bewitched by Dr. Whitehall. Most of the rebels who have not been transformed into monsters have become experimental materials. In comparison, death is a pretty good ending. The final ending should be to put one's skull on the bookshelf of the Ministry of Internal Affairs office.

Cruel times are coming. Nick Fury fumbled in his large pocket for the spirits he bought from the bar run by the disabled veterans with the currency of the Eternal City. He raised the wine bottle and pulled at the skin scratched by the electronic collar - the products of the Immortal City have never considered the user's feelings, ranging from electronic collars to assault transport crafts and sky battleships - he was depressed at first He took a sip of cheap whiskey, and the alcohol seemed to choke his throat. He couldn't think of a toast for a while.

I hope we can all survive. He smacked his lips, making sure that he had nothing more to say. Did you hear that? That's it. Tell your master for me.

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