Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 915 A confidant is hard to find (first update)

Although the Maximov siblings were still staying in Sokovia Castle, Salomon had shown the siblings some of the reasons why the war broke out in Sokovia. Later, according to Wanda’s own recollection, she often saw people demonstrating on the street in the years after she and Pietro entered the orphanage. The content of the demonstrations was often related to the presidential election, women’s rights, animal protection, and environmental protection. relation. Since the outbreak of that battlefield, Sokovia has become a democratic country. Elections seem to have become something that everyone can participate in, and every citizen seems to have gained power.

However, the fact is that until Wanda grew up, the entire country seemed to be stuck in the wreckage of that war, stagnant, or even worse. Gun violence, human trafficking, drugs, sex trafficking, all the bad stuff seemed to pop up overnight and cling to Sokovia's skin forever like a rash. The worst places were like the black ghettos in New York. Same.

The sisterhood had discovered an Eastern European girl from Sokovia during the recruitment process, and the files stored in the seller's computer even made Salomon clenched his fists, otherwise he would not be able to control himself at all. of anger. Even with the cruel behavior of the Eternal City, it has never treated human beings as disposable entertainment items.

It is truly a miracle that the Maximov siblings are alive to this day.

Perhaps it is not a miracle, but the effect of magic. Wanda's magical potential has begun to subtly change her life before it is truly revealed. She was able to get a job that she would have otherwise been unable to get, meet a boss with a human touch, and let thugs who had ill intentions towards her die in accidents, even the bomb that failed to detonate (this kind of thing happened in Salomon It is also reflected in his body. The most intuitive thing is that Jezebel who gave birth to him miraculously arrived in the United States and was not harmed).

Perhaps because Sokovia is too small and far away from Russia, the United States and multinational financial consortium did not spend too much energy on Sokovia. I have to say that this is also a blessing, because in most countries in Eastern Europe where governments have been overthrown, most of the people in power of their democratic governments are American Jews who have given nationality. But even in Sokovia, which is the smallest, the largest domestic company supported by the government is an American company. So the question is, for a small country like Sokovia, why did the CIA and the Endowment for American Democracy provide high-value Stark missiles to end the war as quickly as possible before other forces intervene?

This is the secret Salomon wants to show Wanda and ask from Nick Fury.

Don't kill him, I'm still useful. Salomon stood in front of the cell holding Wanda's shoulders.

The delicious food made by Dinah made her eat until she could only lie on the chair. Later, Bayonetta and Joan of Arc took her to the sauna built by Salomon himself, so Wanda's face was rosy at the moment. Expression relaxed. It happened that Frank Cassel pushed open the door and came out. He had no intention of giving Salomon a good look, and left the dungeon directly under the leadership of the soldiers of the First Secret Regiment of Finbul Winter. Salomon didn't care at all. Most people in the Immortal City don't recognize him when he's not wearing armor, which gives him the opportunity to avoid cumbersome etiquette. He refused without hesitation Stephanie's proposal to identify himself to the staff of the Immortal City in a normal manner, because he did not want to be saluted everywhere he went.

Especially those girls who were saved by the sisterhood, they have an unspeakable fanaticism for Salomon. But Salomon does not think he is worthy of this honor. That golden power armor is the master of the immortal city, the symbol and driving force of a great ideal, and the person who saved them and gave them new life. , he is just an ordinary person who wants to live an easy life but is forced to get his hands dirty and bear blood debt.

Redemption will eventually come, but it comes second to survival. His mission is to ensure that the human race can become a better species than the Asgardians. This is what he was created for. He just did what he was supposed to do and doesn't deserve any praise.

Uranium and thorium mines? No wonder local companies in Sokovia have been protesting to the United Nations! Victoria Hand's face looked very ugly. She stood side by side with Salomon behind the one-way glass, watching Wanda sit across from Nick Fury. There is a report on the interrogation table, which contains secrets that Wanda wants to know. Should I be glad that the United States hid this secret so deeply that Ultron was unable to find uranium ore? Otherwise, the trouble we would face when solving artificial intelligence would be even more terrifying.

Looking at the bright side, those mineral deposits are now ours. Thanks to the Martian Foundry and Wakanda's technology, we can use good nuclear energy and nuclear weapons, but the scarcity of fission nuclear fuel prevents us from mass production, and a small amount of fusion nuclear fuel We bought it from Wakanda's lunar mining ship. Now that we have ready-made mineral deposits, we can start the nuclear fission industry. We just need to pay attention to hunting spies. Salomon has been observing Wanda's expression. . Her face began to turn ugly after she started flipping through the document, and when she finally looked at Nick Fury, her face was almost as pale as a dead person.

It was obvious that she had difficulty accepting the truth of the matter.

The coup in Sokovia is not only driven by one party, nor is the radical Hydra the only Nazi in the United States.

However, Wanda obeyed the order well and did not jump up and kill Nick Fury now. This pleased Salomon. He began to evaluate Wanda's mental endurance. If the score was high enough, Wanda could begin to contact the next stage of magic learning.

Currently, the Mars Foundry does not yet have the ability to mine resources on a large scale on Mars. Exploration work takes a lot of time, and our demand for resources is endless. Countries have discovered what we are doing on Mars, even if they tell ordinary people We have concealed it, but we still have little time left. Salomon shrugged, By the way, why did you use a holographic projection to talk to him today?

If he knew that I saw all his performances today, would he commit suicide?

No, he values ​​his own life the most. Salomon laughed, Where is the information I asked the intelligence department to prepare?

Give it to you now?

No, give it to Agent Natasha Romanoff. She will give that information to Steve Rogers. Salomon said, I gave it to Captain Rogers when I first met him. He had a few books, right in front of Nick Fury.

Victoria Hand suddenly admired her current boss, who was still a high school student at the time.

With that information, I believe Steve Rogers will make the right choice. Maybe we can customize a set of power armor for him, the red one. Even if he doesn't support my way of action, I believe it. He must be able to understand my thoughts, which is something few Avengers can do.

Are you so confident in him?

Of course, because he is a good man, a good man with humanity. He participated in the war for all mankind, and he will definitely appreciate the irony in that document. Salomon said softly, Dear Ola, here is I have a hot towel, it’s time for us to intervene, it’s not good for Wanda’s mental health to continue.”

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