Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 925 Quietly changing (first update)

These people have been dead for years, Chief George Stacey said when briefing Falcon on the case.

Sam Wilson came to the police station as an investigator before Steve Rogers returned to New York. Using the police files and Tony Stark's artificial intelligence Friday, Sam Wilson quickly saw several victims. the person’s details. How is this possible! He looked at the yellow-black bones placed in the morgue. Even without the forensic identification report, he could see that the bones lying on the stainless steel bed had experienced the baptism of time. He was experienced, as he assured the police chief.

The person who called the police claimed that his family members were taken away just yesterday! He said, So who is the person who lives with the person who called the police?

This is also the part that puzzles us the most. Director Stacey sighed, Either the group has a way to make the victim's remains look like they were buried six feet under for a long time, or... there is Something had taken the place of the victim, and the group of soldiers in the armored vehicle were hunting those things. One thing we noticed was that all the victims had moved, changed jobs, and reestablished relationships.

The police chief lowered his voice and said, That's about the time of death.

The only listener felt like the pores all over his body had exploded.

I have never seen such a terrible thing in my life. I have been on the battlefield, but this... is really weird. The air-conditioning in the morgue was already making people feel uncomfortable, but Director George Stacey's words It made Sam Wilson feel a chill running from the soles of his feet to his brain. Some kind of fear hidden deep in human genes was unearthed, like the monster under the bed that was feared in childhood. That fear was initially gradually abandoned with age, but now it is making a comeback. This kind of fear is called the unknown, and it is not a fear that can be destroyed with bullets. Sam Wilson shook his head, trying to get rid of this childish thought, but fear followed him and he couldn't get rid of it.

What clues do we have?

Except for what you saw, there is nothing. The police chief shook his head. The staff cleaned up very well. All the body fluids at the scene were destroyed by acid. The bullet casings and warheads were also taken away. What about the trace detection department? Nothing was found. Except for the crater - not a gap caused by a pistol or rifle, but some kind of large-caliber weapon. It stands to reason that shooting a human body with such a weapon would leave a large area of ​​debris, but we couldn't find anything. Those people used Fire and acid destroyed everything.

Very well, I don't want any alien genetic information to be left at the scene. Victoria Hand said to the other end of the phone, The progress of cleaning up aliens in New Jersey must be accelerated, and the police have already focused on you. Raid. The transport boats are ready, but you only have one chance to escape. If the National Guard follows you, even the monarch cannot save your lives... My lord, the Skrulls in New York State have been cleared, and the bodies are passing through. Airlift to the Eternal City.”

She put down the phone and waited for instructions. Even if another job was imminent, she had to wait.

Fortunately, the person who gave her the order was very decisive and resolute.

Order the Biogenetic Laboratory to prepare for receipt. Dr. Maya Hansen really needs experimental materials. Salomon stretched out his finger, indicating to Stephanie to follow his instructions, and Stephanie instructed her little secretary to grab it. Write commands. At the same time Salomon raised his head, Victoria Hand noticed that the expression on her monarch's face had not changed since the beginning of this mission. As far as she knew, her lord was currently engaged in several undertakings simultaneously, of which the secret war against the Skrulls was only one part. You can guess with your toes that there must be a greater threat than the Skrulls approaching.

I hope the aftermath can be completed.

I believe the interior department can do it. Victoria Hand understood what the monarch was referring to, Is your current body the product of alchemy?

Don't let me near the heat or I'll melt.

Victoria Hand quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Now she didn't want to face the true form of the monarch anymore. That tall, strong and cold-blooded figure, whose calm surface was full of thunder and roar, made people shudder just thinking about it. His presence nearly fills the room whenever he sits behind his desk working, working with an attitude that Agent Hand both admires and fears, issuing orders that any hard-hearted man would think twice about. No one except Stephanie Malick, a madman whose ambitions burn as wildly as lust, could withstand such terrible pressure.

This situation only began to occur after the Battle of Finbowente.

After the battle, the king wearing scarred golden armor and holding a blazing sword boarded the ship. Almost everyone who looked directly at him felt that their brains were occupied by a piece of red-hot iron, just like the molten iron core of the earth. The scorching violence frightened everyone. All the staff on the ship knelt down to him when he passed by. Even though he finally gave orders to all those who knelt, yelling angrily and asking them to stand up, some things had quietly changed. Now everyone in the Eternal City can feel his presence, just like an invisible towering mountain. Even people without second vision can clearly feel that there is someone sitting in the tallest Gothic tower. People, and the girls in the sisterhood convent will pray towards the location of this building.

This feeling will turn into longing when you are far away from him, and it will quickly turn into fear when you are close to him.

Victoria Hand didn't know if this sense of humor and kindness came from her alchemical body, but her monarch seemed to enjoy joking. When not on a mission, her monarch's deadly sense of humor would light the pyre like kindling in a fireplace, and only then would all those who worked for him feel at ease. After the Battle of Finbowente, she decided that if there was any trace of humanity in her monarch, it was his love of spirits - the precious spirits stored in the office's handcrafted liquor cabinet were being depleted at an alarming rate. The most recent disappearance was a bottle of Napoleonic brandy. Such treasures are usually auctioned off by the glass, but Victoria Hand didn't even see the bottle.

The real body is still in class in Oxford County. There is a very important exam today. The alchemy body seemed to understand her thoughts. Hand agents have long been accustomed to the fact that the monarch's eyes can see everything clearly, and some staff members with radical ideas think so. Salomon's incarnation smiled slyly, It's not a bad thing to invite your professor to taste the brandy of the Napoleonic period, especially when absences from class often occur, the effect of a bottle of wine is quite amazing.

You should be grateful that Jane Foster was not your graduate advisor.

Yes, a lovelorn woman is quite troublesome. Ms. Victoria Hand, remember to bring a bottle of wine before you leave. You can choose from the collection in the wine cabinet. Taking over Nick Fury's secret is a troublesome thing, but I But I have nothing more to repay you with.

This is my duty, my lord. Victoria Hand opened the wine cabinet and picked up a bottle of liquor, saluted and left the office.

I believe she can take over Nick Fury's job. The monarch said to the head of the internal affairs department who was standing aside. She has the potential, and she has done well so far.

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