Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 919 The profitable judicial system (first update)

I don’t know what’s going on with Agent Coulson’s brain circuit. It seems that in order to clear up SHIELD’s name, he actually allowed the female hacker now named Daisy Johnson to be photographed by passers-by while using her abilities, and the American public also I am really not afraid of death. Even if bullets are flying from three meters away, I can still scream and take out my mobile phone to take pictures. A small-town TV station had interviewed Daisy Johnson and given her the nickname Shock Girl. Now Daisy Johnson has a personal poster, and there is also a CP fanfic of her and Black Widow Natasha Romanoff on AO3. This is a move that Victoria Hand, director of the Immortal City's intelligence department, cannot understand. Intelligence work is not an election or a superhero with fancy black-box operations. There is no point in winning the favor of the people. She believes that SHIELD has completely degenerated into a third-rate organization, and there is no need to monitor them too closely, because such an agent organization will only destroy itself.

To be honest, the fanfic is pretty good, at least Wanda Maximoff thinks so.

Although the extended information on the mission investigation information was not very important, she still clicked on the link. After all, staying on a private plane was quite boring, and she had to find something to do. She has read the surveillance and public communications in the Los Angeles area compiled by the intelligence department. In recent times, the term Ghost Rider has been mentioned significantly more times. The intelligence department identified the possible location of the Ghost Rider through video surveillance and communications. Before recovering the Dark Book of Darkness, Wanda must go as Salomon's envoy to confirm the status of the new Ghost Rider.

Wanda Maximoff also learned about the past of Johnny Blaze, the first Ghost Rider.

To be honest, when she saw that the mortal incarnation of Mephisto, Lord of Hell, had come to Earth, she was still scared by the difficulty of her mentor's past tasks. However, thinking about Salomon's subsequent confrontations with various incarnations of gods, especially the Battle of Finbowente, Wanda's mood gradually stabilized and finally became numb, and the Ghost Rider also became a minor player in her eyes. According to convention, if the other party does not abide by the rules, then he must be taught a lesson to understand the authority of Kama Taj's law. This is almost certain. Guys who have just come into contact with the magical world always think that they are the most special and powerful in the world. Wanda is ready to beat up the new Ghost Rider as a warm-up exercise for her mission.

Salomon no longer paid attention to his apprentice's mission. He had already given her the best weapons and equipment, and even backup support was ready. Unless she dies, there's no reason why the mission can't be completed. He also refused Agent Romanoff's request to meet in New York, but instead summoned her to the Immortal City after returning from Karma Taj, and handed over all of Nick Fury's confession to her.

I originally thought that the true identity of the Winter Soldier was enough to surprise me. She expressed her displeasure in a hoarse voice, I didn't know the location of Nick Fury before this. Where did you catch him? he?

Space station, with a group of aliens. Salomon asked, Are you interested in interrogating aliens?

Thank you, but I'm different from your girlfriend. I'm not a sadist or a masochist. Natasha Romanoff glanced at the video in the interrogation room. The punishments faced by those aliens were quite similar. Horrible and inhumane, but she didn't raise much objection. Not to mention I still have tasks to complete.

Salomon knew exactly why she was so unhappy. Let me guess, Winter Soldier?

Why do you ask me if you know it well? Agent Romanoff bared her teeth like a fierce female cat. I'm sure you are hiding some information that I don't know.

You can think so, but this is not because of suspicion, but because the Winter Soldier is related to another major event. Salomon looked at the angry female agent and said, I don't mind if you kill the Winter Soldier.

The female agent crossed her arms and raised her head. This is the truth, then what?

But there are others who want to find the Winter Soldier, because he knows some dark secrets. The Immortals aren't the only ones tracking him, so I can't be of much help unless you want to The Immortal City carries out precision bombing in the urban area. The Intelligence Department of the Immortal City has given you a step ahead, and since you are a top agent, you must have a way to solve it.

Stephanie bumped into a female agent with a sullen expression in the corridor. She stared at the woman in the tight leather jacket as she walked around the corner and opened the office door. My lord, aren't you going to tell her our plans in the United States? The head of the interior department could guess Natasha Romanov's intention with his toes. Perhaps she can be of some help, Nidja. The work in Dhaka was really unsatisfactory. The people he could find were a bunch of small-time gangsters who knew nothing but selling drugs and robbing stores, and many of them were serious criminals who still owed money to bail companies.

The reason why these felons can still sneak around outside the prison must be thanked to the American judicial system.

This matter has nothing to do with the so-called human rights. The most important source of wealth in the American judicial system from top to bottom is criminals. Criminals are charged from the time they go to jail. Beds, daily necessities and even medical opportunities are all commodities that can be sold. If you can't pay these fees, you can rely on the time and work in prison to deduct them. Private prisons receive money from the government. While taking money there, they also take money from the prisoners' pockets. Even so, there is still a way of making money by selling goods made by prisoners.

Even after leaving prison and going to court, regardless of whether or not they are ultimately found guilty, the court still requires the prisoner to pay court fees and other miscellaneous fees. Much of this money goes into the pockets of judges, who therefore favor petty offenders who can sentence them quickly. Then a bail company that contracts the bail business in a region can provide loans to prisoners and provide community supervision of prisoners for the court. If the prisoner refuses the bail company and cannot pay the money, the prisoner will be charged with contempt of court by the judge and thrown into jail again, starting with the cost of the bed and charged again until he agrees to the bail company's request or pays the money himself - —Therefore, in order to quickly obtain income, private prisons tend to take in minor criminals and then throw out the felons who have occupied the prison for a long time. In order to be released from prison, felons often agree to loan requests from bail companies.

This was the manpower that Nijadaka mobilized, but the quality of those criminals was really poor. Salomon did not think that the abilities of those felons could help the entire plan. Nijadaka himself had been in prison, otherwise he would not have gone to another continent to become a mercenary.

If Nijadaka knew Salomon's opinion, he might be very unhappy, because the Black Panther Party in the United States is no longer the Black Panther Party before, and the leaders of the Black Panther Party who are truly capable of confronting the entire society have basically been dismissed. The FBI shot and killed the current leader of the Black Panther Party, who was either bribed or became a tool for politicians to win over black votes. After Nijadaka went to find those people, the FBI followed suit. If it weren't for the Eternal City's safe houses all over the world, his own tactical prowess, and his connections with Wilson Fisk, Nijadaka might have gone directly to jail before he could even begin his plan, and then the batch would have been shipped to the United States. The weapons and equipment might also be swallowed by Wilson Fisk.

Nijadaka suddenly missed the time of his father's generation. Although he was still a little kid playing basketball in the community basketball court at that time, he still remembered those days full of hope. This hope soon turned into a deeper hatred for Wakanda. He believed that if his father was not killed by a blood relative, the FBI would have no way to deal with his father, and his father's Black Panther Party would definitely succeed.

My father is the real Black Panther, not the fat pig sitting on the throne of Wakanda. When asked by the Immortal City, Nijadaka vowed, I will continue his career, I promise Boss that I will definitely be able to do it.”

Stephanie hung up the phone and shook her head, fully expressing her disdain for Nijadaka to Salomon.

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