Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 905 Violent Methods (First Update)

The alloy walls of the space station were covered with spattered blood, craters from explosive bombs, and carbon marks left by incomplete combustion of flamethrower fuel. Tita stepped over the body that was split into two pieces by explosive bombs at her feet and ordered the troops to move forward. Armed personnel of the Skyward Sword Bureau with alien technology have brought a little trouble to the Sisters, but Tita is unwilling to send a signal for help just because of such a trivial matter - the battle does not only take place in the space station, but also in the sky battleships and assaults in the void. The transport boats are also firing at full strength to intercept the shuttles escaping from the hidden hangar of the space station. The dazzling plasma drew a blue straight line in the dark space, and the live ammunition fired by the giant cannon still had unimaginable kinetic energy in a vacuum environment.

The laser weapon was blocked by the sky battleship's electromagnetic shield, erupting into a burst of dazzling light in space.

With another concentrated fire from the giant cannon, the hidden defense measures of the space station were blown to pieces, and air quickly escaped through the gap. The shuttles and escape capsules that flew out of the space station according to the preset escape plan were shattered by dense barrages. The body fragments and metal debris of aliens and humans turned into high-speed space debris in the void after the explosion.

When Nick Fury understood that Salomon would not give up the Skyward Sword Bureau space station, he activated hidden armed forces to try to recapture his base. However, Salomon was too familiar with his little tricks, and all the armed personnel who boarded the space station were They never let down their guard and built a line of defense with prefabricated fortifications in advance. The armed forces who rushed out of the closed room were immediately attacked by the Sisters. They used chain swords and bolt guns to clear the corridors one after another. The blood of humans and aliens was mixed into a mixture of A disgusting smell permeated the entire office area of ​​the space station.

Then they gradually moved forward and launched an attack on the real power hub, and the intensity of the war gradually escalated.

These elite veterans of the Sisterhood who had survived the Battle of Finnbowent moved forward with great calmness. Compared to the enemies they had faced, those soldiers wearing high-tech bulletproof armor were too fragile. They cooperated skillfully and solved the battle with crisp tactical moves without causing huge damage to important facilities. Even if the opponent relied on the terrain of the space station to engage in firefights with them, the sisterhood could use the laser weapons and explosives in their hands to defeat them. Tread flat.

Tatiana leaned against an alloy wall, her eyes fixed on the timer on the helmet's holographic projection screen. When the timer reached zero, a flame like the breath of a dragon enveloped the entire combat area. After the violent explosion, Tatyana immediately rushed out from behind the bunker, led her team into the sea of ​​​​fire, activated the chainsword amidst the roar of the bolter, and rushed into the enemy's position like a wild bull. Fight with your body. The heavy firepower team that was originally engaged in a firefight with the enemy immediately ceased fire when the timer in their helmets reached zero to avoid hitting the assault team. They turned into another channel without looking back to support another assault team.

Some Skyward Sword armed personnel chose to surrender immediately after the exchange of fire, because the bloody and violent fighting style of the Sisters was hard not to scare people. Being hit by a bullet and being slashed by a chain sword are two different concepts, not to mention the flamethrower that the sisterhood likes to use. They have used all the cruel methods of modern warfare to their fullest potential. Nick Fury, who was handcuffed, followed Salomon and the escort team through the area ravaged by the war. The space station trembled under their feet, the air was filled with choking stench of smoke, and the blood-red emergency lights in the dim environment Flashing wildly, in the dizzying light, he even saw unconscious Sword Bureau armed personnel lying on the charred corpses and groaning. Everything in front of him made the veteran who had participated in the Vietnam War take a breath. He also understood that this time he was not joking. In the past, Salomon's attitude and methods could even be called gentle compared to it.

You can't even resist my attack, so don't brazenly claim that this agency can deal with alien invasions and supernatural threats. Salomon said softly, This is your biggest problem, and you always think you can solve it. problem, not knowing that the future is scarier than you thought. You can't do anything, Nick Fury. The human captives will be trained after screening, and the Skrulls will be imprisoned in dungeons. This is the only thing I have Have mercy.”

You always think you're on the right path. Tell me, how do you ensure it doesn't get worse?

I know, because I saw it, the mystic said. You will also see how correct my decision was.

I only saw the whole world soaked in blood because of your ambition. The former SHIELD director laughed miserably and made no further comments. Now the two have swapped forms. Unknowingly, Salomon's power has developed to the point where he can directly launch attacks in space, while Nick Fury has repeatedly reenacted the destruction of S.H.I.E.L.D. It's hard to say that there is no laughter in this Ironic meaning. In fact, Salomon did not initially intend to capture the space station, but the invasion of the Skrulls was too serious. He had to respond in advance and implement the preparatory plan for the Attilan Inhuman War—— That's another thing Salomon has been worried about. He knows the relationship between the origin of the Skrulls and the earth. In the Skrull mythology, the earth, as the place of revival of the Skrulls, has been watched by these green-skinned parasites. Some Skrulls even believe that the earth should be expel humans from the earth. This is the so-called Secret War, which guides humans to kill each other by controlling human political power and creates colonial opportunities for the Skrulls.

Salomon was always on the lookout for something like this to happen, so he would react immediately if there were signs of something like this happening. Even if there is a better solution now, he has no time to delay any longer. He must send someone to interrogate all the Skrulls to find out what kind of conspiracy is brewing among these aliens.

If it was just a false alarm, then Salomon would make good use of these Skrulls' advantages.

He has not forgotten the Skrulls who followed Carol Danvers all over the universe to parasitize. Sooner or later, those aliens will come to the earth and try to parasitize human society in a peaceful coexistence way. It was not humans who blew up the Skrulls' home planet. Humans had no obligation, let alone the responsibility, to accept these parasites - Salomon could think with his toes that the Holy Virgin would definitely call on humans to do this. If the Skrulls are allowed to appear on the stage, then a secret subversion is just around the corner. This is the blood and tears of the surrounding civilizations after the destruction of the Skrulls' home planet, and Salomon is a person who will learn from it.

Even if these Skrulls talked about peaceful coexistence, he would not believe a word.

Even the Kree are more trustworthy than the Skrulls. At least the Kree still have honor to speak of.

As he said before, Nick Fury did not fulfill his promise, so Salomon will solve the problem in his own way, otherwise when the alien fleet comes to the solar system, these Skoos under Nick Fury will The Lu people didn't know how many people would turn against them, waiting for an opportunity to occupy the earth. Salomon and the prisoners boarded two different assault transports. Before the hangar door opened, he said to Ola, Get Stephanie and her administrative staff here. I want to take full control of this place.

Yes, my Lord! Aura said, I believe Ms. Tita only needs two hours to complete the task.

I care more about your lives than this space station. Tell Tita not to be too reckless. I don't want to trade their lives for this orbiting space station.

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